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  • Birthday 02/26/1964

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  • Name: Peter Cogliano
  • Location Stamford, CT/Qatar
  • Agency Ras Laffan Emergency and Safety College

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  1. I would agree, although if I remember correctly almost all Germans have to do compulsory military service, so I'm sure more than a few have driven vehicles similar to this.
  2. Industrial rig at Merck in Darmstadt Germany. Merck is a German chemical and pharmaceutical corporation Year: 2006 Manufacturer: Mercedes-Benz Country: Germany Merck Darmstadt Mercedes Rosenbauer 2-27 TroTLF Mercedes-Benz 3535/Rosenbauer DA-EM 241 1993 One of two Industrial Engines. The nickname is Iguana Here's some basic info: Chassis: MB 3535 Bodywork: Rosenbauer (the cab itself was modified by Eller GmbH) Manufactured: 1993 Water tank: 4000 l Foam tank: 4000 l ABC dry powder: 3000 kg CO2: 300 kg Pump output: 6000 lpm @ 8 bar The crew cab in the middle of the bodywork has 4 seats (facing backwards, with BA sets fitted into the backrests). One additional BA set is mounted in the driver's cab. The water tank (and presumably the foam tank as well) is situated behind the crew cab, above the rear axels. A hosereel is mounted in the pump locker, above the pump's control panel. The powder and CO2 tanks are installed above the two front axles. There are 4 hosereels behind the driver's cab, 2 for each agent, on both sides (the smaller one for CO2 and the larger one for powder). There are two roof monitors. The vehicle is also fitted with a 'shower' system (decontamination purposes? the German description didn't say what it is for exactly!).
  3. She just got refurbed again last year. Here she is in her latest incarnation..sad to say after another 10 12- years, probably her last too
  4. SFD has 5 fully staffed firehouses in what had been the Stamford Fire District (basically from LI Sound north to Bulls Head and Greenwich to Darien West to East). These stations house U-4 (on duty Deputy i.e. Shift Commander) Engines 1,2,3,4 & 5, Trucks 1 (TL), 2 & 3(Ladders) and Rescue 1. Each unit is staffed with four. Additionally SFD has Engine 6 in Glenbrook, Engine 7 in Springdale and Engines 8 & 9 in Turn of River (1 in each TRFD station) also staffed by four. As for the VFDs, the resources excluding personnel are as follows Glenbook -2 Engines, 1 Ladder 1 support unit Belltown - 2 Engines, 1 Tower Ladder, 1 medium duty Rescue Springdale - 2 Engines, 1 Suppprt unit TRFD - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 Rescue, 1 Tanker Long Ridge - 2 Engines, 1 Pumper/Tanker, 1 light duty Rescue. 1 Tanker (2 career personnel on duty 24/7, FM on duty M-F 8-4) As far as responses go, to the best of my recollection the City is dispatched to ALL calls citywide with an Engine (or other unit if no Engine is available) dispatched to life threatening medical calls and a full box assignment for fire calls (which I believe is 3E's, 1T &1R with a 4th E dispatched with traffic, upgraded to code 3 response as FAST if confirmed WF) For calls in the VFD districts that VFD will also be dispatched. VFD responses vary from nonexistant to 100% which is why SFD is dispatched to all calls. Hope this is what you were looking for Merry Christmas
  5. Because ISO isn't about firefighting ability or even capability, it's about meeting textbook benchmarks and checking the box. I've seen a good number of ISO Class 1 rated FDs burn buildings to the ground on a regular basis. But hey at least the residents benefit from the rating in their premiums.
