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Everything posted by CAM502

  1. Not that I'm a big soccer fan, but how about that US vs Italy game the other day. Man what a ref huh? That guy was horrible. Is the US still in the tournament? Can anyone explain exactly how it works? Ie: how many losses to be eliminated?
  2. I was gonna stay out of this one, but.... First off, ny10570, I would expect any administration to "withhold the appropriate info from public view", when they have to. Now as for posting where the ships are generally located. I'm gonna guess and say that if you have the capability to attack one of our boats out in the water, then you probably have the capability to find it on your own. I wouldn't let this worry me.
  3. Has anyone ever been to this? Any reviews?
  4. Not that this has anything to do with this particular thread, but calling 911 via a cellphone matter where you are. And don't even waste your time if you have a Nextel. I've learned to just dial the county or state pd direct it will save you a lot of trouble. As for people not knowing where they are...The world is full of morons, what more can you say.
  5. He's absolutely right....nothing better then watching the Yankees beat the Mets in the World Series!!!
  6. Not 100% sure, but those signs should be pretty much obsolete. The older radio systems were more likely to receive the interference from other Freq. Nowadays they should be good to go...but I would guess they still put up the signs to cover their rears.
  7. I guess it depends on if you have an issue with speeding in your neighborhood...I will say while they might be an inconvenience they do help curb speeding.
  8. 10-8, You may have respect for the rules of the road, but many of the riders out there nowadays are under the age of 25 and just wanna go fast and beat traffic. There are a**holes that drive bikes and there are a**holes that drive cars. Both are equaly responsible for driving/riding safely. And don't go calling me a "bike hater" just because I think it sounds stupid when you defend someone going 100mph down the Taconic (in a car or on a bike either way it is dumb) or someone who is in between the lanes of traffic. If you are doing either of those two things you know the possible consequnces of your actions and you are a moron with no respect for the rules of the road. And I wanna state that I'm not advocating purposely trying to cause an accident by blocking a speeding bike with your car.
  9. What the heck r u talking about?? How r they contributing factors? Here's the scenario: You are a 911 calltaker. You receive a call where you can't make out exactly what is going on on the other end. You send someone to investigate. Period end of story! Even if this was an FD answering a secondary PSAP and you get a relay and the ALI screen comes up but you can't hear anyone on the line, YOU SEND SOMEONE TO INVESTIGATE. The first time it happened to me, I'm glad we sent them out. I only say this because it turned out to be a 3rd Alarm fire and the reason we heard nobody on the line when we answered was because the phone line burned through as the guy was dailing 911. My point is there is no excuse for what happened in Detroit. The dispatchers screwed up and didn't do there job properly. And for the President of the union to say the charges are "absolutely ludicrous"....I understand that the union needs to support the members but......well I'll leave it at that.
  10. Easy way to fix your problem....Get an Apple!! Very few if any viruses for them. Not to mention the IMAC is the best computer on the market. But if you can spend a few bucks ZoneAlram Pro is a great firewall program that should solve all your problems (well for the most part). Good luck.
  11. You really spent six hours? Do you do cars? I'll let you detail my hours.
  12. I can't speak for Pville, but the info he posted is correct.
  13. Westchester County HR This is the HR website. They list all the county tests here. Probably won't give one this year, but you never know.
  14. Congrats dude....wish you many years of happiness.
  15. HFD and Wolf, Sorry for the loss of your friend. May he rest in peace. Was this a LODD or a sudden illness?
  16. Quotes frome the Flag Code: Izzy brought up a good point... "(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature." Something to think about when shopping for those summer BBQ's... "(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard."
  17. Not sure if it is staying there, but I saw it IFO the Harrison St station on Friday.
  18. Marked Vehicles: Car2 = On Duty Battalion Chief Car5 = Fire prevention Bureau Car6 = Fire Alarm Bureau Car7 = Motor Mechanic Pickup Truck Car8 = Training Officer Unmarked: Chief Commissioner Dep. Comr. There is also a couple of other old cars that are used if needed.
  19. A new take on an old Here is the original thread. Numa Numa thread
  20. JBE, Congrats....have a safe honeymoon.
  21. Hey so besides Mamaroneck, does anyone else have a carnival along with their parade? Thanx.
  22. Hoss, I'll believe it when I see the photos.