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Everything posted by CAM502

  1. Hey I thought it was police week?
  2. If Skooter's post didn't help you why don't you just go to your local PD and ask them? Or call the state police and ask them. The guy's who write the tickets might know....
  3. AS702, Tell whoever runs your website to add a stop button for that music...or at least a volume control.
  4. Here fishy fishy fishy....40 grand for less then a months work ain't too bad....I'd do it.
  5. Tech Electronics in New Rochelle can fix anything.
  6. Probably no permit if they keep it under a certain level...just like a fm modulator in an XM receiver or an MP3 player. You probably tune to 88.1 or something and can only get it within 1/4 mile radius....just a guess.
  7. I say run the flagger over, then find your local mailman and ask him if you are in any trouble.
  8. So in the article it says, "the truck not starting -- due to a dead starter that was immediately fixed -- ". I take it you have never had a starter go on you...I'll enlighten you a little. You see one second it works and starts your vehicle...then you park and go do some stuff...then you come back to the vehicle and low and behold NOTHING, it won't start. I wanna see you prevent it. So unless you work there or know for sure they don't care about their vehicles than who are you to make such a statement. I mean damn dude I put a brand new starter (right from the box) in a vehicle once and guess didn't work.
  9. Funny....I saw a Lambo today...sad part was it was waiting for the cops because it just got hit by a Cab. But don't feel too bad for the guy he had dealer plates and I'm sure he is already driving a new
  10. Could you imagine getting pulled over by that!!! Man what a car...they could use one on the Sprain. lol
  11. KRS940, you say the guy who owns villagio in pelham owns angelina's??
  12. Just keep in mind on video you can be going faster than it looks.
  13. Very nice...but how is it on gas? Can you afford to drive it? I know my old Wrangler was horrible on gas.
  14. Someone smack that
  15. Hey just remember nobody needs to is all a choice we make. And on that note I put over $40 in my small Focus...thank God I didn't get the Mustang...
  16. At least they actually put the plow blade down all the way...Nothing makes me happier then to see a plow truck skimming the top and leaving 2" of slush behind.
  17. Hey easy there Capt. You better watch Just remember you ladies from Queens have 5 whole months to screw the pooch. I can see it now "Well folks that last out wraps up another season here in...where r we...oh yeah Queens. The Met's are gonna have to watch the playoffs from the golf course yet again. Well there's always next year..."
  18. Not fast or cheap food, but a real good place to eat is Angelina's ( I think thats the name) it is a classy pizza/Italian restaurant. Anyone know what street it's on.
  19. Wrong forum delete your post and put it in a different forum. oh and Nomex thread
  20. Izzy, I'm not trying to kill anyone. But if I see somone coming in the rear view that is a liittle ways off still, there won't be any room when they arrive. Believe me I'm all for motorcycles, just don't be a jerk. CAM
  21. Ok now for the real questions. What cell company do you use? Was it a cell 911 center or the local pd PSAP that answered? How much info did you give them? And why the hell when you called to say you were being shot at didn't you wait for a sector car at a safe location down the way a bit or go to the local precinct?? Now I asked the first questions because I have called 911 on a cell (Nextel) and had them not answer (hung up after 2min of ringing), had them hang up on me after all I said was the Parkway name ( they must have assumed that the highway is only allowed one accident at a time), and I've seen them just completely drop the ball (pulled over at an accident, called for a bus, 15 min later called back and said what is the status of the bus the response was "What are you talking about no one reported an accident". Now if I'm on my cell and in NY I call either 60 control, County pd, or State pd directly. And as for my last question, just a personal opinion, but I would have wanted to file a full report. Glad you are all Florida ain't what it used to be. Stay safe.
  22. LOL...Fire Fire!!!
  23. Watch out for motorcycles?? What when some idiot is cutting through in between the lanes just to beat traffic...I admit it I'm the guy who will cut you off and make you wait in line. But you are right all drivers need to be aware of what is around them and use your mirrors to see who's zipping up on you. As for the blue light...where will you put your gear?? LOL.
  24. Doesn't seem like you really need it. And also, as said before, seems prone to damage sticking off the grill like that. Looks cool for a parade
  25. Really don't care. Why not learn to type properly and read the other threads. Was just trying to save you the trouble of going through it again, so if you wanna be an arse....