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Everything posted by smwells

  1. A Speedy recovery to the injured officers.. The greiving family must be feeling the addtional stress after this incident..
  2. What are you putting on a rig for $170,000. We paid $120,000 in 2001 for our Horton including most of the bells and whistles (many of which were over the top for an ambulance, like electic window glass, leds in running boards, etc..)
  3. I did the drill 20+ years ago while working at WCA (remember the Quanset Hut?). The best way to describe that drill was "Organized Chaos", As was mentioned earlier, Multiple departments operating at an incident over a large area, with chiefs that potentialy have no past experience working with the fellow departments. Large scale drills/incidents are the only time that you potenially could be working with a department from the completely opposite end of the county, or state for that matter. ICS should account for this, but probably won't
  4. Unfortunately HVHC goes on diversion far to frequently ("Boy that cried wolf"). I have seen the faxes at my VAC from HVHC indicating 4-8-12 hour diversions at a clip. I can certainly understand if a piece of equipment is off-line like Cat-Scan that will limit thier capability, but they never explain the reason, in turn as a provider it makes it hard to make an informed decision about the best location for the patient. As Ckroll indicated if they are short on beds upstairs, why force the patient to a hospital 30+ minutes away for a treat and release issue? Is it any quicker for the patient to go to Putnam Hosp, or WCMC 30min away, so they can sit 30 minutes less in the waiting room? For an ALS call it may make sense to call ahead to the hospital, but as a BLS provider, calling on every job makes no sense, and will quickly tick off the ER staff .
  5. Anybody got a "100ft of Flight Line" laying around ??? Read some of reviews, some are funnier than the product itself..
  6. Something that probably should have been done (may have been) by the FD is asking him to resign.. based upon the charges alone, not his guilt or innocence to save the department a black eye.. Unfortuantely based upon the multiple charges, this person doesn't have the common sense to do the right thing anyway, even if it was suggested.
  7. Northern Dutchess is Alamo or vice-versa... As part of the Healthquest agreement about 1-2 months back.. it was discussed on here...
  8. 2 pointers. 1. On practical - assume nothing, verbilize everything. 2. On Street (after passing) - The only time you will find a textbook case is in the textbook, Adapt what you learn to what you find on the street. Think outside the box. Good Luck - EMT 14 yrs and always learning something.
  9. Fine both the Driver and the Company/Owner. The cost to not clear off a vehicle could be someone's life.. You can't put a dollar figure on that.
  10. How about the 'invincible' drivers of 4x4's and suv's... 70+mph rain or shine... "I have 4 wheel drive, I can go anywhere, at normal speed" EMS/Fire definition = 4 wheel drive means further in the woods off the roadway..
  11. Can someone prove that the property being stolen was not his?? All of us have borrowed something from a neighbor... I know it is a far reach. He called 911 after observing the break in, stayed on for 6 min during which he shot 2 people.. When did the the police finally arrive? 10min, 15 min..
  12. I have seen enough CMN forms filled out, it looked like they were done in my college creative writing class.. Most of them are written to ensure payment of services, regardless of the Pt having a hang nail or in full arrest. If you are sent on the job, the company expects to get paid. They dont lie on the form, but they certainly beef up the issue.
  13. Several departments in Putnam have worked to minimize calls going mutual aid by hiring EMTs, unfortunately others that have seen an increase in coverage issues, have not. This has forced the county to have Empire State Ambulance supply an ambulance instead of a fly car in Medic 3 and 4's territory on the East side of Putnam County. The Medic 1 and 2 areas on the west side still maintains the use of flycars, with the area volunteer agencies covering thier calls consistently.
  14. I use them in the Front always, and in the back of the ambulance when possible.. If you are EMT make sure you trust the one up front to get you and the patient safely to your destination.. If needed get someone else to drive or switch positions if needed. The EMT has enough going on, without worrying about the person up front.. RIP MATT
  15. BLS = Basic Limo Service.. Unfortunately our Medicare system won't pay $20 for a taxi to a dr's appt, but will pay $400.00 to drive them to the ER.. I am sure many of you have gone to a call, to find the person walking to the ambulance carrying an overnite bag!!!! Meanwhile you just risked your crews life even responding non-emergency to someone that could hop in a cab.. in the case of many area departments, removing the closest ems agency, to a serious call if one occurs. I am glad the citizens of Cleavland can afford $100,000 taxis, but the rest of us think it is waste of taxpayer money.
  16. Looks like they pulled the video... Oh well
  17. I don't want to offend or sound morbid to anyone, I heard that Matt/his family supported Organ Donation, does anyone know how many people benefited from this decision ? His death is a tragic loss, but many people potentially were given another chance by this donation. Matt should be remembered for his final life saving effort as well.
  18. Prayers to the Crew and thier Families. No one plans for a Line of Duty event.
  19. Chris, Yes MOS from Empire. It is not looking good for him.
  20. Our Tax dollars hardly at work!! Can they really be serious here, Who is hanging their BVD's out to dry on the Main Street??
  21. PD blew it!! The EMT's should not have accepted an RMA signed by the PD.. Pt was under age and if the crew felt it was not in the best interest of the patient, then he should have gone to the hospital.. So PD's paperwork would have been delayed by an hour while the PT was being evaluated.. BIG DEAL.. PD protocol seems to be the issue, Something seems a miss if the Chief of the PD is signing the RMA??
  22. I am all for a ID system, the problem is who is going to manage it? At what point is someone going to validate your ID (At the site, 5 blocks away, ??) I will agree there was A LOT! of freelancing during 9/11, but can someone really tell me a checkpoint system would have worked on a large scale event like that?? The city forgot about 90 ambulances staged for action, and they were part of the system. I was 5 blocks away at a triage site at 388 Greennwich St during 9/11, had 100's of bystanders from the building around me volunteering to help. Short of a sign-in sheet and notation of skills it was a "free for all".. I am sure it would not have worked at that location, Most cetainly would not have worked at Ground Zero.
  23. This whole incident shouldn't have happened. The City of NY dropped the ball !! Can anyone explain why it takes 6+ years to tear down a building? The FF's lost there lives because of the cities inability to get the job done. Pre-plan or not, the building should not be standing.. Don't blame the people at the front line, they follow orders from the Brass... :angry: I am betting one of two things will happen now: A. the building will be gone by December07 B. The I35W freeway in MN will be rebuilt before this is finished... (I am betting on B !!)