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Everything posted by ny10570

  1. I've worked in Horton, Lifeline, and AEV rigs and didn't find any real differences that weren't a result of the design process. Here's the thing to remember, any major player in vehicle construction is fully capable of putting out a quality product. The vast majority of complaints I have hear about any manufacturer are traced back to design, build inspection, and maintenance. The issue invariably comes down to what you ask for. If you're going out to bid get a professional involved and make sure you design the truck you want rather than the truck the rep wants to sell. A well maintained box will far outlast the chassis, so spend the time and money to get exactly what you want down the very last details.
  2. Just to add to what ALS said, most ER's need 30 min to an hour to complete their assessment. This includes the neurologist assessing the pt, which depending on how far away the Doc, is usually the big hang-up with the 3hr window. Also remember the clock begins when that pt was last seen as being normal. Wake up in the morning with signs and symptoms and the clock starts when the pt went to sleep.
  3. Teams can win without great performances from just about any position except quarterback. Defensive end, corner, reciever any of them can have a bad game and the team can overcome. Eli doesn't play well the team isn't going to win. Thats why its all about Eli and then the rest of the team.
  4. FDNY BLS and Voluntary ALS.
  5. Check him out. http://www.learyfirefighters.org/index.php Irregardless of political views or opinions of his show he is doing great things with his celebrity including his constant support of the Cam Neely Foundation. Its a crime that cities like New York and Boston are accepting such vital equipment as gifts. They should be ashamed that a private agency has to come up with the money for them when both cities are financially stable.
  6. I'm starting to like this kid. He just doesn't know the word quit. I know that there are certain policies and procedures intended to protect people from false accusations and the like, but couldn't Philipstown FD find a way to cut ties with this clown based on his pattern of behavior. Yeah, he will still always be a "former firefighter" as far as the paper is concerned but it would at least be another little gap between him and the dept.
  7. Reminds me of redneck fireworks up on Lake Champlain. Large black garbage bag filled with propane and tied off. Float it out there and shoot it with a flaming arrow, flare gun(surprisingly accurate), whatever floats your boat.
  8. nope, dispatchers and mechanics among many other job titles apparently don't count. Depending on who you believe the promotional was put in to favor the chosen sons of the FD Brass, it could have been installed as an attempt to head off the pressure to diversify the FD, maybe it was done to get more people to join EMS and stop the hemorrhage of employees after the merger, how about an attempt to smooth the eventual complete absorption of EMS by Fire.
  9. mfkap....sucks to be you. Then again, sucks to be us in Pleasantville too. Over $1 million for 2 engines, big increases in pump capacity, water, and storage but they wouldn't cough up a few hundred more for the camera. Instead we have an infrared safety brake that gets tripped at triple the set distance by reflective striping (its not like there's much of that around a scene or firehouse) Most guys just back-up holding the override button.
  10. How about either no state issued ID or a separate ID for illegals. ID's issued to visitors expire when their Visa, green card, etc expire.
  11. Part of the fun of municipal negotiations. Especially in an emergency service we have to use what ever little piece of leverage we can to get a fair wage out of the city. They try and MF us for every nickle and dime and we do the same.
  12. The majority of the people that are dragging us down are not on the job to jump to fire. Most of the skells that do try to make the jump that I have been happy to see leave always wind up coming back. Its the quality guys that you want to stay that make the break. Even the guys that I know that hate this job and are looking for the next ticket out of here at least show up every day and do the right thing. So what if its because they don't want anything following them to their next stop. I'd take those guys any day over the the people that came to EMS because it was easy to get on and either can't or are afraid to leave. Why does it matter where people want to leave. If they're here just to get the pension clock running before jumping to PD or Fire for open competitive. How about those that run up to Westchetser or anywhere for that matter for whatever job it may be. People don't want to stay in EMS, thats the issue. It doesn't matter where they are going, just that they are going.
  13. As of the fall they had enough names on the list for 6 months. In the summer they usually run 2 tours of students through the academy so it will go even faster. If you are thinking about joining EMS don't forget to apply for the civil service exam in March. All of the requirements for firefighter apply to the promotional. Its the same process just a different list.
  14. The worst thing about the promotional is that we lose a lot of people who are actually good EMS providers who do the right thing for the patient. For the most part the people who are actively seeking out a career in fire are pretty motivated individuals. At the very least they come with the attitude that they are there to do a job and want to do it well. A much bigger issue with EMS is the low or really lack of standards. Low pay means low demand which requires us to take all comers. If they get rid of the promotional tomorrow it does more harm than good to EMS.
  15. How are you guys handling expiration of equipment? Will you be rotating supplied through the trailer or is there money for the replacement schedule?
  16. ALS and others really covered this pretty well, but the one thing I wanted to emphasize is that Excellent BLS is much more important than so-so ALS. From my experience EMT-I's tend to be cookbook techs. They see a problem, administer treatments A, B, and C and transport. Often they don't really understand what they are doing and why. Its not their fault, its a lack of training. A greater emphasis on BLS in Westchester would make such a big difference. Get response times down and get some more medics getting the EMT's involved in patient care. Teach them assessment and show them not just what you're doing but explain to them why.
  17. other than the longboards, what else do you guys have on there?
  18. This is a great topic that pops up every few months. Knots are too often forgotten (I'm a big offender here) and accurate easy to use resources can be tough to find. Maybe a list of sites like the one posted by roofsopen can be pinned to the top this or the training thread.
  19. In my time delivering construction supplies and my time driving the medicaid taxi I never had a back-up camera, never had a back step mirror, and rarely had a spotter. I had two mirrors. Look at where you are going to be parking as you approach. Find your landmarks and back up. I have crap for depth perception yet I have never trashed a vehicle on a loading dock or ER bay. Just open your eyes and slow down.
  20. Getting out to spot a vehicle is not pt abandonment.
  21. To add to grumpy she wouldn't even entertain our requests for updates on the investigation. People involved with the investigation made it clear to members that it wasn't a priority of the DA and wasn't getting the attention they thought it deserved. When the current DA, Janet DiFiore was elected she made a commitment to review the case and bring to bear any new technologies or information. Luckily this case was never relegated to the shelf to become a cold case. The detectives involved have been very dedicated to Tom.
  22. I'll take part of the blame on that. I completely neglected posting anything about the memorial on here ahead of time, even though I had more than enough opportunities to. Happily, I was able to make it. One of the benefits of Sept 11th has been the infusion of attention, money, and practical application into DNA technologies. Its amazing what they can do no with DNA extrication and fragment mapping. This is the first time in a while that some good news has come Tom's way. The continued pressure of a few of our members and the dedication of Westchester County PD has been impressive to say the least.
  23. You nailed it roofsopen. I got story after story about that same thing. Navy to see the world = recruiting offices in the midwest thanks to a training injury. Marines for public affairs = combat patrol after a 4 week journalism course. Army firefighter = truck driver. The list goes on. Take heart there a few jobs that are the same on paper. Infantry, corp man, truck driver, mechanic etc.
  24. Just to clarify, on the B side Pleasntville's ladder is clear of any power lines. On the A side, Thronwood made a calculated decision based upon the very consistent ways in which local utilities string their lines. Most of the depts only use the ladder on the bucket for emergency egress so there is an extremely small chance of someone accidentally getting to close to a significantly powerful line. To attempt to split or go over lines is a different story. Ice was a serious problem at this fire. Aerial ladders was definitely the preferred plattform for operations.
  25. money is on the way. So you don't have to come to us when you're all ready eyes deep in the hole, do like the united way. Keep a running tally of how much you need and how close you are to that goal.