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Everything posted by ny10570

  1. Its a shame, there were some real flaws in the old system that definitely needed to be addressed. They went and "fixed" everything that was working and left all the old flaws in place.
  2. After the LI volunteer gluttony was exposed by Newday NYS passed legislation restricting depts from sending members for training outside their home area or state unless said training was only available elsewhere. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of that bill?
  3. There's probably one of these a week in NYC and the train always seems to win.
  4. They are saving the cost of operating that vehicle. The dept is still over on its head count and will be for some time. Bloomy, for some reason has his sights fixed on the 5th man staffing of 60 engine co's. He has offered to accept the 5th man in exchange for company closings, but the 5th man doesn't save nearly as much as the 4 company closings. The 5th man would probably only save as much as 2 or 3 company closings depending on what is done with the closed houses.
  5. Goose, GAW was specifically referring to Mt. Pleasant. On the ambulance you have an EMT, driver, and maybe a Jr member. If the medic rides in, the EMT ends up driving the fly car. Leaving the fly car on scene keeps the medic oos for another 30+ minutes. Another problem is assessment is usually finished and treatment on the way by the time the EMT makes pt contact. Unless the medic makes an effort to get EMT's more involved the EMT has little to no say in what kind of experience they get.
  6. Thanks Capt, thats waht I was looking for. Much appreciated.
  7. city island will be fine because they will continue to relocate trucks there cover the loss. They'll keep on rolling the dice and probably win because of the dedication those responding.
  8. Valid question. Whats the load capacity for that ladder? Average 4 guys in my dept and you're pushing 1000lbs with their gear.
  9. How is accountability handled?
  10. I haven't seen the left side bag, but the RIT Class 2 harness is compatible with the EXO and fits Right opening bunkers.
  11. I'd rather jump into a spetic tank. The act of voluntarily entering the Gowanus alone earns this guy a medal.
  12. You are correct, right opening Gemtor harness is incompatible with the EXO. Petzel offers another harness that is compatible with right opening pants. .
  13. well, someone the media cares about. This cluster can and will kill off brown and poor people all day long before anything is done.
  14. One of the knocks against the Fire Act grants is that they often don't go towards equipment used in day to day operations. Depts use it for the specialty equipment. SAFER grants have a direct and immediate effect on both the community the dept protects and it gets people employed.
  15. This nightmare is just beginning. The EMS switch has been delayed indefinitely after the loss of phones for close to 45 seconds and Verizon's admission that the installed phone bundles were not intended for this use when the buildings were constructed. They may literally melt under maximum load. No matter how flawed the system appears or is later proven to be this system was slated to open in 2006 and has cost the city over 1.4 BILLION dollars. No one who makes decisions on this nightmare is going to admit defeat. But wait, there's more. When NYC lost its emergency operations center on 9/11 they learned the value of redundancy. So even though they are literally putting all their eggs in one basket they have plans for a 1 BILLION dollar backup. This one will be at the Hutchinson Metro Center in the North Bronx. So, if the Brooklyn communications center is disabled in a manmade or natural disaster there will be a handful of people on site to handle the work of dozens until off duty members can be recalled to staff the back-up facility. Unless the terrorists, earthquake, etc give us an hour or so heads up its gonna be a while before there's anyone can call 911. I've never been a fan of 100 years of tradition unimpeded by progress but there is a system in place that has worked extremely well and been commended for the way it works (9/11 and the blackout to be specific). The two billion dollars should have spent upgrading each agencies dispatch facilities and developing a functional fully integrated communications software. They're all going to be in the same building but still have incompatible dispatching software.
  16. NYC only got epi pens because of a slow news day. CPAP constantly comes up but gets beaten back as part of cost benefit. Along with the monetary cost, there is the time lost to restock O2 and equipment, time on scene in a short transport system, and additional training. For the money that would be spent on CPAP there are other things I would rather see purchased.
  17. Just heard that NEMSA was making a push into Transcare. They're supposedly trying for all of Transcare's 911 members to start. Good luck, its a fight that will take years but will be worth it in the end.
  18. Like others have mentioned, popping cartilage and breaking ribs is the only thing that gets to me on arrests. That and arrests in a hto apartment. It just ruins the rest of the tour.
  19. We still are, if we choose to avail ourselves of that option.
  20. discarded cigarets are still a much, much bigger concern.
  21. Not to take away from Austin Fire-Rescue, but how much of the survival of the exposures is a result of building construction and how much firefighting? The exposures appear to be protected by 18 to 24" of masonry with no evidence of a common cockloft. Had it been modern construction, lightweight trusses and common spaces how much exposure would be left?
  22. I would love to see what it costs to repair one of these things after they bang 'em up. Its impressive what the NYPD shops can salvage and get back onto the street.
  23. That truck no longer belongs to Pleasantville. We have a rental and are in the process of forming a spec for a new truck. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but I believe TL-5 now belongs to Seagrave.
  24. The "green" cars are only a couple thousand more than the impalas. In theory the fuel savings will cover that cost increase