I understand the need for change especially in EMS in Putnam County. I have worked there as a medic and volunteered there as well. However, these changes if implemented will be the fastest way to get the volunteers out of the EMS "business". Why would they want to get up at any hour to be a first responder? Why would the fire departments buy, maintain, service $100K + ambulances? They should just get their own BLS fly-cars, cause that's all the ambulances will become. What is going to happen to the EMT's skills? Let's face reality, how many times are the Medic and BLS bus going to get to the call first? Most of the time I'd say. And maybe Brewster and Mahopac will get more then 1 call at a time that would require the volunteer ambulance there to transport, (but if everyone is fed up with the system will anyone come?) but what about the towns that don't have the same call volume. I for one can see people getting tired of coming out for a call, getting an ambulance with a crew only to get to the scene and have the patient already being treated by Empire and have no need for the volunteer ambulance. Is it necessary to send both? What if the volunteer dept, God forbid gets into an accident responding to a call that already has a medic and BLS ambulance on the scene?? I guess it's no different then it is now, but to me this is going to make the dedicated EMT's not want to give up their precious time to go to a scene where they aren't going to be needed. What is wrong with the way they are doing it now? If the volunteers don't get a crew the Empire ambulance transports, correct? To me you are getting ALS care immediately (how good is another story - and before I get crucified I know there are some good medics there) in an ambulance that can transport if the volunteers can't get a bus out. My family is there so I do care and want the best for them as well. But I don't think taking the transport responsibility away from the volunteer departments is the answer.