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Everything posted by gamewell45

  1. An Exempt Fireman is a volunteer fireman, who has served a minimum of 5 years as a firefighter in the State of New York. At one point Exempt firemen were exempt from Jury Duty (although i'm not sure if it included Federal Grand Jury) and was supposed to make a positive difference when you applied for positions in some jobs that were civil service. There might be other benefits associated with being Exempt; but i'm not sure what they would be.
  2. The Volunteer Fire Police Association of Dutchess County plans on putting on a ham radio seminar/course which will be open to all emergency services personnel. They are going to try to set it up within the next couple of months. The goal is to get everyone licensed to at least a Technican Grade License. If your interested PM me and I'll put your name in the data base to personally send you information.
  3. I see alot of people in here are still agonizing over the election of Obama. I wonder what percentage of you will develop ulcers over this? Is it really worth all the grousing thats going on? Look at it this way, we survived 8 years of Bush; i'm sure we can survive 4-8 years of Obama. Just relax people...its out of our hands either way.
  4. I think in many cases, society in general prefers to incarcerate the person and throw the key away and forget about the offender until his/her term has been completed. Its important to realize that people can be rehabilitated and become useful, productive citizens in society. I realize not every case will have a successful conclusion, but a certain percentage will be rehabed and no matter how small the percentage, its all worth it.
  5. One thing is a given if we were to follow your rationale of thinking; Westchester would remain the highest taxed county in the United States. Most likely taxpayers would never go along with it. We may as well try to fix the existing system in use and make the best of it.
  6. Can you be a little more specific? Do you mean size as in population or sq miles?
  7. I think we are in this together whether your vote was for McCain, Obama or a third party candidate!
  8. While I concur with you, I doubt your going to get much sympathy from the the public, many of whom must work until they turn 60-65 years of age before they can retire; keep their benefits and collect their pensions (for those lucky enough to have company provided pensions). It all comes down to taxpayer dollars of which there appears to be an acute shortage of in the state and local municipalities given the current financial situation of the country.
  9. Rest In Peace Bro.
  10. I wouldn't worry too much about the article. In all honesty, unless its on the front page with 2 inch caps, most likely few will take the time to read it, except mostly emergency workers or those who read every single line, including all the classified adds.
  11. Nice car. Only thing i noticed (unless they store them elsewhere) is they really ought to find a way to secure the tools (haligan/fire axe). In the event of an accident they could become airborne and cause serious injury and/or death to the driver/passengers. Perhaps the installation of a wire/mesh cage in the rear of the vehicle might remedy the safety issue.
  12. I agree that its a tough sell. The employees really have to want it to happen and be willing to make sacrifices to achieve better working conditions and pay. I honestly believe that if they had better pay, benefits and working conditions, many of them wouldn't consider it a "temporary job".
  13. Its a violation of the National Labor Relations Act of 1934 to fire or retaliate against anyone who supports a union. If working conditions are as bad as some people claim, then they won't care too much about being fired or threatened during an organzing drive. Its normal for employers to resist unions as it means less control they have over the employees. You just need the proper mindset if you want to seriously organize. Successful EMS unions are those who cater to EMS workers such as ASCFME, CWA, CESA, etc. The main problem is a vast masjority of commercial entities choose to remain non-union due to either fear or ignorance.
  14. Me thinks if the EMT's were to collectively organize under the banner of a union (and yes, volunteers can join the union too, depending which union it is) they'd most likely be able to achieve higher wages, better benefits packages, better defined working conditions and other perks that go along with union membership. If that were the case, then you might actually see a shift away from being in the top ten worst jobs in America. As a side note to that, there are some states, particularly some of the southern states where public sector employers are not required to recognize nor bargain collectively with unions.
  15. I think you guys are getting worked up over nothing; all your accomplishing is gaining a few more grey hairs and aggravating your ulcers. Everyone who has been President has fed the American people a line of poppycock so they could get elected and its always the same result no matter who got elected. The American people got an empty bag. This is the way its been, its the way it will always be in our country as long as we operate under this system. I'd worry more about local politics; its really the only level of government that we control and can force change. Gotta start somewhere folks.
  16. Tom was quite a guy. Always willing to lend a hand and help out with anything he was asked to do. I can't begin to tell you the shock waves that went through the department upon learning of his death. I know all of us hope that the killer is caught and justice prevails.
  17. Goose, with all due respect, i think your honestly wrong on this. I think that anyone who responds, whether career or volunteer puts their lives on the line. And let me remind you that volunteers don't get pensions; the LOSAP is an annuity; not a pension and as such the laws are different. Furthermore, who honestly cares if someone shows up in shorts or boat shoes; they don't dress for the job like those of you who are paid to wear a uniform and unless the departments want to start issuing uniform allowances and a secure place to change into their uniforms on scene, then this shouldn't be an issue with anyone. How would you feel if the public objected to you receiving workman's compensation if you were hurt on the job afterall thats a mandated benefit. As far as getting a pension based on the number of jobs you do, contact your union and request that they negotiate that clause into your next contract; if your not union, then approach your boss and tell him how valuable you are to the company; the great pre-hospital medical feats you accomplish in the ambulance and that you deserve a more favorable pension. Maybe they'll consider your request. And by the way, don't forget to tell them that you make this all happen without the abuse of mutual aid.
  18. A most noble idea; unfortunatley there's no money at this time for a consolidation study; perhaps down the road when and if we are able to pull ourselves out of the current recession. Another thing to keep in mind is the so-called "home rule" mentality. Many departments most likely have no interest in giving up their "empires".
  19. Didn't know there were anymore barns left in West Harrison.
  20. Most likely in many combo departments the Board of Fire Commissioners have determined policy based on the needs of the district and not on employment status. Hope that answers your question.
  21. Raz, Just a statement of fact, no matter what job or industry you work in.
  22. Chief, I think you have too much spare time on your hands.