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About abaduck

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  • Name: Mike Ross
  • Location Mamaroneck NY

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  1. Except for the fact that they had 2nd floor at 18.30 and we had the 1st at 04.30, the photos I saw of this incident look a lot like what I saw when I rolled up to Larchmont Acres: It got handled. Mike
  2. LoHud was always free... and frequently worth what they charged. Mike
  3. To which I would add, find WHICH battery? My Mercedes has two. You cut (or disconnect) the one under the hood... and you haven't done a damn thing. That battery *only* starts the engine. The one that runs everything else lives under the driver seat... Mike
  4. Yeah that was me... just back tonight from some seriously hot shooting in Hawai'i, then off tomorrow afternoon for 4 days shooting in Iceland. Talk about contrast in climates lol!! By the time I'm back I won't know what week it is. The puck streaks were annoying but not such a big deal... you just open up the lens, reduce your DoF, and the streaks are out of focus and not too obvious. But I was shooting slow-mo at times, 240 to 300 FPS, it looked ok in camera but in post you could really see the flicker from the lights. Mike
  5. Yep I struggled with those too... those, and the flicker from the lights buggering my slo-mo shots grrrr... a very fast & dirty grade of some of my shots can be found on my channel... http://www.youtube.c...er?feature=mhee Mike
  6. Interesting to see the arguments about this. I'm Scottish-born; in Scotland there is no fire brigade smaller than a county, and they're all about to be merged into a single fire and rescue service for the entire NATION! Kinda put these little arguments about towns and villages into perspective, huh? Mike
  7. Crime Cop, you forgot: hire a lawyer (or should that be 'fall into the hands of a lawyer'?) who will insist the victim was sober and the reason three different labs found him to be drunk on multiple different tests was a 'conspiracy'... Mike
  8. I refer the honorable gentleman to the reply I gave some time ago: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/41809-european-firefighting/page__p__237579#entry237579 I think the UK system is about the best way to do this. Mike
  9. In the UK, I understand, firefighters spend a fair bit of time and effort installing smoke detectors, especially for the vulnerable - elderly and disabled. Way to go as far as I'm concerned. I also note 4 replies to this thread, versus 29 to the 'parades' thread... *rolls eyes* Mike
  10. In this country you are 100% INNOCENT until convicted by a jury. 'guilty but never charged' is an oxymoron. That's the way it is. Like democracy itself, it's sometimes a lousy system - but it's FAR better than any of the alternatives. What do you want? Mob rule? Conviction by accusation? Star chamber? Lynching? Mike
  11. Don't forget, I've been inside it... not in great shape, dodgy floors as I recall, and some 'interesting' alterations. Looks not too bad from the outside I grant you, but inside it's not a very pretty picture. I *liked* it - lovely views from those huge wraparound porches, interesting and different - but if I owned it I'd need to spend a lot of money to be comfortable in it. Mike
  12. HAH! I helped a very good friend move out of that very property last winter. On a very icy day. I wasn't sorry to see her out of it... Lovely views, interesting property, but yes a nightmare and somewhat dilapidated! That shot is actually looking at the B/C corner; the A side and main entrance is on the street to the right, with access to both the '1st' and '2nd' floors off the street, going up and down, IIRC. Could be an interesting problem to describe where you were in that pile... Mike
  13. The camera I use professionally is made in the USA and proudly so... yep, the USA is a cutting-edge world leader in camera design AND manufacture. Who knew that? http://reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?63426-Made-in-the-USA... http://www.red.com Mike