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Everything posted by ny10570

  1. Apparently there isn't much in terms of national requirements for bunker gear. In many of the photos I see of San Fransico FFs I see guys performing all sorts of operations with their air pack on with only a bunker jacket and their duty uniform on.
  2. All of the manufacturers have maintined that since the begining. But they also all say that we should still take every precaution to observe and not cut into the high voltage wires. Murphy was a very smart man and thank him for his many laws. I for one would rather not be the first guy to find out that either the manufacturers were wrong or that what ever could go wrong did go wrong and catch 500 volts.
  3. Simple, have you seen teh lines of people out there trying to get onto these jobs?? Why not toughen up the standards and get those out there that have the ability and desiore to advance their education. Requiring a few college credits a great way to weed out alot of the idiots who probably would have failed out of the academy anyways.
  4. An 880 with goggles. Its everything the 1010 is, but its lower profile, sits lower, and its lighter. Dept. Paid for it, I'm wearing it. I'll never understand buying your own helmet.
  5. That was for going down?!?! Us in the JC thought that it was the side entrance to the up-staris
  6. While a closed grip is stronger, you have to "break" your wrist to operate the holmatro. Once you take your wrist out of alignment, you are placing much of that weight in your hand and on your forearm. Like with anything you have to get use to using your equipment. People who are comfortable using the twist control will postion their hand so that when they activate the tool their wrist is straight. I prefer the thumb control since I can twist, lift, pull, whatever I want to do to that tool without having to stop opperating it.
  7. I am far from an expert but I have used Hurst, Lukas and Holmatro. Holmatro is hands down the best thing going. What the have out all ready and many of their new innovations are excellent. Lukas is great, but I find they lack the power and spread of the other two. The newest Hurst Centaur line is a great step foreward that I think makes Hurst competitive with everyone else out there...besides, if they're ever found again that be one of the new toys in Pleasantville
  8. Gotta work it unless you have obvious death...ie no head. Short of that, the suit you would face in westchester if some yppie later actually died due to lack of treatment. You should just hand over your checking account, wallet, and house keys right there.
  9. Luck favors the prepared
  10. The video is very real. First, by the time the car hit him it wasn't going anywhere near highway speed and second, see enough pedestrians vs whatever and you will see people take some amazing hits and either walk away or walk away and drop a few yards later.
  11. SCBA is cumbersom and heavy. Plus, after a few evolutions through a fire the last thing anyone wants to do is put that beast back on. You can achieve safe standards of airquality with the right respirators. Keep a few on the rigs with replacement canisters and you have hours of light weight lung protection. Another even easier way to help us along durring overhaul is forced air ventilation. Crank those fans up and get the air moving. Both of these are recognized by OSHA as acceptable ways to improve airquality in a workspace. Because lets face it. In the fire service we are painfully slow at effcting change. Especially change that requires more work. Untill we get everyone working on air, lets see about implementing these protection ideas.
  12. Good luck with that EMSCOMM80. I don;t know of a single dept that's gonna hand over their rig to abunch of guys they don't know. AN d lets no forget, find me any firefighter that will go into a building or anything for that matter, with a crew of guys without knowing anything more about them than they completed FF2. Its just like setting up a fast team. Once you get enough members up to the standard and a rig equiuped to handle the response you submit your dept to the list.
  13. correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe reflective striping along all painted surfaces on the rear of appartus becoming the accepted standard and is set to become required in the near future.
  14. check out the FDNY website, http://www.fdny.org/ , from tehre you can find out any job info you want, including which list number they are up to (1372). Figure the list runs for 4 yrs, with the 4th year clowing down quickly. You can be safe to assume they'll get through at the very least 3000 names.
  15. Tan is the natural color of the fabric, to make it black actually decreases the wear life. Tan has better visibility. Tan significantly less heat absorption. I get to wear black gear. WHOOPEE
  16. they aren't being descriminated against. The promotion isn't being denied to them and its not a few out of the group that are being held back. The promotion was delayed for all of them.
  17. It sucks, its not fair, but oo f-ing bad. I don't know anyone out there that hasn't lost a promotion for some bullsh*t reason or another. Assuming everything works out, I expect to be entering that Jan. EMS class for the express purpose of ecoming a firefighter a year later. Even I understand that passing the test and even getting into a class is not a guarentee of a position. You were hired to do a job that i sfacing a period of high demand. you asked to be released from your duties. They've said wait a few months. Thats pretty reasonable if you ask me.
  18. While you can't judge an entire operation from one or even many pictures, each of those pictures in an absolutly accurate account of what was going on in that location at that time. While an actual critique forum would be difficult to maintain, it would require alot of attention from the mods, it could and more importantly should be done. The ability to analyze our mistakes and learn from them is the single greatest resource this site can provide. If you see something in a photo or hear something over the radio, you should be able to ask why or how or what ever. The way I see it, so long as it remains a question and answer type environment, it would be relativeely easy forum to operate all things considered.
  19. Odds are, if your dept. doesn't do EMS they are not registered with the state. However, they could be. Check with your chief. If the chief doesn't know, they probably are not registered.
  20. wcr20 has it right. Thats a microwave transmitter ontop and it is used for transmitting video and other information in real time directly to any of the various command centers located throughout the city
  21. ALl this talk about hybrids and nothign about LPG, LNG and Hydrogen cars. The LNG ar eespecially popular in the tri state area (ie ConEd, Municipal Cars, and Buses)
  22. I don't know why you guys are giving this kid such a hard time. If the people on this site would take the time to remove themselves from their high horses and come down to the real world, there are a few things I'd like to point out. First...IF you look carefully, you'll see that teh shorts teh guy is wearing are part of the the new Morning Pride line comming out next year. Second, those particular flip flops made by that company are allowed by NFPA. Just wait in teh comming years that uniform will be arriving at Burn Units everywhere.
  23. Anyone who uses or wants a snorkel, the strong arm would be a perfect sub
  24. The stuff made from shellfish derivative is made from chitosan. Chitosan is not was causes shellfish allergies and while it could exist, I've never heard of such an alergy.
  25. Whew, someone finally got the point