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Everything posted by JimmyPFD

  1. Intentional or not, that is a good but loaded question and loosely on topic at best. It's a combination dept. and staffing of the apparatus might be more appropriately discussed in a new thread of it's own. This station house issue has been a unifying as opposed to divisive topic. Although they may be valid, putting other issues aside in this thread is appreciated. We can use whatever common ground we find.
  2. I have to agree with Raz; and to add my personal opinion. This one facility would replace 5 stations. There is consolidation of a lot of space and utility into a more cost effective package. Each station's 2 to 3 restrooms are not going to be carried over for 10 to 15 restrooms. Each company is not going to have its own hall. I think you get my point there. Adding to Raz's analogy about cars: what is more efficient, Maintaining and Running 5 clunkers, (poorly in some cases) or 1 nicely equipped tour bus? And, not to put the working conditions of the career staff aside; some of these facilities have fallen into a state which one could describe as, 'disrepair' and the need for major renovations would be without question if consolidation doesn't happen. Just because they are paid to be there; doesn't mean that they should have to lay their heads down in conditions that we wouldn't allow our family to. Some things are sometimes that simple. There comes a time when running a handful of clunkers becomes penny wise and dollar foolish. This plan may not have universal support but is supported by most volunteers, career staff and city officials because frankly; it makes sense. Again, this is all my opinion and I speak for no one but me
  3. Nice find and good luck. Do you expect them to remove decals? Are you planning any modifacations if you are able to get it?
  4. That is one well thought out rig. It looks like it's not trying to do too many things at once, is well equipped, versatile and will be one heck of a workhorse. Good luck and many years of safe and dependable service to your crew and the new rig.
  5. Without letting it get clouded it, 'point-counter point' the above information is bottom line. Unless you feel we don't need the service at all
  6. The point of the article is simply that a man was hurt. The point of the post was that it shows we need this service. We now have extended the response times which may realistically cost lives. Additionally, (and I freely admit that I could be wrong on this assumption...) considering population density; this decision looks to benefit a lot fewer than it may harm. Regretfully, this 'harm' might be measured in morbidity and mortality
  7. It was out of Harris, NY... so how much does that add to the response time?
  8. I'm not big on the whole nostalgia kick in general but it's prety cool seeing the condition of it and really impressive seeing them use it! Thanks for sharing that.
  9. How much are the big raffle tickets? I wont be able to come to the cook off but would like to get in on the raffle.
  10. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-07-12-slain_N.htm
  11. You've got a well stated point there. Maybe it was wishful thinking that it was, or would be a sustained trend.
  12. Very nice rig. Having those recessed anchors at the ready is prety cool. Wish you good luck and many years of good service! Congrats
  13. Great start to what will hopefully be a long, active and productive career!
  14. I am not a fan of lime green rigs but with the Charcoal grey; that is one sharp and well thought out rig. Good luck, congratulations, and wishing you many years of good service.
  15. What will become of Blanket?
  16. Regarding promotion and leadership: Coming from a Civil Service background; I lean towards what my experience has been. That being said; I like what the state does within my agency. First, you must have the basic knowledge and credentials of those you will be leading. That in part comes directly from your education, (in the fire service; that should come from specific training). Additionally x-amount of years in the subordinate title; so you know the job of those you are leading. There might be more prerequisite courses beyond what brought you into the first title, (IE-further down the FEMA ICS series, Codes, whatever.) before you can sit for an exam based on leadership decisions and scenarios specific to new position. When they do get the promotion; probation should last a year, and the original line is protected to be stepped back into during this time for whatever reason; (like not having the sense to say, "I don't know"). Here is where I break from Civil Service... consider the top 25% to be eligible. Now measure the individuals, not their scores. Too much emphasis is placed on the scores. Continuing Education ends there with the Civil Service title I have. Now, Board Certification... We have to demonstrate a good amount of continuing education, (50% general and 50% in the specialty field) to maintain it. I just added this edit to simply say: Yes education is important but you need to demonstrate effective leadership to keep the job. If not, "I am sorry but you failed to meet the requirements of probationary employment in this position."
  17. I agree with your sentiment but the charges would make a big difference when it comes down to sentencing. This would have fallen under what had thought was the definition of Felony Murder.(?) Since they won’t fry; they should get the max charge and associated sentence for the crime.
  18. Would the D.A. increase the charges to Felony Murder if they feel it meets the criteria? Is there a realistic chance that they would increase the charges after handing down the initial indictment?
  19. He was found sitting at the base of what looked like a 25 foot vertical wall. A couple of factors including the, 'altered mental status' call; effected assessment and presumably pain threshold. The full extent of his injuries was unclear at the time. (His face was bloodied up a bit) He was standing, able to follow simple instructions and assist in getting himself into the sked. News article attached indicates that he only suffered minor cuts to his head and face. (No word on the condition of the angel that had to be sitting on his shoulder) http://lohud.com/article/20090524/NEWS/905...86/-1/newsfront
  20. The 6th shot down is really cool. There is a lot going on but my favorite part is the silhouette of the state trooper with the glow of red lights behind him
  21. On behalf of my family, thank you. -Jim Pappas
  22. Very good point! So including the word, "forced" makes it completely pointless. I'm sure it will get passed with enthusiastic bipartisan support.
  23. The protection that my co-workers and I have as state employees directly covers this. This is because of our Union contracts not the law. I suspect that this may have come from necessity as opposed to thoughtfulness. Less urban communities throughout the State may be exclusively dependant on Volunteer Fire and EMS services in their area. If most legislators lived in such areas; I'm pretty sure this would have been passed as law a long time ago. I'm taking Chris' suggestion and not holding my breath.