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  1. The City of Newburgh has 5 going to the academy
  2. City of Newburgh - 2960 calls (Don't run EMS)
  3. If your looking for a nick name for Philly P. from the Burgh, we like to call him TEDDY RUXPIN. But dont tell him where you heard it from.
  4. I have to say that I do agree with pbvpm that the spanish speaking list is a crock. Now on the last list only 2 FF were hired of the city list. I was hired off the county list almost 2 years ago. 3 more FF's come on after me also from the county list. In a couple of weeks another FF is coming on, off the county list. I could be wrong but I dont think many of the people taking the test are from the city. And with almost a third of the job eligible for retirement I think your going to see alot of hirings. Im just putting some info out there. To those of you who did sign up, Good Luck and maybe some day I'll see you on the job.
  5. The last filing date is May 11th. City residents get preferance but there's still a good shot for county residents.
  6. Applications for the City of Newburgh Fire Department come out today. They are availible at City Hall on lower Broadway.