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Everything posted by kevinrichardeaton
the only country I know of that allows utilities workers to have emergency lights is Germany where the railways,electric & water all have a small number of bluelight equiped units certainly in the UK police,fire,ambulance,eod,coastguard are the only ones (i know of) http://www.flickr.com/photos/unknownisland/sets/72157594410124621/with/4606886617/
not seen the vehicles first hand yet but will try and take some pics when I do , the armed units are also out patroling now also in some very nice Mercs
Found this on Flickr and thought I'd share it
funny you should ask British Transport Police are in the process of setting up a 100 man armed suport unit, so will have there own tactical team these guys won't carry as only the driver s a police officer (yellow vest) the guys in orange are all civilian engineers who will work alongside the police, fire rescue and ambulance staff after 7/7 and the inquiry a few new units were setup to deal with mass casulty events in and around london London Fire Brigade have USAR - Urban Search & Rescue London Ambulance have HART - Hazardous Area Response Team Met,City & BTP have under various names a CBRN response capibility and in the mets case the only non military EOD team in the country this unit has been around in one form or another for years, perviously it was staffed totally by civilians with no Blue light authority, they got round this and the law by assigning a police driver and repainting the vehicles with the word police covereing the section of the legislation for "police purposes"
I thought I'd read that the unit had been disbanded just goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything you read on a totally unrelated note if anyone knows where I can get one of them MTA ESU patches I'll love you forever
been away for a while but thought I'd pop back and share this with you
its like with the police in london, they have started moving more towards silver/grey as they get a higher resale price for them, the older white onces went for a cheep price because they look like police cars (in the eyes of the public a vauxall thats white is an ex police car no matter what)
as a kid I had a cat , one night someone thought it was be "fun" to tie a firework to his back legs and light it, he turned up with serious burns and we couldn't get him to come into the house he went missing the next morning and I never found out what happned to him- i can see why your ASPCA guys are all tooled up
ANPR is in widescale use in the UK most police cars have it its also linked into the Police national computer so if theres no tax,licence, driver is disqualifed or on another database it pings up on the screen I think i'm right in saying certain areas have CCTV linked inot the database
I don't remember which forum it was, but I've seen this before. The guy who posted it, claimed it was owned by USSS as part of the Presidental security convoy.
most cars in the Met are crewed 2 up, armed response are all 3 up and then you have the vans which can be anything from single crewed for prisoner transport right up to a TSG with 8(I think) of the biggest uglyest scarists riot control experts on board
you'd be amased how many people you see with phone pinned to ear while driving, there have been a couple of high profile deaths related to it and people still don't seem to care
http://www.fifthalarm.net/nys-stuff.html hope they're of use to you I came across them on google looking for something else
will you stop letting facts & common sense get in the way of bad journalism
its "nice" to know that its not just the UK that have idiots I was once out with some friends when a drunk was being arrested, he asked the police "don't you have anything better to do" to which the copper replyed "yes lots but I'm enjoying this more"
isn't it more important that they do there job, never mind whats on the t-shirt they wear to the pub anyway if you ask me they have some cool nicknames
sounds reasonable
I see the same thing on british shows, however they normally ask then" have you got anything on you that could injre me or yourself?" you'd be amased how many people turn round and admit to the knife or syringe in there pocket I don't know if this is taught or just common sense but it seems to work Preplanned & intimate searches tend to be done with latex gloves
no idea myself, My dad was involved in one way or another with fundrasing for the LFB since before I was born and he always called them that- i think its one of them strange brit things noone ever understands even our underground have got in on the act and have 10 brand new shiny appliances http://www.tubelines.com/news/imagelibrary...London_Eye2.jpg
I hope the admin don't mind but this site has excellent photos of various UK and Ireland emergency services vehicles everything from police, fire service to search & rescue http://www.ukemergency.co.uk/ the sites not mine but I have spent far to many hours looking at photos on it
The Department has a full time ESU Team, Marine Patrol, K-9 Patrol, and Detective Bureau. The Department currently employs only about 154 Police Officers for an area the size that is equivalent to the State of Maryland.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NYC_DEP_Police I found this on wikipedia earlier and it made me wonder,what would there role be? is it for chemical spills at treatment plants and such
Thanks for the information,I find it amasing the differances between US & UK
PM me wereabouts and I might buy you a beer
you'd be surprised how stupid british criminals can be Armed Response with 3 MP5 armed coppers crashed into by some div