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Everything posted by minivac

  1. does anyone know why the thrusters are covered by the cone shaped thing on the end?
  2. Any info on its arrival date?
  3. Congrats Lisa!!! Finally being recognized for all of your hard work!
  4. As a highschooler, this stuff is everywhere. I don't drink so I have never had one, but I have heard many stories about people when they drink them. Four Loko's are so bad that New Jersey has a plan to ban them from being sold in their state. Teenagers believe that since Alcohol is a depressant, that the caffine will balance the alcohol out and nothing will happen. Just another Stupid teenage myth.
  5. I read Dr. Sanjay Gupta's book, Cheating Death, and he has an enitre chapter divoted to a study of CPR. His studies showed that when people recieved just chest compressions, they had a higher chance of survival. Intresting concept.
  6. I agree 100% Thank you for better phrasing my question!
  7. As I said, we do NOT have a problem with out dispatch angency, they tell us what info they gather, which is very useful. But if lights and sirens do not help, why not take them off all fire apperatus, ems rigs, and police cars?
  8. While I understand that every call we go on may not be a life or death situation, they are always emergencies, otherwise it wouldn't be called EMERGENCY medical services... While the ultimate topic of this thread is about lights and sirens, I believe this is more a conversation about the individual drivers and how they drive on each call. You must always use common sense on a call and do whatever nessicary to keep the crew and the patient safe. So lights and sirens or not, just get the job done and stay safe.
  9. In My Corps, We Go Lights and sirens to every call (unless specified by the patient that they do not want to have a lights and sirens approach to their house). I like this policy becuase you can never rely on the dipatch information (not criticizing dispachers, I really apprechiate all you guys do) but it has been my experiance that what we get called out for is very different than what we have to deal with on scene, and you never know when a "diabetic emergancy" will turn into a cardiac arrest. (yes this has happened) We have lights and sirens for a reason, so use them, just not excessively
  10. Im new to all this, what does PIAA mean?
  11. I have 5-0 radio and I use it all the time. The multi-tasking feature is a great thing
  12. So the Emergency Room will still be open? What happens if the patient needs to be admitted?
  13. Its a medical drama. Its just like how Rescue Me and Law And Order aren't based off of facts of the job, but about the drama of it all. I personally like the show
  14. "VALHALLA - Westchester Medical Center is losing its STAT Flight helicopter in a cost-cutting move that will shift patient air transports to upstate medical evacuation choppers - raising concerns among some local officials." this is a terrible idea... that copter went on many calls and saved many lives. They do not realize that by taking the copter away. It is not only worrying local officials but it is worrying many civilians also
  15. is the reviewing stand in the same place as last year?
  16. i dont see how these are a necessity. cant they put that money into something a little more... useful? i mean, a vast majority of the people would see this rig coming down the road without these additional lights..
  17. i dont see how all these lights are a necessity. cant they spend their money in more... useful ways?
  18. Monday, May 25th Bedford Hills Memorial Day Briarcliff Manor Memorial Day leaving from Bedford Hills May 29th Mount Kisco Memorial Day Wednesday, June 3rd Katonah Saturday, June 13th Goldens Bridge Saturday, June 27th Yorktown Wednesday, July 1st Mamaroneck Friday, July 10th Mount Kisco Friday, July 31st Bedford Village
  19. isnt there a law against this??
  20. done. good cause. maybe we could start one for the family that lost their house in the Bedford Hills Fire
  21. As a person who is allergic to nuts and has many family members who are also, I am shoked to find out that not all NYC ambulances carry epi pens. It i an extreamly important medicine that should availible everywhere. I woulnt mine payig a few extra dollars a month in taxes to make sure that there is an epi pen on every rig in NYc
  22. NOOOO! i have the 2nd part of the english regents tomorrow! if there is no school, then i have to take it all over again in JUNE!!!
  23. So Sad To see it gone. but does anyone know why it was being moved to a war museam? I always thought it was a retired STAT flight
  24. Was the the copter from Maria Fareri Children's Hospital? I love seeing that when i go for my treatments. Anyone Have any pictures?