  6. Frankly a dues paying member not getting the recognition he deserves is pretty disgraceful in my book. Rest assured FP Roma is remembered by this fireman
  7. It is unfortunate that some are not "officially" remembered, but like Alan I don't believe that's because there's a concerted effort to omit them. Some may have been overlooked but the thing is they can really only be forgotten if we let them be, so let us promise ourselves that we will not let that happen. Of course the 343 hold a well deserved special place for us as firefighters and we should honor their sacrifice and their heroism until the day we die. But so too must we honor the other 2653 who perished along with them that day. All had their lives cut short for no other reason than they were at the WTC or the Pentagon or on flight 93 that fateful day. Every one of the 2996 people who were murdered on 9/11 had a family and friends and colleagues who were left with a huge unfillable void in their lives by these senseless deaths. Each and every one of those people deserves to be remembered not just as a statistic, but as a person with hopes and dreams and a destiny left unfulfilled. Kieth Roma is one of them and if he cannot be "officially" recognized so be it, but he and all of the victims can be remembered by each of us here. Whether we do it in public or in private, as long as we remember those lost they will all continue to live on. What we do now, how we remember, becomes more important with each passing year. There will come a day when no one alive was alive on Sept. 11, 2001, so how we remember the events and victims of 9/11 today will be all that future generations have...let us be sure to leave them with something worthy of the lives that were taken.
  8. It has been my experience that many departments, well at least the proactive ones, leave personnel behind to staff the firehouse when attending parades or other times a good number of members will be out of town. In fact in some cases staffing actually increases at these times as those left behind are committed to responding or better yet staffing the firehouse. Now if only VFDs would get on the bandwagon and staff their firehouses regularly the instances of inadequate responses could be dramatically reduced.
  9. Educating the public on how and why we do what we do is always a good thing, but the reality is most people don't really care, nor should we expect them to. By a huge majority all the public knows and cares about when it comes to us is that there's a building with big red trucks with sirens and flashing lights down the street and that we show up with those trucks when we're called. Beyond that there is very little time in their busy and hectic lives to give us even a passing thought..and that should come as no surprise since, by that same large majority we don't spend our time thinking about how and why they do what they do. I mean how many of us give any thought to why an accountant does their job as they do or why that cashier at the grocery store checks and bags our items the way they do....unless the way they're doing it inconveniences us. Where all of this comes to prominence is when we're dealing with the bean counters, who to be fair, also have a job to do...even if we don't like that we're the target of that job. Educating them becomes a primary concern when funds for staffing or equipment or training come under scrutiny. We have to be able to justify the expense of the services we are providing and why we provide them the way we do. I think this article does a good job of explaining some of that, although I think we're all aware that there are a number of other reasons why members "stand around" outside beyond simply FAST/RIT. I know most of you who "know" me here will find this hard to believe, but sometimes I over think things, look at things a little deeper than what's on the surface. After reading this I find myself doing so again. I asked myself why would we have to explain ourselves to a public that for the most part really doesn't care why we do what we do....well I think in some way this has more to do with us than it does with "them"...here's what I mean: After 9/11 there was a huge upsurge in respect and support for firefighters and fire dept.s everywhere and an equally large up tick in the level of interest of what we do. And we all benefited from that to one extent or another. But (there's always a but) in the 15+ years since, those levels have naturally waned, as these things often do. But from our end, I think some became accustomed to that public attitude and the accolades that came with it and thought it would last forever. But alas nothing does...life goes on after all and people outside the fire service fell back into their routines and worrying about their own lives. To take it a bit further (and anger some I'm sure) there are some FFs and dept.s who one could argue tried to use the tragedy of those 343 lost brothers to further their own agendas, even though they had no direct connection to the events of that dreadful day. Now the point of all this pontification may seem like it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand, but in fact it does because the event of 9/11 and it's aftermath have shaped our collective perception of how we think the public sees...or should see...us. Many firefighters, being "insiders," have a hard time understanding why anyone would question our actions, on the fireground and off, and some may even become angered by thought of having to explain ourselves. But that is on us, not them. They are why we are here and they pay our way, so they have every right to ask "why are so many FFs standing around"....even if they really don't care about the answer. But back to the beginning, most people might question why so many FFs are standing around, but in the end they really don't care...they only want to get the service they need when they need it and it's up to us as professionals to give it to them. If we can educate a few along the way that's great, but if we can't that's ok too, as long as we do our jobs the best we can and remain humble in doing so.
