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Everything posted by ajsbear

  1. The FBI's like the IRS. Once you got them, you can't get rid of them.
  2. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies!!
  3. Similar to 19-2-1 my department had a rig with the aux lights under the front bumper. After replacing them several times we gave up and removed them.
  4. MY thoughts and prayers to his familty and may he RIP
  5. Too many people are looking at it as just another day. So many forget, so many just go about life as if nothing happened but complain about Iraq and the administration. If you read the thread I started with Dennis Smith's article he nailed it. Anger Most people outside NYC don't even realize it. Many now in our area are getting the same. Making it a holiday is not the answer. Retail will capitalize on a day of shopping. There is an answer out there some place. Start teaching in the schools. Stop the arguing about how to build at Ground Zero and just get it done.
  6. From today's NY Daily News, by Dennis Smith. The anger never dies... By DENNIS SMITH Monday, September 10th 2007, 4:00 AM * Print * Email * Suggest a Story Six joyful summers and six hopeful springs have passed since so many good people were slaughtered by Islamist radicals in 2001. When I think of the summer games played by the victims' children and the annual spring rituals of their widows and widowers, I take some satisfaction in our human capacity to take life by the hand and go forward. But I also cannot forget the agony of that day and the profound pain we the living endured as we attended the funerals and comforted the survivors. Indeed, my anger, our anger, is not only a memory. It is a living, breathing, seething thing. Six years ago tomorrow, we found out there were hundreds of thousands, perhaps more than a million, radical Islamists bound by a pathetic ideology and determined to have as many of us killed as possible. Nineteen of them made it to our shores, in the worst way imaginable. I lost 343 Fire Department brothers. Now, my unrelenting anger surprises me. I was never an Ivy-League English professor type, a romantic who thought the world to be inhabited by people who want to get along. I am a fireman from the South Bronx. I have always been a realist. I have witnessed many terrible things in my time. I have been shot at and stoned. Yet all these years later, I find I am still angry. I'm still surprised. I try, to whatever extent possible, to channel that anger into positive passions. But physically and psychologically, my life has changed. And there are many like me. My friend and fellow FDNY veteran Lee Ielpi and I worked so many days together on The Pile. We have both kept busy since and, at least outwardly, succeeded. We have tried hard to show them - the terrorists - that they haven't cut deep enough to bring us down. In fact, despite struggling with a serious medical challenge directly related to 9/11, Lee remains perfectly committed to honoring the memory of his son Jonathan, who was found 93 days after 9/11, directly in line with where the south tower stairs had been. I, too, have endured the most painful throat radiation possible due to the poisonous air I breathed at Ground Zero, particularly on that first day. But what's done is done. The air came with the territory. They, the terrorists, made us breathe it. Yet that is only one of the reasons I am filled with rage. I cannot put to rest the questions that pulse relentlessly through my bloodstream. Why, for starters, do we plop down millions of dollars to see movies featuring Hollywood stars who travel the globe undermining the interests of our State Department and our nation? And, why does our culture publicize Lindsay Lohan's petty addictions with as much passion as it does Osama Bin Laden's murderous intentions? What have we really learned from the Islamist bombings in Spain and England, and the recent arrests of Islamist terrorists in England and, just a week ago, in Germany? I want answers. Why do we still let hundreds of unaccounted for strangers enter our country illegally every day, and why do we continue to appoint political hacks to vital positions in our offices of emergency preparedness and homeland security organizations? And why are the many good and honest Muslims in our country letting thugs and killers usurp and stain their religion before their very eyes? The crack in our Liberty Bell in Philadelphia symbolizes how fragile our democracy can be. And we have far too many political leaders who mistake boasting for bravery. The future safety of the United States is undeniably tied to the defeat of radical Islam, a corrosive ideology that knows no borders and has no morals. Yet our own senators want to give sustenance to our terrorist enemies by pulling unceremoniously out of Iraq. Our own senators, evidently, do not know the lesson of the Liberty Bell. I am angry. Are you? Smith, a retired New York City firefighter, is author of the book "Report from Ground Zero."
