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Everything posted by Skooter92

  1. Try John Meeker from Somers FD at Fireglow....he might have sources for you...
  2. George worked for A-1 in Bed Hills, if memory serves.
  3. Typical French person. The rules just don't apply to them. "Decompression exploseeve? Mais non, Je ne care pas. I must have my Gaulois or else I will sit and pout." Darn frenchies.
  4. Restraining EDPs remains one of the most dangerous things you will EVER have to do, both for you and the patient. Charly Miller has a neat little PDF file at Charly Miller's Homepage about restraints that covers it from A-Z and 0-9. Read it.
  5. Birthday!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Where's my cake, dammit?
  6. Hideaways in the rear?..... Art-spend more time with your girlfriend. Yer scaring me.
  7. Like nobody here EVER made a mistake. And yeah, I've screwed up.....never like THAT, but....... Besides, in the city, what's another body, anyways. Not like there's any shortage of corpses lying around there.
  8. Holy schnikes, WAS!!!!! Westchester's Protocol 1/RMC says IV or IO.....buuuuuuut...... IT'S NOT IN HUDSON VALLEY!!!!! Thought it was, was even told it much for listening to anyone else.... Good thing I ain't done one there!!!!! Though, probably, a good MC doc would let you........... Or would they? But trust me, it does work (at least in Westchester County!)
  9. The best suggestions I've heard for green light use for CP marking are: 1) No permanent mounts!-the ability to move the light, and therefore the location of the CP, gives flexibility to the IC. 2) Get a mag-mount strobe with a loooooong cigarette lighter cord. Makes sense. 3) When establishing command, announce how the CP is marked. Make sure incoming units/titles that need to report to you know this too. 4) Tell your local VACs to shut their personal vehicle lights off when on scene. Those darn whackers. 5) Telescoping portable mounts and tripods are available-does it make sense for you to use one? 6) Finally, there is a deployable helium-inflatable marker system in use-basically, a lit balloon. Now, if you can get one, use it, AND hang a banner from it with the date of your next pancake breakfast......
  10. Hey pookie! 1) No. 2) Yes. 3) Yes. 4) Yes. 5) Yes. and... 6) Meet me at midnight, you bring the tube socks, I'll bring the WD-50.
  11. Both HVREMSCO and Westchester REMSCO allow adult intraosseous as a vascular access method. I have done a couple, one within the past month on a nursing home code on an emaciated patient with zippo for veins. Not even a good EJ to be found-went through the gear, found a 15 gauge Jamshidi IO needle, placed it in the proximal tibia, and pushed fluids and drugs without any issues. It works, and when needed, is perfectly acceptable.
  12. 97.9 rules!
  13. Good thing cops learn how to drive quickly in reverse......... Would his donut now be considered contaminated? How do you decon a cruller?... The things that keep me up at night.........
  14. This Guy (and those like him)=EMS Job Security As long as these kinds of morons still exist and reproduce.........
  15. QT- EMT-is required, I believe. No civil service test. Pulse, brain, positive attitude also needed. No grouchy hairbags. Call Janet at 914-273-5454 x2 for more info. Can you work also as an EMT? If you are primarily a dispatcher, I think you can pick up OT on the bus, but they aren't really doing split schedules.
  16. Citywide Mobile Response Corp. 1624 Stillwell Ave, Bronx NY 10461-718-597-6100 LifeLine Ambulance/Galaxy Transportation 1865 Mayflower Avenue, Bronx NY 10461 718-824-4500
  17. MAN HUMPED BY at eleven... Damn-what a maroon.... Serves him right for not buying American......
  18. 648-Just about EVERY SP car is sporting a FS Vista, most with LED lower deck modules. I haven't seen a Streethawk on an SP car in any of the surrounding counties either in a while......ya GOTTA step out of that little room on Dana Road more often, sport.....mushroom mode, uh oh, the light hurts, it hurts Gollum, yes it does.......
  19. Why shouldn't 648 use his time at 60 constructively by surfing the net for pictures of men in dresses? Whoops. That sounded REALLY bad. But it does lead to some interesting questions.......
  20. As long as areas keep their antiquated systems in service, we'll have plenty to listen to. Heh, heh.
  21. The FCC has no rules for how you transmit a call to a unit, other than if the frequency assigned has a particular mode assigned per the license you must use that assigned mode (i.e., use voice vs. data depending on the mode assignment-check your license!) Tones vs. voice vs. MDC vs. bongo drums vs. nothing at all-totally up to you. Technically, your license should also state if any pagers are allowed vs. mobile units on the assigned freqs-again, read your license. Other than that, follow FCC guidelines on appropriate content and station identification and you can do whatever works best for your agency.
  22. Dear Lord....! Some things were NEVER meant to see the light of day........
  23. The place in Golden's Bridge is Portofino's-excellent pizza, helluva slice! Smoked ham, Gouda and pickled onions...........
  24. Figures.... Jersey is JUST discovering LEDs..... Westchester whackers could've told them about them YEARS ago.....just ask 648....! Try internal combustion next, guys...lot faster than throwing coal in the boiler.....!!
  25. Mark my words.... Hartsdale will be running on EVERY EMS call within a year....