  10. Yes it does and if we'd get back to understanding and teaching this instead of trying to regulate every move on the fireground in the name of "safety", the fireground would become a much more productive place. Know your tools...including your rigs, how, when and where to use them to the best effect and then use them as the situation dictates to get the job done. There was a thread on here a few months ago about radio etiquette with a video in which a "bad" word was used. The issue has also appeared on Statter 911 recently. Now the use of "bad" language is not why I bring this up here, I do because the short sweet and concise content of that comment is the point. Early in the video of a 2 alarm job in Queens(?) a member notifies an interior officer that he has a line in place at the top of the second floor stairs and asks that officer what he wants him to do. The officer replies "put the f#ckin' fire out"!!....and THAT my friends is the point. Our job is to "put the f#ckin' fire out" in the quickest and safest way possible using all the tools at our disposal, is it not? That million dollars worth of equipment sitting out in front of the fire building isn't there just for show. Those big red trucks with flashing lights and sparkling chrome are more than just glorified taxis and parade pieces...they are one of the many tools at our disposal, nothing more, nothing less. And when the situation dictates they should be used as such to put the f#ckin' fire out!!!
  11. I don't think that's a cupola, but rather an air conditioning unit I believe. And I see no problem with using the aerial to remove it as shown.
  12. Listening to DeBlasio I can only shake my head, what a dope. "Intentional" uh duh ya think!! The very nature of a bombing (or mass shooting) is to instill fear...no not just fear but terror...in people. To make them afraid to go outside, to gather in peace, to go to work, in fact to simply live their lives normally. Ignoring the obvious does not make people safer, it makes them ignorant of what's going on around them. Well I got news for ya Mr. Mayor this was an act of TERRORISM no matter who did it. Time to can the PC bullsh!t and start calling these attacks what they are...TERRORISM. We, as a nation, have got to face up to the reality of the world we live in today otherwise we aren't going to be prepared for the next attack...and make no mistake, as we sit here typing away, that next attack is being plotted by someone somewhere right now.
  13. And all this surprises anybody???? As I'm learning, out here in NM we also have a "Fire Fund" derived from a percentage of insurance premiums. The difference, at least as far as I can tell, is that FDs out here have to meet operational benchmarks to receive funds. The more benchmarks reached the more an FD gets. And out here it is based in large part on your ISO rating. To help manage this fund and it's use there is a division within the State Fire Marshal's office that goes around the state to: 1) Help departments increase their rating 2) Watchdog the money to ensure it is getting spent where, by law, it's supposed to be spent... on the operational side of things i.e. rigs, training, equipment, LOSAPs ect. Now I'm sure there are pitfalls and areas where oversight and such could be improved within the system here, but it strikes me that they have the right idea. Whatever you want to call it, money such as this should be dedicated solely to improving the operational capabilities of a department and yes there should be benchmarks to be reached to keep the tap flowing. Let me just clarify that I'm not accusing anyone in Hartsdale or anywhere else of any wrongdoing, but I think this is another case of traditions not in step with the realities and needs of today. Yes it's the way it's always been done, but for any number of reasons, the way it's always been done might need to be changed. In a time when many departments, career and volunteer alike, struggle with operational shortcomings, couldn't that money be better spent on dealing with those shortcomings rather than: "department social functions - such as installation dinners, picnics, banquets, holiday parties; appliances, furniture, televisions for the firehouse; dress & parade uniforms, hats, boots, jackets, t-shirts" ??
