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So bnechis, instead of sitting around here assuming who new Rochelle is looking at, what is really going on. Is there a town or village looking to be contracted by nrfd or is this just taxpayers complaining and trying to get taxes lowered
Then what will happen with towns that have no district but have only village departments
Found this article. Is this the way of of the future? Will it happen here? Can it be stopped? http://www.firehouse.com/news/10644423/calif-city-officially-disbands-fd-in-favor-of-outsourcing
Never an issue on android log in and password stored
Didn't the movie "I will never tell" get filmed there
Don't get me wrong I am not knocking any dept I just do not understand that FDNY has 5 rescue trucks and westchester has maybe 15-30 rescues. To many redundant rigs around the area. We need to utilize each other and use tax dollars for important equipment that is needed
Why consolidate when the dept heads and political idiots play Russian roulette with lives of the men and women who serve and the lives and property of the people we serve Congrats to the brothers in new ro
Capt I know you are a firm believer with the ISO and you and the consalidation study group stated a savings of 4 million dollars. That's well and good overall. What would it be for individuals. Would it outway the hikes if ISO went down in rating? Is that the way to sell it then or is this consolidation thing dead
What kills me is that we all pay for car insurance and homeowners insurance weather we need it or not but we won't pay for is emergency services. It does not add up. That is why we pay taxes to insure the public from harm and protect property. That is the way it needs to be sold to the public
Seth. I'm on your side trust me. I do not want to see someone die. My attitude is no different than everybody else. I want more manning and trust me my job needs it as what jobs are losing is what we run and sometimes less. We can only educate so much and turn blue in the face but what people see is dollar signs and the elected officials doing what's right and that's only in the tax payer eye and not the fire fighters cops diapatcher or dpw eyes. We have tried to educate to the best we can but nothing happens. That is what I was trying to say. And Seth I do pay my fair share in taxes and I expect full.service for the money I pay. What people also do not see is that 75% of the tax bill is school. Most people pay taxes through their mortgage and do not know what is spent on what. When push comes to shove fire police and dpw are pennies to add or keep the staffing. People pay more for coffee everyday at Dunkin donuts than they do in fire tax. Figure this. A cup of coffee is $2.00 a day on average that is $730 a year for a cup of Joe my fire tax is only $20 more per year and I get 6 guys on the initial call and then another 10-12 for a job which complies with 1710 this is before any mutual aid. Ask yourself this how much is your kids cell phone with the data plan its got to be $60 at a minimum that's another $720 a year. So for coffee and your kids luxury of texting that's $1450. Imagine the fire service you can get for that.
Many tax payers do not care if it is 5 ffs or 1 ff on the truck that shows up so the these so called political people take the chance as long as the truck shows up tax payers are happy. They do not know the difference on what is proper staffing or not proper staffing. They just want the shiny trucks in front The problem is that the politicians take a gamble on tax payer safety and no one is able to police them. They run rampant and do what they want to do nothing is going to change that until the state steps in and regulates the fire Service across the board and we all know that will not happen either Fire related deaths happen everyday and everyday there is finger pointing and still nothing happens and it never will. Sorry for ranting
I agree with you firecapt. But one thing we were taught to protect ourselves first then the public we serve. We can only train as much as department heads will allow. It's hard to try a push forward when you maybe next on the chopping block. We all need to keep our heads up high.
It's sad to say that change will not come. There are to many egos in the way. You have department heads and officials who do not and will not fight for the men or the job. That saying do more with less will rule for a long time. I feel for the firefighters who are losing their jobs. The irony of it all is that gov cuomo created the tax cap to keep people in their homes but the back lash is that people now cannot stay in their jobs. So they lose their jobs then they lose their house. Now that people cannot pay the mortgage the taxes do not get paid on the property which equals more lost tax dollars for the city or town. Way to go cuomo
Enterprise hook and ladder and bucket 1. Then came the hugenot. All were volunteers at the time.
