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  1. My opinion. It seems when it comes to this incident and numbers, people seem seem to get stuck with certain numbers. Not picking anyone out of the crowd, it seems everybody does it. Take the Cops. There were 60 cops LODD. But, that is not how anyone usually refers to the numbers. They will usually say 23 NYPD LODD and 37 PA NY/NJ LODD. How often do you hear someone say 60 cops were killed? Rarely will anyone reference the "60" number. It is almost always broken down by Department. I do not know why people tend to break down the numbers that way, but they do. They have, it seems, almost from 9/11 itself. Let the number "343" stand if you want the number to refer to the number of FDNY LODD. But, if you are going to reference the number of firefighters LODD, that number should be "344".
  2. The New York Fire Patrol used this building after Ladder 49 left. It was the quarters for Fire Patrol # 6 from 1949 until 1955. In 1955 the NYFP closed Patrol 6.
  3. The former quarters of NY Fire Patrol # 2, located on W 3st in Manhattan is now owned by Anderson Cooper. Here are a couple of photos since he renovated the place. The photo with the rig is from when it was still in service.
  4. The nose looks like a '50's era Dodge Power Wagon. ...but the cab/roofline and doors look like it is from a '60s VW bus. I do not know about the winch.
  5. These cars are not for routine patrol. They are not assigned as precinct sector cars. Most are assigned to Traffic Enforcement and many are operated by Traffic Agents. They are assigned to precincts, but are primarily used for summons duty and traffic enforcement. They are not used to answer emergency calls, transport prisoners or complainants, or any normal patrol function. They are utilized in limited patrol settings, such as parks and boardwalks where traditional RMP's may encounter difficulties. They are replacing the three-wheeled scooters. These vehicles have the following advantages over a three-wheeled scooter: real heat, A/C, better seating for operator and the ability to seat more than one person, more storage, am/fm radio, seatbelts, airbag, side-impact protection, require no mcy license to drive, ...and I am sure a few other benefits. oh, and they cost about $2,500 less than a three-wheeled scooter.
  6. The main problem is power. The perception of power at least. The savings of taxpayer money, no matter how great, will likely factor-in very little in these discussions. ...if any discussions, the people in power will not talk very long about this subject, because: No one is going to want to give up the keys to their fiefdom, no matter how small it is. However many Kingdoms there are in Westchester, will remain. (...and not just Westchester, the same consolidation arguments can be applied in many places, but common sense will not reign.)
  7. I am not knocking the Port Authority for the job they do. They have a job to do, and most of them do it admirably. The problem is the pay. If anyone thinks, no matter how much O/T is worked, that any cop deserves 300-400K a year is out of their minds. Surgeons do not get paid that much. Stories like this are why there is much flack over cops salaries in general. Never mind the stories that will come about when the public learns of the pensions that salary will generate. ...and cops wonder why the anti-pension movement is gaining steam. I have been in LE for 35+ years, and yes, I would like a raise. I would like to ask for 300 Thousand a year. If they gave it to me I would think they were out of their minds.
  8. The most telling part of the story is the fact they cannot get the manpower to get their equipment out the door. It is a simple fact that # of runs, need, usage, or any other factor will not change.
  9. While I have no problem with setting standards for jobs, it should be noted that Assistant Chief Kim Royster spent the majority of her career in 1 Police Plaza, and I mean that literarily. She was a cop assigned to patrol for only a short time and was assigned to 1 Police Plaza. After making boss, she was reassigned to 1PP, and with each subsequent advance, she stayed there, or worked in some other 1PP outpost such as the old academy. I am not saying I have all the answers, I do not. But, I would like to say it is nice to hear such "experienced" street cops tell everyone else how it should be done.
  10. Dinosaur wrote: " State law in CA has all police cars black and white " This is a Newport Beach California car. I am not familiar with California law, but I have been to California on a few occasions, and while the vast majority of Police cars there are B&W, I have seen a few that were not B&W. This example is the first photo I found on a Google search, but there are a few other examples.
  11. americanpolice posted: "ever so closer to the NYPD scheme" This is not the first time they went to an NYPD look. If I recall, going back to the early 80s or maybe even the 1970s, the predecessor to the the DEP Police, the NYC Bureau of Water Supply Police, had cars with the same white over blue scheme the NYPD had at that time. This had the same shade blue (Great Northern Blue) the NYPD had with the single white stripe along the body. I tried finding a photo on line to no avail.
  12. Why does this vehicle have official plates? I though Police Vehicles were not required to have DMV plates in NYS? I looked back at older images, I see the DEP Police have had Official Plates on their vehicles for a while. I never noticed that before. I am trying to think if any other agency in NYS has plates issued by DMV on their marked vehicles. I know NYSP have plates from DMV, but those plates have the radio call # on it, these plates seem to be regular issue municipal plates.
  13. 16fire5 called it in his post. The term "All Hands" (officially a Signal 7-5) usually is transmitted after a 10-75 has been requested. A 10-75 is not only for fire. It can be used for any response. It is simply a resource request, not meaning working fire, although that is the most common usage. It is simply a request for the following: (copied from the NYFD.com site) "A notification signal transmitted when, in the judgment of the officer in command, conditions indicate a fire or emergency that requires a total response of the following units: 4 Engines, 2 Ladders, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Rescue Company and Squad Company. Officers transmitting a 10-75 shall also state if it is for a fire or emergency and if a building is involved along with the type of building." If these units respond and all are put to work, then the Signal 7-5 is transmitted. Although, the term you would hear on the radio would be "All Hands" are operating. If the 10-75 is given and as an example, in the end, only 2 engines and 2 trucks are "put to work", the "All Hands" designation would not be used.
  14. My comment was not meant to take a side, volunteer or paid, or Fire management or City administration. In most pizzing matches, the blame and the incompetence, is usually spread out amongst all parties. I doubt that dynamic is any different in this matter. It seems this has been going on for a while. The involved parties do not seem to be interested in solving this issue. Like I said before, unless the media gets behind this and pushes the issue, causing the public to have an opinion, nothing will change.