  14. Awww boo hoo hoo...may he rest in a pit of fire writhing in agony for all eternity
  15. The fallen of 09/11/2001....... FDNY Firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics killed on 9/11 Company Fatalities: FDNY Chief Peter J. Ganci, Jr., 54 FDNY Commissioner William M. Feehan, 72 FDNY Marshal Ronald Paul Bucca, 47 FDNY Chaplain Mychal Judge, 68 Battalion 1: Chief Matthew Lancelot Ryan, 54 Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell, 46 Battalion 2: Chief William McGovern, 49 Chief Richard Prunty, 57 Faustino Apostol, Jr., 55 Battalion 4: Lt. Thomas O'Hagan, 43 Battalion 6: Chief John P. Williamson, 46 Battalion 7: Chief Orio Palmer, 45 Lt. Stephen G. Harrell, 44 Lt. Philip Scott Petti, 43 Battalion 8: Chief Thomas Patrick DeAngelis, 51 Thomas McCann, 45 Battalion 9: Chief Dennis Lawrence Devlin, 51 Chief Edward F. Geraghty, 45 Lt. Charles William Garbarini, 44 Carl Asaro, 39 Alan D. Feinberg, 48 Battalion 11: Chief John M. Paolillo, 51 Battalion 12: Chief Frederick Claude Scheffold, Jr., 57 Battalion 22: Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta, 44 Battalion 43: Lt. Geoffrey E. Guja, 49 Battalion 47: Lt. Anthony Jovic, 39 Battalion 48: Chief Joseph Grzelak, 52 Michael Leopoldo Bocchino, 45 Battalion 49: Chief John Moran, 42 Battalion 50: Chief Lawrence T. Stack, 58 Battalion 57: Chief Dennis Cross, 60 Chief Joseph Ross Marchbanks, Jr, 47 Division 1: Capt. Joseph D. Farrelly, 47 Capt. Thomas Moody, 45 Division 11: Capt. Timothy M. Stackpole, 42 Division 15: Chief Thomas Theodore Haskell, Jr., 37 Capt. Martin J. Egan, Jr., 36 Capt. William O'Keefe, 48 Engine 1: Lt. Andrew Desperito, 43 Michael T. Weinberg, 34 Engine 4: Calixto Anaya, Jr, 35 James C. Riches, 29 Thomas G. Schoales, 27 Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41 Engine 5: Manuel Del Valle, Jr, 32 Engine 6: Paul Beyer, 37 Thomas Holohan, 36 William R. Johnston, 31 Engine 8: Robert Parro, 35 Engine 10: Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas, 44 Jeffrey James Olsen, 31 Engine 21: Capt. William Francis Burke, Jr., 46 Engine 22: Thomas Anthony Casoria, 29 Michael J. Elferis, 27 Vincent D. Kane, 37 Martin E. McWilliams, 35 Engine 23: Robert McPadden, 30 James Nicholas Pappageorge, 29 Hector Luis Tirado, Jr., 30 Mark P. Whitford, 31 Engine 26: Capt. Thomas Farino, 37 Dana R Hannon, 29 Engine 29: Michael Ragusa, 29 Engine 33: Lt. Kevin Pfeifer, 42 David Arce, 36 Michael Boyle, 37 Robert Evans, 36 Keithroy Marcellus Maynard, 30 Engine 37: John Giordano, 47 Engine 40: Lt. John F. Ginley, 37 Kevin Bracken, 37 Michael D. D'Auria, 25 Bruce Gary, 51 Steven Mercado, 38 Engine 50: Robert W. Spear, Jr., 30 Engine 54: Paul John Gill, 34 Jose Guadalupe, 37 Christopher Santora, 23 Engine 55 Lt. Peter L. Freund, 45 Robert Lane, 28 Christopher Mozzillo, 27 Stephen P. Russell, 40 Engine 58 Lt. Robert B. Nagel, 55 Engine 74 Ruben D. Correa, 44 Engine 201 Lt. Paul Richard Martini, 37 Gregory Joseph Buck, 37 Christopher Pickford, 32 John Albert Schardt, 34 Engine 205 Lt. Robert Francis Wallace, 43 Engine 207 Karl Henry Joseph, 25 Shawn Edward Powell, 32 Kevin O. Reilly, 28 Engine 214 Lt. Carl John