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About TimesUp

  • Birthday 06/19/1971

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  • Location westchester

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  1. If that was a attic fire then it was a good move. What ever that was it wasn't really well attached to the rest of the house. Imeadiate results too.
  2. Do the Citizens that pay to have a career fire department want to pay to supplement they're neighbors who don't want to pay for a career department? Does this fit into the equation anywhere?
  3. Maybe there were no interior stairs, leaving them no choice but to extend a ground ladder with a new technique and put a stream from a Hand line through a attack window?
  4. Is the safety issue for the residents of Norwich ct the fact that they're fire department isn't called for mutual aid? Or is it that they're department isn't adequately trained of staffed?
  5. Will they be taking over in Mt Vernon as well? I hear they're looking to make changes there
  6. How does this affect your organization? What preparation needs to be done in advance? Is this a negative or a positive?
  7. If I'm not mistaken I believe its the other way around?
  8. The Mayor of mt vernon figured out a way to save money. Instead of putting money into his fire budget he uses other town's or city's fire budget. He's ahead of his time and he thanks all.
  9. http://pix11.com/2015/04/27/yonkers-fire-department-says-mt-vernon-is-taking-advantage-of-aid/
  10. Couple of roll overs and a gas leak and guys want to pat themselves on the back. Everybody made home safe?
  11. It was a stretch comparing E82 to spring valley and 6 fires a year. As Far as the building code violations? It sounds pretty bad in spring valley but this sort of thing happens everywhere.
  12. Whats the ballpark number not including mutual aid? Stay safe!!
  13. It sounds like there are a lot of building code violations in spring valley. This could lead to many dangers for firefighters in spring valley. How many structure fires did spring valley have last year? In spring valley?
  14. How many structure fires did Spring Valley have last year? In Spring Valley?