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About gamewell45

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  • Birthday 02/14/1955

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  • Agency Beekman Fire Department

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  1. I've been involved as a union rep in numerous discharge cases and as a rule have the burden of proof; in most of them management doesn't do their "homework" and the employee ends up being reinstated, many times with full back pay and benefits as well. It's also important to remember that the union is not there to "protect" the employee, rather they are there to "represent" the employee .
  2. I might be able to be of assistance; I have quite a bit of experience in the labor field serving as a union officer as well as grievance chairman, most of it being in the private sector. If you want I'll supply you with an email address to contact me.
  3. As long as the public is aware that there is a price tag that comes attached along with it (and accepts it), there should be no problem with forming a career department to handle this elite team. However given the mindset of today's taxpayers, any increase in tax dollars paid will most likely be met with resistance on their part. Whoever is going to form this career team will need to have their homework done before going public with their plans.
  4. Give them emergency vehicle status; that solves that issue.
  5. Never let a few bad apples, whether career or volunteer, spoil the entire barrel because to the core in our hearts we are all there to help those during their time of need.
  6. Agreed. Especially in area's where the volunteer turnout is dismal on a regular basis. Westchester has changed over the past 40 years and many departments have failed to keep up with the times and its come home to roost. The AHJ has an obligation to provide fire protection to its residents and if it means conversion from volunteer to combo or a fully career department, that's what is going to happen regardless of opinion. My suggestion to fire commissioners/city managers would be when a member of your department appears before you to make a suggestion that they would feel improve recruitment/retention/participation that you give it serious consideration; the mindset should be how can we make it work as opposed to why it won't work. A positive outlook usually works better then one of negative as people tend to support what they help to create, something I think many departments have forgotten over time. Younger members bring enthusiasm, dedication and Ideas; the older members offer experience and wisdom; combine both and you have a chance to allow the fire departments mission statement to succeed. Just my opinion.
  7. I would explain to the mayor and residents that the firefighters will do the possible; the impossible will just have to wait like it or not.
  8. As long as the public know that firefighters will throw themselves into danger to do whatever is possible to get those human lives out of danger, nothing is going to change their mindset. For the firefighters they are caught between a rock and a hard place; many of us took an oath to help save lives and property and if we know someone's life is in danger all the rules of OSHA and NFPA generally go out the window as opposed to standing around waiting for the minimum requirement of firefighters arrive on the scene. The best thing I think we can do is to educate the public as to the importance of proper staffing and ideally change their mindset. Most likely it'll be an uphill battle but you have to start somewhere.
  9. They can afford it, just that they hate to spend their money unless absolutely necessary.
  10. I'm sure if, God forbid, their house were on fire, I'd bet they'd want to make sure that all the first responders would hear the siren(s).
  11. There you have it; democracy in action. Perhaps a much scaled down version can be presented to the public down the road.
  12. Looks like the Board of Fire Commissioners did their homework; now all they have to do is sell it to the public.
  13. Do you know for a fact that there are only six volunteer members? Do we know it to be factual that they do not respond on emergency calls?? Why shouldn't the volunteers have access to the fire station they serve out of?? Do you know for a fact that all they do is "hang out to just watch TV, read the paper and drink coffee?? IF you want to enjoy that so-called "thank you pension" then you will have to no doubt move to Hartsdale and join the volunteer fire company. Either way, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered before you begin to cast aspersions upon the volunteers and department as a whole.
  14. You raise a good point, which I failed to post in my initial post; our Policy is Paramedic, EMT or under the supervision of one; the one exception to the rule is if the call involves CPR and you are currently a holder of a valid card, then you may actually engage in administering CPR. Otherwise hands off.
  15. In my department, unless you are a paramedic, EMT or under the supervision of either, you cannot lay a finger on a patient, so we have to wait until the arrival of either.