  7. Jimmy, great job. Didn't know Gary was still there, he's got over 30!
  8. Yesterday my family and I took a trip out of Westchester Airport and what I saw deeply disturbed and worried me. The area past security was so crowded it was way past dangerous and the TSA people were contilually pushing people in. To say the area was over capacity was an understatement. It was to the point you could not move to get to a gate. Pushing a stroller took 5 minutes to get from one side to the other when they annouced which gate our plane was leaving from. With the amount of traffic going through this airport and if one or 2 planes are delayed I can see this happens more and more. Doesn't this worry the departments who respond to the airport? Evacuation of the terminal building safely is impossible. We won't discuss the rude behavior of the airport employee's and the airline personel or the TSA. All said it was not their responsability or problem and pushed it off on each other.
  9. 15 days away and counting. We could still fit in a few more golfers. Also each of the fire departments received a letter about the outing and a request for sponsoring a green, a hole or make a donation. How many departments just threw this away? We all take out ads in each others journals etc for hundreds of dollars. If each department sent 150 or 200 bucks to the Burn Foundation it goes to a tremendous cause. Would any department miss the $200 out of the 2% fund budgets?
  10. You first need the officers to enforce seatbelts. Most of the officers in my department do. I just came back from a run and the officer on thew rig never asked. It's rare for me to ride with him on board and usually I will drive another rig since he and I do not get along. The officers need to ask each time. I do when I drive and that is most of the time. It should be second nature. Get in a vehicle, put on the belt. It's not hard and it just may save your life. It just takes a second or three.
  11. At least 2 of the pictures show at least 1 bucket in operation. The pictures also show several places where the fire has vented. common sense says the roof is no longer a solid structure so "GET OFF." No if's and or buts. get the Butts off. Do they have a "Saftey officer?" If so what is he thinking if at all?
  12. How can Putnam COunty drop its ALS service? Just remember this is the same county who thinks it's 1960's radio system is "state of the art!"
  13. Sounds like a job for a transportation expert like DADBO46 to me. If anyone would have it or know where to get them he's your man.
  14. We just took my mother-in-laws car away. She gets lost going to the store, she just forgets. It was scarry to watch her. It took several arguments after I convinvced my wife. She finally took the car away then she spoke to her mothers doctor who wrote to DMV. She just turned in her license. It was a big deal. They just don't want to give up their independance.
  15. Sounds to me the Vulcan Society is promoting Reverse Discrimination. What ever happened to "the most qualified for the job?" I remember when Mt Vernon was dropping the requirement for High School diplomas. Jody is well qualified. I'm sure we all know he's an excellant instructor and a seasoned firefighter. (makes a good hot dog too!)
  16. I was wondering when you were going to comment on this one. Doesn't Alamo have a seporate contract with GHCF? If so it's not coming out of the local budget but I understand when they pull the local unit that is supposed to be covering Beekman. They need to have a unit available at all times for the local response. If its not available maybe the town needs to look at other providers or demand Alamo has a unit in town at all times as per the contract and not pull it to cover another contract. Maybe the town needs to look into the legal issues of the contract. It should state minimum response times, coverage hours units etc. If not the people who approved it should be removed from office. In this day and age where everything usually is spelled out the town should have alamo up against the wall on this. The town comes first. I know there is a contract with Camp Smith and everything there is spelled out. I know its different then the jail but it is a state facility.
  17. Same on the Hudson Line as well. They stopped about 6 months after 9-11. Still see all the MTA people ride for free and take up seats.
  18. Didn't we just have discussion on FULL PPE at an MVA?
  19. RIP Brother.
  20. Congrats to Mr and now the new MRS EMTBRAVO. May you 2 have a long, healthy and happy marraige.
  21. I beleive that Continental Village's 14-2-3 is still in service, a 1980 Young.
  22. I think its a great system but as someone here said be careful of the meaningless junk. I've seen things like after pictures a post of just "Cool" and such. The system where posts like this will cost points works to stop it. There are probably a lot of people who just read and don't post now maybe we'll hear from them
  23. Chris I think you're 100% correct. Every previous fire we can learn from will always help us. We can all continue to grive but what if you respond tonight to a similar fire? Will you remember everything from this fatal fire? We need to talk about it. Part of the griving process is to talk about it. Yes its a great tragedy. Yes its tough on all of us to lose brothers like this. As rough as it sounds life goes on. We all have to live with this but use it to learn. As our good friend ALS stated "Risk vs Gain." Learn from it and live with it.
  24. There was a whole hour about a year ago on the "Discovery Channel" about making bomb with household goods. Chlorine (bleach) was just one of them.