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About lhfdvolly

  • Birthday 07/26/1956

My Web Presence

  • Website URL http://www.longhillfd.com

Profile Information

  • Name: John
  • Location Trumbull, CT, Formerly of Purchase, NY
  • Agency Long Hill Volunteer Fire Company/Long Hill Fire District

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  1. The chassis on this truck is painted blue.
  2. Not in the case of our truck.
  3. Our Aerialscope is currently projected to take 500 days from when we signed the contract because of the supply chain issues. Our Pierce engine however was only delayed a few months and as of now we are expecting delivery in late April/early May but that could change. Total time for the Pierce is approximately 14 months without anymore delays. Not sure if that is now the case though if a contract were to be signed today, it may take longer. With the current supply chain issues the entire industry is facing delays.
  4. Wow, no new Seagrave. Could this be a transition from Seagrave to Pierce or just a one time occurance?
  5. That is the new 241 which is the replacement for 239.
  6. Our Ladder Tower was there for at least 6 months to get the bucket replaced when it was damaged. Not only did they take that long but we had to keep following up for updates, no communication from them. There were still other issues that should have been resolve while the truck was there but were done after it was returned, took a while to get it back in service. Because their customer response was so poor we are now resolved to the fact that we will never buy another KME. Since they have been taken over by the E-One parent company their customer service has gone in the toilet. Good luck with your issue and I hope it works out for the best.
  7. Sweet! Best of luck!
  8. Our new attack truck. Long Hill Fire District, Trumbull, CT.
  9. EJ Metals of Wisconsin is currently building an attack pumper for The Long Hill Fire District in the Town of Trumbull, CT. The truck is being built on an F-550 4x4 chassis and delivery is expected some time in June.
  10. So I guess Mount Vernon has no social media policies and that's why this moron still has a job?
  11. Best of luck in your retirement Ange!