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Everything posted by ajsbear

  1. I see a whole lotta love coming, the EMT BRAVO Valantine's Day party!!!
  2. If the city wants to really save money and have absolutly no impact on the people then all of the elected officials should take a 20% paycut and work a 4 day week. Work Monday to Thursday. Nothing happens on Friday that can't wait until Monday.
  3. It's who you are related to not what you know or how you do your job.
  4. Congrats Jack, now I'll have someone to share a few beers with when I'm up there in the summer. We spend time inN. Truro.
  5. I lived in Mt Vernon, grew up there and my time in the department dates back to when Leggett was chief. I have seen what was once one of the most respected departments go down the drain taken down by polititions. When I coment on posts about MV or start a thread about it, I remember what it once was and what it is today. There are a lot of guys still there that I have known and call friends and some of these friendships date back to when I was in school growing up. I both feel for the guys there now who "give a damm" and I fear for my friends there that the BS doesn't get one of them hurt. The people in the city don't care. They just want to know that they pay cheep taxes and the polititions promise they will look into it but nothing comes of it. Just like the begining of this year, the Mayor held up hiring because he was looking into new generators for the fire houses. That is a capital expenditure, different area of the budget but no one brought it up and they went months with openings. We all know that city hall is corrupt. The new administration has yet to prove they are any different. I sit bashing or telling fact!!
  6. There were lights from Mt. Beacon to Princeton NJ in honor of Evacuation day 225 years ago when the british left NY.
  7. `Congrats Chief. I wanta be just like you if I grow up.
  8. May he rest in peace.
  9. This looks like the rekindle. Stack of wood was much higher Tuesday night.
  10. There was a 20Ft pile of logs on top of the wood chips and not a lot of room to spread them out. CV did a good job. all you could do was drown it as Garrison Tree took the logs off the pile one by one and move them. And the logs were on top of the chips.
  11. Cold Spring does not have a tanker. The only other tanker in Philipstown that was not there is North Highlands which was covering the entire town. Peekskill moved up to CV and they don't have a tanker. If they sent NH then you still have to put a tanker on the road to back fill.
  12. They were redispatched around 3, 3:30 this afternoon. We emptied one of the water towers last night at Graymoor, 40,000 gallons before we moved the fill site,
  13. And will we see any of this in The Journal Snooze?
  14. Emergancy vehicles are exempt. Now does that include your OV at an emergancy? Probably not.
  15. Why can't we just go back to the "most qualified?"
  16. They have cops on duty at night in Rye Brook, fires are not allowed after 5.
  17. Who's making breakfast? I'm coming with 4 others.
  18. I don't know the specifics of his arrest record but I do know he has a criminal record.
  19. "What's done is done" is correct. It's going to be an interesting 4 years as we move into Socialism
  20. You're in our prayers, for a full and speedy recovery.
  21. Congrats on the baby, Yesrs of happiness to you. my son was born 5/1/06 and I'll just tell you its great.