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Everything posted by ff026
i myself having been a loyal nextel customer for over 10 years just dumped them and went to verizon wireless. purchased the motorola Q, what a great phone. In m opinion it crushes my blackberry. its syncs with outlook seamlessly i can edit all of my contacts and schedules and tasks through outlook and bam the phone is updated immeaditly and the service is great. having a windows OS phone is great very stable compared to my blackberry. the media center is great popped in a 1MB mini sd card and loaded up a buncha music and video's. and the service is great works everywhere my nextel didnt.
that is the craziest thing i have ever seen! i remember when in rockland we used to have a field day at rockland lake it was nothing like that.
yes they will be and so will every company in rockland! what is your interested in Thiells/Dept 26?
HT Digital or Analog? NO WAY. The HT 750's 1250's and 1550's or WARIS series of radio's are analog only. they are 25kHz/12.5 kHz capable but they ARE NOT digital in anyway. they have a Digital display but that is as far as they get. The problem with your XTS 2500's might be the programming could be wrong on your 12.5 kHz channels or the radio's need to be tuned.
musta been a band opening last night to bad i missed it!
P25 trunking is a standard. it is 9600 baud compared to normal motorola 3800 baud. any P25 trunking radio can work on a P25 trunking system provided it is given the system key. another interseting note with P25 systems, on most 3800 baud systems you can buy a portable and use a special program found widely on the internet to program a system key in and monitor it as a trunked non affiliated(you program PTT inhibit) portable to listen to specific talkgroups as you would on an ordinary portable. P25 trunking Kills all non authorized system portables, because a P25 sytem gets its info from the control channel hence the 9600 baud rate. westchester's new system is a P16 standard and i cant for the life of me remember the important parts of the standard. any new digital scanner starting with the BC796D can monitor a P25 trunking system and all of the talk groupls provided you program them in.
sounds like a tornado touched down in rockland in the nyack area. from what i am hearing on the fire radio it at least ripped a shed apart at the thruway authority area on the west side of the bridge.
no westchesters system is a project 16 trunking system 3600 Baud control channel rocklands is gong to be 9600 baud control channel. rockland's radio's can be flashed for both P25 trunking and 3600 baud trunking. westchester's can not they are not specing P25 portables their portables and mobiles are ANOLOG only our equipment wil be both analog and digital. you are forgetting about the charecteristics of the Upper UHF band. it penetrates concrete and steele better than VHF. foliage is not as much of a problem as it is with low band and VHF. there are also going to be more receiver sites throughout the county then there presently are. all of the receive sites are going to be tied into voting comparator's. you misunderstand the speaker mic part. a public safety speaker mic is a speaker mic that has an antenna on it. i am stating that we are getting a system that will work with a conventional speaker mic(no antenna) with the radio on your hip. as i type this i refer back to my coverage maps. for a building with 6dB building penetration loss(typical house in rockland) the inbound transmission to the system is about 93%. no we do not approach those levels today in this county. no they can not you need a voting comparator for that purpose. That type of system is called Transmitter steered voting. Low band is going to strictly for paging. well yes there is 1. it is expensive and not cost effective you need base stations antenna's tie lines or microwave. 2. you can not buy a 100 watt or 330 watt micor base station anymore. No major manufacture builds high power low band base station equipment that can handle the intermod generated at modern communications sites. and by the way the county legislators voted unaminously to fund the system.
