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Everything posted by lissa76

  1. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and members of YFD... Rest in peace hero...
  2. I am so sorry for you loss, Jimmy was a true inspiration to all of us. God bless...
  3. Wow... reading all those and I'm tearing up.... I remember sitting at work when I got a phone call that 2 planes had crashed into the WTC. I thought it was a joke.... as many did, I watched and we had the radio on. Thats when I remembered my friend of 10 years could be working, he's a medic for the city. I called his cell, nothing, his house, his cell kept alternating until I finally woke him up. I said oh my god, you're ok. He said, yeah, why? I said turn on your tv. He said, I'll call you back. He called me 10 minutes later, told me he was on his way in to work. I told him to be careful, and that I loved him. I was afraid I would never see him again. He was a shell for the longest time after that. Attending funerals and masses of his friends and co workers. I see those images on tv, remembering the emotions that I, as well as many others had felt that day. I'm still angry, I'm filled with a rage that cannot be explained. I wasn't there, I couldnt' help. All I could do was sit and watch in horror as the chaos unfolded. For those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, for those who put their lives on the line ... I thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I will never forget, no one should.
  4. Hi, anyone else been contacted by this person on aol? I copied the link and asked a friend about it since I had never seen a site end in Apparently it's from Caicos Islands or something. Never clicked on it... not going to.. just curious if anyone else knows who this is. (I spread out the address so no one clicks on it by mistake) PFDSnapshot: hello PFDSnapshot: i am the peekskill fire Dept photographer, and the peekskill volunteer ems photographer PFDSnapshot: i am trying to get my site out to a lot dept's in wc to see it PFDSnapshot: i was just wondering if you could take a look at it and see if we could trade sities i put brewsters up on my site and maybe u can put mine up on yours PFDSnapshot: ok its WWW. FD SNAPSHOTS .BIZ .TC
  5. :-P LOL!!! I can't wait to see him at the next parade... now I know what to look for! LOL!!
  6. OK, cool... got nervous.. with all the virus' going around... thanks!!
  7. 8-[ That is just tooooo creepy! I mean, how do you explain that one to the kids?
  8. :-P so happy being a female... 15 minutes, 20 bucks...
  9. My deepest and heartfelt condolences to his family and his extended family at Ossining Fire Department
  10. thoughts and prayers are with you and your family......