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Everything posted by TimesUp

  1. Couldn't L-13 Become the mutual aid truck? It's just a change on paper isn't it? NRFD has always been a good neighbor to EFD. Theres no doubt about that. E24 and E22 go on mutual aid based on location. Couldn't the same thing be done with the trucks too? Like ThisQuoteMultiQuote
  2. Which mutual aid truck is closest to the north end fire house. L-13 or Scarsdale's truck? Eastchester has always been there when their neighbors have needed help its time to reciprocate. Most important though is the members stay safe.
  3. Nice picture of the probie sitting on the rig. Good story too. But the NYT should have a picture of the guy or gal who didn't get hired because of the lawsuit that brought about the priority hires.
  4. Those guys can put their sticks into some tight places!
  5. 70 years ago tonight thousands of brave men loaded up on planes, gliders, and ships for the greatest invasion ever. Many never made it home. The courage it must of taken is mind boggling to me.
  6. How many volunteers interviewed for these positions that were filled?
  7. Flow meters are great if you have the time to stand there and stare at the flow meter, and wait for the nozzelman to open up and the guys to get the kinks out
  8. Brian Williams had a great special on d day tonight
  9. There is more to being a good MPO also. But being able to get water is a good start. Main size, identifying a un primed pump etc.......Hands out to sides palms up and a shoulder shrug is one of the scariest things to see at a fire
  10. When I got on everybody said"just pump 150" 10 years later and nobody can add up FL and NP. Then we went to smoothbore's and added 2.5" after the first 6 lengths of 1.75. It was some show! long stretch short stretches. A good short cut is worth its weight in gold. But if that's all that's taught then get the Benny Hill music ready.
  11. I'm sure there won't be a wet down but I'm sure the guys on north ave. wouldn't mind if any enthusiast stopped by to take a look. Great bunch of guys!
  12. looks likes a fun day. Great looking Engine
  13. Burglars and other criminals should be known for having the most dangerous jobs. Even though it's not quite the definition of "JOB" Maybe one day the statistics will reflect this.
  14. After a good class on elevator ops you would then have to issue scba's? (I think the nypd is going to come up with a SOP?) Then turnout gear and firefighter I&II after all in order to operate safely at a structure fire theses would be the minimum you should give these officers. Anything less would be suicide. What a shame these kids lost their Dad. What a tragedy! BTW the new SOP could say to stay out of fire buildings even if dispatched. I'm sure there are some on here with better insight than me on that.
  15. Management in the fire service today is apprehensive when it come to dealing with problems that happen on duty for fear of a lawsuit. There is no way for the most part a department is going to touch something that happens off duty 2 states away. This is just from my perspective. Law departments in city hall run most fire departments.
  16. I think the second guy climbing up the ladder was trying to get everybody killed. The trapped worker saved both their lives. If it weren't for him they might of never moved the ladder. It looks like they would of been in the collapse that occurred soon after.
  17. Interesting concept: A) Train to deal with the problem which will negate the aftermath, Or B. Ignore the problem and train for the aftermath. It's not always this cut and dry but if I were given a choice I would choose "A". All to often I see people go right to "B" It would also help to identify the problem before there is even a chance of a aftermath. Training for a worst case scenario has its place in the fire service. Preventing a worst case scenario from happening has a bigger place though.
  18. I agree. People must come first. So when a Mayor Decides he's going to brown out companies for the day or 24 hours he or she is not putting their own citizens safety first.
  19. Barry,we might never agree. But you're a good guy in all seriousness.
  20. Very Knowledgable indeed, Thank god! Where would we be without them
  21. Bottom line is this current strategy isn't working. This is proven. Time for a different approach. Unless going on mutual aid to supplement somebody's short comings is the ultimate goal.
  22. Chiefs all over the county are furious about how some departments abuse mutual aid! Or are they?