yes because in the intial stages of planning the radio system UHF paging was not an option. all of our channels are licensed for YW which in FCC terms means CENTRALIZED TRUNKED RELAY. spectrum is tight in this area and there was none available to get a non trunked paging channel. the trunking system will be HARD PATCHED into the lowband system so units can still be heard responding. if you look at all of the licenses they are 90 Watts ERP. there are going to be between 10 to 13 sites to cover the county. the system is designed for 95% "IN STREET ON HIP" coverage. which translates to 4 watt portable on your hip in the street with no Public Safety mic covering 95% of the county. where is the 5% that is not covered? mostly in Harriman state park. Low band is not going to be added or deleted in anyway. the existing base stations for the county are staying where they are. there are 4 Low Band sites in the county. The main transmitter is on Cheesecoat Mountain its a 330 watt lowband base. Mt nebo in Nyack is the "Orangetown remote" it is a 100 watt base. Pine Grove in sloatsburgh is the "Sloatsburgh Remote" it is a 100 watt base. and the 4th Base station is in back of the FTC it is a 300 wat base station. All paging comes out of cheesecoate no matter what part of the county you are in. but for Dept's who require the orangetown or sloatsburgh remotes the voice message after the intial page is 1st transmitted over the "remote bases" then over cheesecoate. it is a totally different animal than the westchester county system. it is going to be a P25 simulcast system. the main difference is in the proprietary nature of the westchester county system. Westchester's is a Motorola SMARTZONE system. which means you must by portables, mobiles, control stations and consoles from Motorola. Rocklands is an open standard Project 25 system. there are about 10 different manufactures who build equipment for P25 standards so you can buy whatever types of mobiles , portables, control stations and consoles you want. rockland's is also going to be digital all the time on the TRUNKING SYSTEM only. to explain the simulcast aspect: all of the sites in the system TRANSMIT at once. that means however many sites we have all of them transmit at once. ite greatly improves the coverage footprint. the easiest way to remember is: portables and mobiles from westchester WILL NOT work on the rockland system. Portables and Mobiles from rockland WILL work on the westchester system. Now about INTEROPABLITY: there are a group fo frequencies the FCC has put aside that can be licensed by region called the V-TAC's and U-TAC's. there are already being explored by rockland to set up intercounty communications. that is exactlly how it is going to happen fireground communications will remain ANALOG SIMPLEX.
xts 3000! just had mine uplifted and works flawlessly. heavy radio but at least i do not have to worry about dropping and breaking it.
[best radio motorola ever made in my opinion: XTS 3000 out of the box it is smbmersible great audio, digital, trunking conventional.
it is down the street a few more blocks off of Cameron place. it is not on Jerome Ave anymore. If you go south on jerome past the firehouse cameron place is on the left after clinton place. so you go to w 183 then buchanan place, then w182 st then clinton and cameron is on your left. it is on the east side of jerome ave.
we are going to trunking for pure interoperability PD,FD, EMS will all be on the trunking system. they way i described it you dont need to portables . the mobile trunking radio can remoted to the pump panel for communications with the dispatcher and incoming units. i believe that the pyramid mobile repeaters can be interfaced nto the XTL- or MCS line of radio's. i know there are settings in the pyramid to do trunking.
ok just wanted to weigh in on this one. 1st my background... radio tech for 5 years... back ground in communications... working on the committe for rocklands new system. 2nd not to pull a "hey we are better than you" but in rockland all dept's use UHF fireground. the county has 6 low power UHF offsets licensed. on all UHF radio's they are the 1st 6 channels, after that you can do what you want. TAC 1 is the vehicle repeaters. TAC 2-6 are the fireground channels. all dispatching and pre arrival takes place on lowband and all fireground takes place on UHF. all pump operators/drivers have there own radio's and most trucks carry an additional 3 radio's. all chiefs and officer's have there own radio's. most chiefs if not all have rear mic's and speakers in the rear area of the car to talk to 44 control. like i said all fireground is on UHF and tranmissions to control and responding units is on low band. we use multiple low band cahnnels upon a large incident or prolonged incident. all vehicle repeaters must have "1st man out priority" that is the ability and logic circuts to turn each other on and off. my dept use's the repeaters as 2 ways. one way is if there is no chiefs car on scene the officer or driver of the 1st rig(if there is no officer) can use the repater to talk to control, or they have the driver pump operator relay the messages and answer over the truck low band radio. the second way we use the Vehicle repeaters is as an emergency tool. all of our radios are either HT750's or Officers have HT1250's. if there is a mayday situation and they cant be heard on the fireground, and need to be heard by 44 control they member can do 1 of 2 things. either turn the channel selector all the way to the right or left to use the vehicle repeater channel or press the ORANGE emergency button and the will be taken to the vehicle repeater channel. now as far as using your existing portables on your new system or all trunking portables for fireground radios remember a few things. there is a NFPA guidline warning of not using 3 things for fireground point to point communications. 1) use analog only transmissions, 2) use SIMPLEX non repeated frequencies, 3) use conventional SIMPLEX non trunking Frequencies. i forsee when the rockland system is built out that most departments will keep there existing radio's in the trucks for fireground. all mobile radio's will be trunking MOBILES with pump panel mic and speakers. all chiefs and officers will have trunking portables. the channel layout will have to be changed to accomodate the use of the fireground channels and the trunking system in the radios. ex: physical channel on on a trunking radio would be Dispatch on the trunking system and physical channel 2 would be tac 2 low power fire ground, physical channel 3 on a trunking radio would be say command and physical channel 4 would be tac 3 low power fireground. on non trunking radio's in place of the trunking channels you could have blank unprogrammed channels. im sure your committe an vendor have thought of these contigencies and are waiting till the system is ready to be used and turned over to start coming out with guidlines to reprogram radio's.