Bedigian, 35 John Joseph Florio, 33 Michael Edward Roberts, 31 Kenneth Thomas Watson, 39 Engine 216 Daniel Suhr, 37 Engine 217 Lt. Kenneth Phelan, 41 Steven Coakley, 36 Philip T. Hayes, 67 Neil Joseph Leavy, 34 Engine 219 John Chipura, 39 Engine 226 Brian McAleese, 36 David Paul De Rubbio, 38 Stanley S. Smagala, Jr., 36 Engine 230 Lt. Brian G. Ahearn, 43 Frank Bonomo, 42 Michael Scott Carlo, 34 Jeffrey Stark, 30 Eugene Whelan, 31 Edward James White III, 30 Engine 235 Lt. Steven Bates, 42 Nicholas Paul Chiofalo, 39 Francis Esposito, 32 Lee S. Fehling, 28 Lawrence G. Veling, 44 Engine 238 Lt. Glenn E. Wilkinson, 46 Engine 279 Ronnie Lee Henderson, 52 Anthony Rodriguez, 36 Engine 285 Raymond R. York, 45 Engine 320 Capt. James J. Corrigan, 60 Haz-Mat 1 Lt. John A. Crisci, 48 Dennis M. Carey, 51 Martin N. DeMeo, 47 Thomas Gardner, 39 Jonathan R. Hohmann, 48 Dennis Scauso, 46 Kevin Joseph Smith, 47 Ladder 2 Capt. Frederick Ill, Jr, 49 Michael J. Clarke, 27 George DiPasquale, 33 Denis P. Germain, 33 Daniel Edward Harlin, 41 Carl Molinaro, 32 Dennis Michael Mulligan, 32 Ladder 3 Capt. Patrick J. Brown, 48 Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly, 43 Michael Carroll, 39 James Raymond Coyle, 26 Gerard Dewan, 35 Jeffrey John Giordano, 45 Joseph Maloney, 45 John Kevin McAvoy, 47 Timothy Patrick McSweeney, 37 Joseph J. Ogren, 30 Steven John Olson, 38 Ladder 4 Capt. David Terence Wooley, 54 Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan, 42 Joseph Angelini, Jr, 38 Peter Brennan, 30 Michael E. Brennan, 27 Michael Haub, 34 Michael F. Lynch, 33 Samuel Oitice, 45 John James Tipping II, 33 Ladder 5 Lt. Vincent Francis Giammona, 40 Lt. Michael Warchola, 51 Louis Arena, 32 Andrew Brunn, 28 Thomas Hannafin, 36 Paul Hanlon Keating, 38 John A. Santore, 49 Gregory Thomas Saucedo, 31 Ladder 7 Capt. Vernon Allan Richard, 53 George Cain, 35 Robert Joseph Foti, 42 Richard Muldowney Jr, 40 Charles Mendez, 38 Vincent Princiotta, 39 Ladder 8 Lt. Vincent Gerard Halloran, 43 Ladder 9 Gerard Baptiste, 35 John P. Tierney, 27 Jeffrey P. Walz, 37 Ladder 10 Sean Patrick Tallon, 26 Ladder 11 Lt. Michael Quilty, 42 Michael F. Cammarata, 22 Edward James Day, 45 John F. Heffernan, 37 Richard John Kelly, Jr, 50 Robert King, Jr, 36 Matthew Rogan, 37 Ladder 12 Angel L. Juarbe, Jr, 35 Michael D. Mullan, 34 Ladder 13 Capt. Walter G. Hynes, 46 Thomas Hetzel, 33 Dennis McHugh, 34 Thomas E. Sabella, 44 Gregory Stajk, 46 Ladder 15 Lt. Joseph Gerard Leavey, 45 Richard Lanard Allen, 30 Arthur Thaddeus Barry, 35 Thomas W. Kelly, 50 Scott Kopytko, 32 Scott Larsen, 35 Douglas E. Oelschlager, 36 Eric T. Olsen, 41 Ladder 16 Lt. Raymond E. Murphy, 46 Robert Curatolo, 31 Ladder 20 Capt. John R. Fischer, 46 John Patrick Burnside, 36 James Michael Gray, 34 Sean S. Hanley, 35 David Laforge, 50 Robert Thomas Linnane, 33 Robert D. McMahon, 35 Ladder 21 Gerald T. Atwood, 38 Gerard Duffy, 53 Keith Glascoe, 38 Joseph Henry, 25 William E. Krukowski, 36 Benjamin Suarez, 34 Ladder 24 Capt. Daniel J. Brethel, 43 Stephen Elliot Belson, 51 Ladder 25 Lt. Glenn C. Perry, 41 Matthew Barnes, 37 John Michael Collins, 42 Kenneth Kumpel, 42 Robert Minara, 54 