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Everything posted by post2089

  1. I recently have been reading up on diesel pickups and want to get one, but i haven't been able to get any good opinions on which is the better way to go Ford or Chevy. Dose anyone have any pros or cons or any real life mpg stats? If so could you tell me w/ the year and model you have
  2. Just was watching News 12 at 5:30 and they said snow not coming in 8pm or later and only 3-6 or many be a lil more or less depending on how the warm stream tracks in from the south west . Hope fully the news is wrong like most times
  3. At the Ossining fire at 38 1/2 wolden rd i think it was. i saw a guy shooting a video. He had a pretty nice camera to. and no it wasn't a news cameraman
  4. I was looking to buy an extra battery for my camera and I looked on B&H and they sell a sony battery model NP-FM50 which is 7.2V and 8.5Wh and my battery that came with my camera is Np-FM30 7.2 and 5.0Wh when I look for a battery do i have to match both V and Wh or just V i am kinda lost and wanted to know if any 1 could he me???
  5. Thanks
  6. I am looking to buy a bigger compact flash card and i wanted to see if any1 had an input on good CF cards like price, quality and speed.
  7. Rescue Me season 2 started tue. at 10 wonder what you guys thought about the first episode??? I really wasn't feelin it as much as last season, but I will see if it is worth it to watch Rescue me over FireHouse USA: Boston starting July 26th when they over lap on 10. Any thoughts??
  8. Thanks for that tip about the jpg files never knew that =D>
  9. I just bought a camera. I was looking to spend about $450 and when i went to the store i found a good deal on a open box that was also last years model. When the model came out last year it was about $1000 and the tag on the open box at the store was $575 and i got him to drop it to $500 flat because i was buying memory card and other camera stuff. The point of me saying this is to keep ur eyes out for open box deals (make sure it has warranty, just in case) i mean getting an 8 meg camera for $500 is a good deal in my book. My camera is a sony. some people hate sony and swear by canon it is ur choice but if u are only spending $400 u get more for ur dollar in sony then u would with canon. It is when u get into spending $1000+ that canons are better beacue u have so many things u can add on and upgrade.
  10. What a ride!!!