Two one hundred foot five inch lines into a five inch siameze with one five inch line to the recieving pumper. Hose is Angus. Pressure was way over normal operating pressure. Evolution may have qualified for a hose test, if you know what I mean. Using the siameze cut the RPM's on the engine to just under 1800. Flow meters showed 900 gallons+ on each line. Was supposed to read: - "That would be two 5" lines into a 5" siameze; One would be set up off the 4"NSTX5" STORZ fitting on the right sideof the engine and a 2 1/2"NSTX5" STORZ off the left side. We have delivered over 1800 gallons, 2,600 feet off a really good 16" water main. NO Relay pumper and slightly up hill. Used a whole bunch of fuel!" (hope that cleaned up the Russian.)