Joseph Rivelli, 43 Paul G. Ruback, 50 Ladder 27 John Marshall, 35 Ladder 35 Capt. Frank Callahan, 51 James Andrew Giberson, 43 Vincent S. Morello, 34 Michael Otten, 42 Michael Roberts, 30 Ladder 38 Joseph Spor, Jr., 35 Ladder 42 Peter Alexander Bielfeld, 44 Ladder 101 Lt. Joseph Gullickson, 37 Patrick Byrne, 39 Salvatore B. Calabro, 38 Brian Cannizzaro, 30 Thomas J. Kennedy, 36 Joseph Maffeo, 31 Terence A. McShane, 37 Ladder 105 Capt. Vincent Brunton, 43 Thomas Richard Kelly, 39 Henry Alfred Miller, Jr, 51 Dennis O'Berg, 28 Frank Anthony Palombo, 46 Ladder 111 Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan, 39 Ladder 118 Lt. Robert M. Regan, 48 Joseph Agnello, 35 Vernon Paul Cherry, 49 Scott Matthew Davidson, 33 Leon Smith, Jr., 48 Peter Anthony Vega, 36 Ladder 131 Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, 28 Ladder 132 Andrew Jordan, 36 Michael Kiefer, 25 Thomas Mingione, 34 John T. Vigiano II, 36 Sergio Villanueva, 33 Ladder 136 Michael Joseph Cawley, 32 Ladder 166 William X. Wren, 61 Rescue 1 Capt. Terence S. Hatton, 41 Lt. Dennis Mojica, 50 Joseph Angelini, Sr., 63 Gary Geidel, 44 William Henry, 49 Kenneth Joseph Marino, 40 Michael Montesi, 39 Gerard Terence Nevins, 46 Patrick J. O'Keefe, 44 Brian Edward Sweeney, 29 David M. Weiss, 41 Rescue 2 Lt. Peter C. Martin, 43 William David Lake, 44 Daniel F. Libretti, 43 John Napolitano, 32 Kevin O'Rourke, 44 Lincoln Quappe, 38 Edward Rall, 44 Rescue 3 Christopher Joseph Blackwell, 42 Thomas Foley, 32 Thomas Gambino, Jr., 48 Raymond Meisenheimer, 46 Donald J. Regan, 47 Gerard Patrick Schrang, 45 Rescue 4 Capt. Brian Hickey, 47 Lt. Kevin Dowdell, 46 Terrence Patrick Farrell, 45 William J. Mahoney, 37 Peter Allen Nelson, 42 Durrell V. Pearsall, 34 Rescue 5 Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi, 45 Lt. Harvey Harrell, 49 John P. Bergin, 39 Carl Vincent Bini, 44 Michael Curtis Fiore, 46 Andre G. Fletcher, 37 Douglas Charles Miller, 34 Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo, 33 Nicholas P. Rossomando, 35 Allan Tarasiewicz, 45 Special Operations Chief Raymond Mathew Downey, 63 Capt. Patrick J. Waters, 44 Lt. Timothy Higgins, 43 Lt. Michael Thomas Russo, Sr, 44 Squad 1 Capt. James M. Amato, 43 Lt. Edward A. D'Atri, 38 Lt. Michael Esposito, 41 Lt. Michael N. Fodor, 53 Brian Bilcher, 37 Gary Box, 37 Thomas M. Butler, 37 Peter Carroll, 42 Robert Cordice, 28 David J. Fontana, 37 Matthew David Garvey, 37 Stephen Gerard Siller, 34 Squad 18 Lt. William E. McGinn, 43 Eric Allen, 44 Andrew Fredricks, 40 David Halderman, 40 Timothy Haskell, 34 Manuel Mojica, 37 Lawrence Virgilio, 38 Squad 41 Lt. Michael K. Healey, 42 Thomas Patrick Cullen III, 31 Robert Hamilton, 43 Michael J. Lyons, 32 Gregory Sikorsky, 34 R. Bruce Van Hine, 48 Squad 252 Tarel Coleman, 32 Thomas Kuveikis, 48 Peter J. Langone, 41 Patrick Lyons, 34 Kevin Prior, 28 Squad 288 Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin, 42 Ronnie E. Gies, 43 Joseph Hunter, 31 Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29 Adam David Rand, 30 Timothy Matthew Welty, 34 EMS Battalion 49 Paramedic Carlos R. Lillo, 37 EMS Battalion 57 Paramedic Ricardo J. Quinn, 40