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Everything posted by Skooter92

  1. Any good venison recipes? Post 'em in Street Eats!!! (shameless plug)
  2. How many points for deer? More than little old ladies, but less than joggers?
  3. Go to Pure Platinum, on Federal Highway. From what I hear, the girls there have better apparatus than any local firehouse.
  4. 1) This a food forum. Don't scare people away by even IMPLYING that cholesterol-laden b-fast sandwiches are remotely connected to anything unhealthy. (snicker). 2) Was it Uncle Joe's in Sleepy Hollow that served up a wedge with fried/scrambled eggs, potatoes, ham/bacon/sausage and cheese? i seem to remember a former partner having one of those on a regular basis when the former WAS/DAS used to cover Sleepy during the day. Skoot.
  5. Thanks for all the support for the forum idea from all the folks here on the Network. I'd like to ask that all users please try to abide by the following guidelines as we develop and hopefully grow. 1) NO NEGATIVITY! If you don't like a place suggested by another user, or simply have an axe to grind, please keep your criticism or opinion factual and to the point. Don't flame; calmly explain your point of view. Remember, we are members of a POSITIVE community. Respect the other member's opinions, please. 2) I'm going to set up a suggested ratings system for places to eat. It will be similar to the Zagat ratings, and hopefully will allow us to have a common "language' when evaluating and making recommendations. please try to use it, and please let me know what changes to make to ensure its value to all members. If you have suggestions, rants, peeves, or other comments-send 'em on! We can't improve without feedback, no matter what kind. Please email/pm me with such things-I will respond as soon as I can. Again, thanks to all! Skooter92
  6. I emailed EMTBravo with a suggestion for a new forum recently, and I'd like to know from the members if it's something we should pursue. They say an army travels on it's stomach; much the same can be said for EMS/Fire/Law enforcement. We're out at all hours, in all kinds of weather, doing our jobs (whether paid or volunteer; hunger don't discriminate!!) and we appreciate our chow as much or more than Citizen Joe Bag O' Donuts. I'd like to create a forum with three threads (maybe more-you tell me!): Thread 1) Street Eats:Where to Go-this would be a positive forum for us street monsters to share good stops and selections that help us make a shift a little brighter. Thread 2) In The Kitchen-a place to share recipes whether for feeding 250 hungry comrades, or for a nice romantic dinner for two Thread 3) Off-Duty Dining-this thread would cover all the places we love to go but aren't really on-duty dining material. Please give me your feedback and suggestions!
  7. I think the most appropriate home would be in The Lounge as well. So far, just about all the feedback received has been positive. Anyone else?
  8. We've seen (and smelled!) you after one of those overnights, secret where yer getting the yeast from....!
  9. Poultry MCI...... (Multiple Chicken Incident) Thousands of flaming chickens, running out of the building, screaming........ How do you treat burns on chickens? Mayo? Very small O2 'em? This could happen in YOUR district..... I'm staying away from KFC for awhile....yeah, right....those guys were inside doing salvage....sure, with front end loaders.....
  10. BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>>>>> AP, New York: Per unnamed sources with NYC OEM and Westchester DES, x635 was spotted rapelling along the affected section of retaining wall PRIOR to this afternoon's collapse. Reportedly, x635 was attempting to attach a giant "EMTBravo Network" banner to the wall. While no official was willing to go on record with any allegation of misdeeds, x635 is actively being sought for questioning and may have purchased a ticket for Los Angeles at some point after the collapse. MORE TO FOLLOW>>>>>>>>>
  11. Check your V&T. Even with your secondaries on, you are operating with the minimum to be considered in "emergency" mode. Have an accident, and it's all on you. All lights on or all lights off. Nothing in between.
  12. Why do you need a badge-or, why do you feel the need for a badge? With all the badge-toters running around, I find that for all intents and purposes you get taken LESS seriously unless it's an issued badge WITH credentials. If it ain't a REAL badge, why bother?
  13. Seth- To imply that I implied that you lacked sensitivity?.......try a little Prozac in your Wheaties tomorrow morning, carebear. I never said or implied you WOULD do so, I just felt and stated as such that I felt the board needed a clearly defined policy about such things, not only to discourage/prevent posts but to present a united front to any from the outside (and some from within!) that we do not and would never encourage such posts.
  14. Should the EMTBravo Network should create a policy regarding posting images from LODDs as well as PIAAs/PDOAs involving apparatus/MOSes? These images seem to really evoke strong emotions on the part of members; the images can be painful to friends and coworkers if stumbled upon. Comments?
  15. OK. From time to time, we get these cool pictorial travelogues from x635. Apparatus, cool vehicles, etc, etc. But now we get DUCKS? What the h-e-double hockey sticks, there, buddy?! Some kinda fixation? Seven AM, and I'm getting aquatic fowl INSTEAD of, maybe, a Baltimore medic unit on my screen. Enough is enough, I say. Demand your morning buff quotient!!!!! NO MORE DAMN DUCKS!!! Who's with me?!!!!
  16. There are two different systems being used between Sprint and Nextel. Sprint is CDMA, and Nextel is iDen, which is older and was proprietary for quite some time. The iDen component is going to be phased out in favor of CDMA, which is more prevalent, and there are plans to introduce dual (and actually tri-mode) phones during the switchover. Unfortunately, those of you who RAN out to buy your super-de-duper NASCAR picture Nextels will be SOL fairly soon, as the intention is to phase out the iDen portion fairly rapidly.
  17. What's next, brudda, the EMTBravo Wildlife Network?
  18. Buff, lettuce and tomato?
  19. I heard from him, and from my original EMT instructor at Vinny's back in the late 80's. This reminds me of how when I joined OVAC in the early 90's there were still members who called the Ferno cot a "roll-a-bed"; they stocked 4" wooden dowels for tourniquets, and every rig had a tin of WWII surplus white petrolatum "for burns". No s%#t.
  20. I remember the Unknown Comic. Is the Unknown Medical some distant relation?
  21. Back in the days when the NYC Department of Health and Hospitals ran ambulance service with bread trucks which staffed a MVO and nurse's aide, the number of regular abusers of the service got somewhat out of hand. The MVO's finally got the regulars to agree to meet the ambulances at the same place on a regular basis, or they would hit certain spots on a regular basis to see who was there rather than have them call the emergency number. This practice of following a regular route at certain points during the tour earned the ambulances the nickname "bus", which still persists, even to the point where fuzzy-cheeked rookie Westchester cops still request a "rush on the bus". Too funny.
  22. Let's script a show about a bunch of overworked, underpaid healthcare providers who tote gomers all day for a bunch of unappreciative facilities...... Aw, damn. Nobody would believe it anyways.
  23. JBE, you ARE paying to listen. You are paying your time to listen to idiotic ads and inane chatter on most broadcast stations. Satellite gives you a greater percentage of music to BS. That's the point, compadre.
  24. I pass by this place on a daily basis....haven't gone in yet.....anybody have any new comments as the last few weren't complimentary.