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Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Does "Nothing Showing" Mean Anything?
Wow! Here we go again.
It sounds like the first arriving officer should now say "Arrived at 100 Main Street I don't see anything but I'll have to investigate further because I can only see sides 1 and 2. Have incoming units reduce their response to non-emergency but they don't have to proceed with caution any more because those words trigger something in their brains and they may get into an accident. OOPS, I said sides1 an 2. For those of you who can't convert that, it's A and B. No signs of fire after my 360, but the neighbors keep pointing to the house across the street. Whoop, there it is."
Why not just leave it as "Nothing Showing"
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by Ga-Lin in Ellenville EMT saves 4 y/o, is suspended/quits
The point I think we all are mising is that there is a severe internal problem within this agency. This individual was a crew chief, working committee member, has been in & around the agency since he was 15, 5-6 years and was the youth squad advisor. Anyone remember the end scene in the movie Philidelphia, when the jury is in the room discussing the case? Why do you still have a problem with someone that you have had & should have been grooming for the past 5-6 years, why promote a problem child to crew chief and why in Gods name do you put someone that you are having, supposedly, long standing control issues with in charge of your farm system, your youth squad, who is suppose to serve as a mentor & role model for these kids. I just don't get it, someone want to explain it to me......Like I'm a 3 year old.
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by cman473 in Plattekill (Ulster) FD Rollover
Tonight @ 21:00 the Plattekill Fire Department was dispatched for a PIAA on the NYS Thruway at mile marker 71.1 South Bound. Car 1, Car 3, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 4, 645 and 47-36 where all responding when @ 21:11 We were advised that Engine 4 was involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident, roll over with entrapment.
I have a been some sort of a chief officer for 13 years now, in the fire service for 21 years and never once did I instantly feel like I was going to vomit while responding to an incident...not until last night. I can tell you there are so many things that are going through your head after receiving an alarm involving your own...
What do I do? Whom do I call? How difficult is the extrication? What Happened? What did they hit? Who is in the truck? But the toughest question, the one that still rings in my head is "Are they alive?"
I will not speak of specifics. I will not release the details of this incident and I will let the authorities finish their investigation. But what I can tell you, 4 of the 5 firefighters have been released. Engine 4 is a total loss and the definition of brotherhood was re-taught to me through the actions of area fire departments and fire departments through out the state.
Cronomer Valley whom handled the incident...Thank you!!! Your professionalism went a long way tonight. You are our brothers and for you I am thankful. With out getting into every department that has reached out to us, because I can guarantee someone with be forgotten, whether it be at either at our stations or through phone calls, I had 132 missed calls, Thank you!!! Never have I had such an out pouring of support just for us.
I ask you, do you know what it is like to have to sit at the back of your vehicle trying to coordinate different responses while your Firefighters need YOUR help? Not something I EVER want to handle again.
For years we instill into our memberships heads...Seat belts, seat belts, SEAT BELTS... and on November 2nd 2013 @ 21:11, those seat belts saved their lives.
At St. Francis Hospital...the support continued. Fairview, Roosevelt, Arlington Fire Departments, with Engines, and Lisa Gardner, whom provided me with very informative updates, met the inbound ambulances to assist with ANYTHING we needed, ANYTHING. Tears is the word that best described how I was after I was notified of your support! I cant say thank you because thank you doesn't cover your actions. I owe you... period.
At 1:21 we called back in service, My membership continuing to want to help the community, knowing that what we seen tonight could have been completely different.
We will continue serving the community, we are Plattekill. We ARE Plattekill Strong.
I ask no one post NO Photos or post no details until the investigation is complete and I approve of such postings.
Thank you Everyone.
Chief Christopher Mancuso
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by JetPhoto in (Bidding) Village of Wappingers, NY Ladder
Long overdue
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by jfmuller in (Bidding) Village of Wappingers, NY Ladder
County: Dutchess
City/Town/Municipality/Dept: Village of Wappingers, Falls W.T. Garner Engine
Unit designation/identifier: Ladder 68-45
Chassis & Body (or Aerial) Manufacturer and model: Not Available
Pump size, tank size (water/foam), aerial type & length: 100' Rear Mount Aerial Platform with 2000gpm/300gallon
Estimated delivery date: Not Available
Status: Out for Bid
Notes: Replacing 1990 Simon Duplex 68-45
Legal notice posted in Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by sfrd18 in LaGrange Home Invasion - One Suspect Shot Dead - 5/14/12
As Johnny Cash once sang:
"You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or later God will cut you down."
Glad the officers are okay. Good riddance to that piece of scum.
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by IzzyEng4 in Can you...spell that again please....slowly
I wonder if he was hanging out with his girlfriend Bow-wow-wow Yippy-yo Yippy-Yea???