the ambulance is run by ESU. they deliver oxygen to MOS's family.
asi wear does great work!!!!!!!
you have to be kidding me? he is guilty of more than criminal trespass. he is a POS, this isnt his 1st run in with the law. he is a junkie burgler, accesory to murder and should never be allowed to act or breath air as a free man again, except "act" like he likes it as he bends over for BUBBA in the shower. and"Booby D" is your typical hollywood liberal POS. im sure in 25 years for now there will be a free lilo rallying cry like the one for "tookie" with the famous "new witness" or "new evidence" spin.
Date:12-9-05 Time:15:57 Location:10 Addison Boyce Drive (Town of Clarkstown) Departments:Dept 6 (Hillcrest FD), Dept 9 (New City FD), Dept 17 (Spring Valley FD), Dept. 8 (Nanuet); Clarkstown PD, Rockland Medics. Description: Heavy fire in a 1-story ranch style P/D. Writer: FF026, Truck4 15:57Dept 6 dispatched on Intial to Unknown Type fire in residence. call back advised house on fire possible trapped occupant. 15:59 6-2 on scene advising working structure. 16:00 6-Command requesting 1 pumper w manpower from Dept 9 16:01 6-Command requesting 17 Tanker to the scene , advising all residents out of building 60x60 building 3/4's fully involved. 16:02 6-Command requesting alternate response be put in service for Dept 6. 1627hrs- M/A New City (Dept 9) for 9-Rescue to scene. 1640hrs- M/A Nanuet (Dept. 8) for Engine and 8-Patrol to scene.
any of you guys in westchester know about this? i got this from a westchester news group:
from the official site: they should also have must speak english as a FIRST language, half the time you cant understand most of em.
a Minitor II Low band can not be changed to a UHF. totally different receiver.
from my expierence with KME its not the factory support......it is the salesman..... who is a little bit on the "well not exactlly" when you ask him a question about a problem or need.
operator "45" has not retired. he is still there doing his thing. one of the best dispatchers we have.
rockland county is going to be replacing all of its LOW BAND and VHF radios with a new DIGITAL trunking system. it is going to be 9600 Baud APCO 25 trunking, fire dispatch will remain on low band simulcast with the UHF trunking system for only 1 talkgroup. EMS is going to UHF Trunked paging. all talk groups will be digital fireground is going to be simplex ANALOG using the existing TAC channels fed through voters to 44 Control. if you wanna monitor rockland in the future you need a APCO 25 compliant scannner. the earlier bearcat scanner with digital will not do APCO 25 trunking. You need a 9600 Baud trunking scanner. it is still a few years away but my sources tell me it is gonna happen and the COUNTY wants it expidted they dont wanna wait around they want it done ASAP before the technoligy is "out grown"
know what a minitor 5 is? its a minitor 4 that works!!!! lol