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About RPM3311

  • Birthday 09/28/1984

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  • Location New Jersey

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  1. I'm hoping to get in the NYPD academy this coming October (Swearing in on Oct 7). My only issue is that I am from Pennsylvania, I have 30 days from the time I am sworn in to find a permanent residence, does anyone have a place or know of anyone who has a place for rent? If not a place to rent full time, does anyone know of anywhere I can stay for some of the 30 days while I find somewhere that is permanent? If so just reply here or PM me and I can give better contact info. Thanks and I appreciate any and all help!
  2. or you could read the press release by Company 33 and see what really happened. They parked where their SOPs said to and couldn't react to the changing conditions because their members were literally in the fire.
  3. I have ridden at 33 many times, I am not a member but have many friends there and ride when I am in the area. They are not the nuts everyone thinks they are. Knock on their door at any hour of the day and you will be greeted with a handshake and treated like a king. They will include you in the meal, include you in the drills, try to teach you something (because whether you want to believe it or not, outside of the FDNY guys here, they most likely see more fires and working incidents than most who visit this site) and they will ask you if you have any input on drills and things. Every time I go there the chief always asks me how I am doing and remembers me from all the times I have visited. They get hundreds of visitors a year but they will always remember you and treat you right as long as you come in and are respectful. All the Kentland and PG bashers, educate yourself before you run your mouths. These guys have the most pride I have ever seen (reviled by FDNY Rescue 2, where Pete Lund a Kentland guy, was from) and the hours of work they put in to their apparatus maintenance I can not help but laugh when people say they are not surprised they let this happen. Those 33 rigs look better after a working job than most do off the factory floor.
  4. I'm not a member of the PFD so I can't confirm the shifts. There is an academy like the FDNY and pay is just about equal to the FDNY. Something to consider is that you MUST live within the city limits and it is not the greatest city so make sure you do your research! A lot of PFD and PPD guys live in Northeast Philly so that would probably be a half decent place to live. Look on Philly Fire News and see if they still have forums and testing is your standard civil service test
  5. I live in a suburb of Philly, when it comes to busy they are BUSY! It is not uncommon for every medic unit in the city to be unavailable multiple times a day. Last I heard they have no priority system so if someone stubs their toe and a minute later in the same local someone codes, that person with the stubbed toe gets priority because they called first. Look at Philly Fire News they had a forum I'm not sure if they still do though. Good Luck!
  6. whats the Con Ed Wrangler used for?
  7. should this help those waiting to get hired by the NYPD?
  8. No, All FDNY engines are 500 gallon tanks
  9. So is there at least going to be a test for the Police Department? If so can someone post the info please
  10. Listening to Boston PD heard a report about 10 minutes ago (2:50am) "the suspect still at large is the one in the photos with the white hat"
  11. who told you about chester county going to the Squad concept? Squads in CC are personal carriers, such as suburbans and expeditions
  12. As soon as I heard that name, my heart sank. I remember watching that show a few years back, and not even a week ago I watched the whole season again on Youtube. Rest Easy Brother.
  13. Who's opinions are these? most of the people who have those jobs have them becuase it interests them therefore to them its fun. It was probably some stuck up people who work in large companies making loads of money at their 9 to 5 job who neglect to see the hard work that all those people put in to benefit the lives of others, who said look at these jobs that make half our salary those jobs must suck.