Watching this topic pop up all the time is great. It seems that most are for this idea. It appears that the ideas are getting stronger in regards to combining smaller jobs and vol companies into a bit bigger one such as the central vol companies and the greenburgh paid companies. In fact they are half way there as they are the same union. This would be a smarter way to go instead of full regionalization. Put the smaller jobs or understaffed jobs together. Or putting the jobs that are in the same town together. My job should be combined with Larchmont, Port chester rye and rye brook should be one job. The Pelhams should combine as well as Scarsdale and Eastchester. Barry, you have a great say in this matter. What do you think? Even if they do not merge they could do dual response with the departments to gain more man power.
Appropriate staffing would be at least 1 officer and 3 ff ideal would be 4 ff and 1 officer per rig
I did not mean to anger anyone in the words that I said. I am for more manning without a dought. I never said that Yonkers is overstaffed. I stated that FDNY is. I am sorry and did not mean to offend anyone.
Not to put my 2 cents in, but I can recall Yonkers FD on a mutual aid assignment in New Rochelle a few years back. They were covering station 3 on North Ave. They were dispatched to a auto alarm in the North end of New Rochelle. This alarm was a malfunction and the units went back in service. Not 30 min later the alarm banged in again. After they came back, they called the city of Yonkers and they returned to Yonkers because they were tired of standing by and wanted to be on scene. This is when yonkers was pulled or bumped down from New Rochelle's list. I can do some digging to find out the exact time this happened. In regards to Mount Vernons staffing issue, it is not just there's. Every career fire department is undermanned with the execption of Yonkers and FDNY. In my opinion FDNY is overstaffed. This will not change so get used to the skeleton crews and open your arms to the abused MA system. When someone on the line does get hurt of killed watch the lawsuits role in for inproper staffing. This propblem is nation wide not just Westchester County. Be safe and watch eachothers back out there.
You are correct again in regards for pulling over and let the POV pass. I did not or will not deny that what so ever. But the question remains WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A BLUE LIGHT IN THE REAR OF A PERSONAL CAR? The blue "courtesy" light is to cross the fire line, it is also a courtesy for drivers to let the car pass as stated by you and others. And yes, I understand the you are the ones operating the BRT's at scenes in vol areas. Again, I am not knocking vols at all as asumed in prior post. I do not or will not knock vols. One thing that I will not tollerate nor should anyone for that matter have a operator with a blue light to speed and flash the light when not responding to a emregency call. I have witnessed to many times operators flash there light, fly by and then shut it off. That is BS. But this subject at hand is for blue lights in the rear. Read my prior post to why the blue lights are on the rear decks of Police cruisers. May he rest in peace, but it is for Trooper Robert Ambrose. Read this link in regards to why. The committee recommended fuel suppresion systems and blue lights to safe card the PD for doing there jobs safer. http://www.nystpba.org/pages/public/showPu...asp?news_id=563
Absolutly they should be allowed. they stand out more in the dark. as for Vols having them in personal vehicles is not needed as stated before it is only a courtesy light to cross the fire line.
You are 100% correct youself. For that matter ALL Emergency vehicles have to obey all traffic laws. That was not what I was saying. Also Chris I did not mean to steer from the topic. Blue lights were installed in the rear to eliminate the confusion of red flashers with brake lights. If you remember when the trooper was killed on int87. This is why the law was passed. What I stated was not for being taken out of context. As per your quote" It is a courtesy light for if the car in front of you wants to get out of your way they can", what is the need for a rear mount light. I can care less, but they are more important issues at hand in the fire service than just blue lights. Sorry if I offended anyone.
As per New York State Law, Blue lights are a curtosiy light that only always Volunteer firefighters to cross the fire line. It does not give the power to drive fast, run lights or any other traffic infraction. Also, a private car is not classified as a emergabncy vehicle
Any news on local fd merger in the sound shore????
Saw this on CNN. What a sad story. Maplewood Fire Chief Terry Merrell said Ryan Hummert, 22, a paramedic and firefighter was shot and killed after he got out of his fire truck at the scene of a car fire on Zephyr, off of Big Bend, in Mapelwood at 5:40 a.m. http://www.ksdk.com/news/local/story.aspx?...08&catid=40