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by CFD048 in Chelsea House Fire 7/2/11 - DISCUSSION THREAD
To all questioning F.A.S.T team. between Cheslea,Beacon, and Castle Point we had approx. 40 firefighters on scene. Approx 25 interior. We were using 5-8 members at a time either interior or on roof. That left about 15 members outside for relief and/or F.A.S.T.. there was also 2 engines sitting idle for back up if needed. I felt with the manpower at the scene we did not need a 2nd alarm or formal team on scene. All of my interiors are at least survival trained and most have F.A.S.T. . This was just a fire on second floor and under control in about 20-30 mins. the guys made a quick stop of the fire and kept the fire damage to the front 2 rooms and part of the roof. Any further questions feels free to p.m. me. Bob Van Tassel Chief Chelsea
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in 24 Cattle Killed After Tractor Trailer Carrying Them Flips
Dispatch the special operations trailer, pictured here:
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Badge Question
Badges, we don't need no stinking Badges
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Getting smoke smell out of a laptop
Note: Incident Alerts should NOT be updated inside a working fire. But we appreciate the dedication...
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by x134 in La Grange Fire Dist- MVA Photos 10/28/09
You are a member of a Department that does that! Career has Tan and Volunteer has Black.... THE "PUBLIC" does not care as long as someone shows up and is able to mitigate the problem at hand!
You are entitled to an opinion, but by making that type of statement that's where the animosity starts. I don't care what color gear I wear. I love the job and I am there to help the public....period! I think we should be more concerned with training and being sure we can do the job correctly and not so worried about what color our turnouts are! But that's just me.
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by gpdexplorer in Congrats to efdcapt115
I just wanted to congratulate efdcapt115 for being the first member to earn a reputation of 100. He provides excellent info and insight to the members of this forum. Being a younger member of the fire service, we learn a lot from the posts of the more experienced and knowledgable members of this site. I wish him continued success here.
I would also like to thank all of the other members who post here, as there are several other members who will be reaching the 100 mark soon. These are the guys that really make EMTBravo what it is.
Thanks again.
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by billwiegelman in Los Angeles swiftwater canine rescue
My point is it never should have been a "swift water rescue" It was a dog. What are you doing dropping a guy out of a helicopter into a rain swollen river, putting his life on the line for a dog. Then to boot, he gets injured by the dog
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Technical Rescue Teams
The Westchester Special Operations Task Force (WSOTF) consists of 10 departments operating a Technical rescue, Hazmat unit and 6 squad companies. The squads are from Yonkers, New Rochelle, Mt Vernon, White Plains, Eastchester & Scarsdale, and Greenville/Fairview/Hartsdale. All squads are trained and equipped for in Hazmat/WMD and Confined Space, all are trained for trench & building collapse, but only 4 of the squads are equiped for that. We train together, we would like to train together more, but sometimes funding is funneled elsewhere and not to WSOTF ($400,000 from a WSTOF major collapse drill went far north). If you wanted the services of WSOTF they can be requested thru 60 Control, but you have to ask for them, if you want WSOTF otherwise they will send the team they feel is "best".
Yonkers, Greenville and New Rochelle responded to Hawthorne for a building collapse after a tornado strike (about 2 years ago). 18 minutes after dispatch we had approximatly 56 technical rescue techs onscene which included 3 collapse units and 2 heavy rescue units. This was on a weekday afternoon.
Is it a duplication to have the Westchester TRT? what kind of response can they provide? Last weekend Valhalla FD had a vehicle into a building and they requested the WTRT to respond. The onscene time was 20 minutes from time of dispatach. How many members arrived in 20 minutes?
WSOTF was able to get 56 fully trained members to Hawthorne in the same time it tok WTRT to respond to Valhalla with "X" number of responders. Note: as of last summer they had approx 25 members who had completed the states building collapse course.
New Rochelle (and others) have responded M/A to other counties and even north to the Canadian Border. When we were trying to establish a county wide system (years before the WTRT) we traveled north a number of times to show volunteer depts that we wanted their participation.
Rayman0784 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Reconize Great Posts & Members (Member Reputation System)
No REP for Mods....?
JBJ1202 liked a post in a topic by Rayman0784 in Equipment In cab of truck
I am doing some research in regards to equipment needs in my department, more specifically on our rigs. I have been reading through NFPA 1901, but I haven't come across the section that I need yet. So i figured I would throw it out here, and see what kind of response I get.
When you are building a rig, or speccing it out, what are the standards that you should have per seat in the rig. This is more in terms of radio's, lights, and tools of that nature (anything to be mounted in the cab area). What are the thoughts out there, and is there a "standard" to follow?