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Everything posted by xfirefighter484x

  1. http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article...NEWS01/90826035
  2. AWESOME idea!!!
  3. Wow.... amazing, and glad that all the brothers are alive today...
  4. An amazingly well done piece. Not overdone, not flashy, its straight and to the point, and completely realistic.
  5. They always are (far behind that is)
  6. AWESOME FIND!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Members are encouraged to PM or e-mail their input to the Moderators and Admins of the boards if they think there is a good/Hot thread out there. Nothing says the decision has to be completely our thoughts on the topic, if it is obvious that someone pointed out a good thread, it will definitely narrow down the field!
  8. I want one!!!!!
  9. I must say, tonight was an awesome display, the likes of which I have not seen in years. I find the cloud-to-cloud lightning that stretches across the entire sky to be awe striking!
  10. I agree with you 100%!!!! Maybe not for all departments, but for a some, yea, you are correct.
  11. I don't think anyone here is debating the fact that for the majority of departments out there, this may not be PRACTICAL, but I think the thread was more intent on asking what people's opinions are on whether or not (in a perfect world) 2 sets of gear SHOULD be standard!
  12. Thank you, couldn't have said it better!
  13. I would PM the original poster if I were you, seeing as he posted this a month ago.
  14. Sounded horrendous, if all those agencies were really needed at the scene, I can only imagine what it was like. I saw a few pictures from JetPhoto, and it looked bad. Thank goodness I left work before those traumas rolled in!!!
  15. Server issues, but they have been resolved (obviously). Anyone who tried to log in noticed it. Thank you, lol!! Someone with a little common sense!!
  16. Topic closed at Op's request.
  17. Cool pics, thanks for posting Mike!!
  18. I saw aerial footage of the scene on CNN tonight. I was flabbergasted. An almost unreal sight, the carnage I saw. My thoughts and prayers to all those involved.
  19. Beautiful!! I had the fortune, while taking my Fire Science classes at DCC to see, and use Rhinebeck's 'Pocahantas' Hand Pumper, and have a great appreciation what our earlier brothers had to go through.
  20. SWEEEEEET!!!
  21. I visited down there in July 2007. Lots of history, and very informative, and nice staff.
  22. http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article...NEWS05/90713026 Link to IA
  23. Some of the comments are, well, no surprise, 'normal' for the Pojo...