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Everything posted by tonythefireman
Just got through watching Kitchen Nightmare on Fox network, the local volunteer fire company was invited to check out the neighborhood restaurant. They seemed to arrive on one of their rigs and were wearing partial uniforms, class B shirt with jeans etc. Please tell me I didnt see what I saw on network TV?......almost appeared as if the local boys were drinking in uniform on TV?......cant be right must have been soft drinks right?.......
Joe,best wishes and speedy recovery!!! Captain Tony Pike Orleans Fire Rescue Cape Cod ma
No brothers.....I get the tv thing, as a performer off duty with tv and movie credits I get the "assisted reality" part of it.......guess I was questioning the judgement. I can say for certain that up here in our area we would tell the producer to jump in a lake rather than depict ourselves in such a way.......
Hmmmm thanks, I didnt want to get the New York boys all upset by naming names........ya found that a little odd to say the least,also found it odd the chief had a hissy fit and left,while he was leaving they dubbed a siren over the shot giving the impression he was leaving in a hurry.
Too late kiddo, sutphen has already maunfactured this type of rig,didn't seem to catch on.........
John Jay High School colors?
Had drinks there a wekk ago! two bars Clink and Alibi. Pretty nice hotel, though I dont get the hype with the clubs?.......great sights but kinda plain.
Well at least there someone else that saw that shot! didnt seem to be a Chief officer because it was an individual doing overhaul?....hmmmmm....
Is it my aging eyes?....watching the video from the plane crash on the news, looked like a yellow helmet in the window of the highrise?......any you NY jakes know why?....didnt think FDNY had anything but white and black?.......Tnx in advance
Thanks brother,sent you my dept email .......you make great sense ...heres the challenge tower fans....working budget 620,000 max gentleman sharpen your pencils.........Capt t
Oh yeah..to comment on the metz post, I agree Metz is starting to become the "right angle drill" of fire service aeriels! by this I mean specialized applications.....the unique towns that need a the features that Metz hangs its hat on.....a ski area town bought a 4whl drive metz cause the houses are all on the hiil, it can be easliyl operated on such, also near us,Nantucket Mass whos streets were laid out in the 1700'0s with a huge wood frame fire load its great.....would be good for us too, the only drawback is the price way too much $$$$$$$$
No offense taken,just my failed atempt at humor, your insight is the most valuable to date, my chief was warned at a meeting about the structure under the bucket and said we could perhaps spec it out diff?.....getting back to my orrig thought, we are a wealthy town,not alot of $$$ for our aeriel,of course the other damming factor is that our population is primarily elderly,with most all buildings under three stories it would seem a 95,100ft tower would be the idea! but of course see the line NO MONEY lol......we are trying to be creative regards a demo etc.....anyone have any ideas(or magic) thanks in advance....Capt t
Orleans Cape Cod mass.........1976 Maxim 85' midmount two man cab IN SERVICE as ladder 176....
Hey, another Sutphen question first...any dept's in the WC trading or selling a tower...in the next year. second can anyone shed some light ?...have the company's that run Suthphen single axle trucks experienced any unusual brake problems......thanks in advance........
Thanks so much! thats pretty the stuff I am looking for.......like I said we dont spend alot on apparatus generally, our last 1st due engine from KME was a disaster! being an old New York guy at heart I grew up seeing Sutphen towers...(Like Mt Kisco)......the closest one to me I believe is in Sandwich Mass near the bridge...........in "Horrace Greeley"world you are surrounded by larger aeriel devices......whereas here on cape Cod we are unable to rely on too much help given the narrow nature of our geography...thanks again
I appreciate the remedial education,my orriginal post was regarding the quality of Sutphen....when I go to work the two horns on my collar suggest "this isnt my first rodeo"......Capt T
Yes, I have seen Nantuckets.....as everybody says little space to store most truck Co gear, I personally like the Metz for what it is,and it is perfect for streets laid out in the 1700s however the price is a bit steep......on that note Marthas Vinyard got the mother of all towers this year with a Bronto Skylift.....
Hmmm makes me wonder about a couple of things?....first, is it mainly a height issue?....being an old Fox Lane High guy I was raised down there,I do know that you cant swing a dead cat without hitting a million dollar tower unit in Westchester lol, anyway if its a quality rather than reach...thats another story, again as I stated earlier that we run KME first due(and YES) we have had our problems)...anyway the old yankee in me says that there will be perhaps two used vehicles soon?.....anyway, I am very pleased that you brothers and sisters are feeding me some insight.........Capt T
I agree,with a really tight budget ,as well as some tight areas around town Sutphen seems to be the right one?...as for quality our two first due pumps are KME compare those to Pierce......ya know....
Ladder 176 is gonna go,yes it has served us well be the old girl now qualifies for antique plates.....
We are a small combination department on Cape Cod, we are shopping for a new truck to replace a Maxim straight stick 85ft quint, I know Chappaqua has a Sutphen quint 70+ tower, does any other depts around have one?.....I am interested in any info....we definately cannot afford a 100ft TL.....althought it would be nice......I saw the Sutphen 70+ at a show and it looked great!...please give me some reasons to sell it rather than a straight stick of another manufacturer?....does Chappaqua find it tall enough?.....any ideas would be very helpful...thanks...Capt T
I am a fireman in Cape Cod, I remember working off duty at a womans house in about 1989?...she had a daughter in law and son living in NYC at the time they were both actors.too...she said they had a friend who was an FDNY jake(Buschemi) who was having a hard time juggling his FD schedule and his acting roles too .....met him at the Leary fundraiser at the Hudson Hotel...he gave a shout out to all FDNY guys at the podium too...he seems to never have forgotten his roots to our fine calling....T
If I recall correctly,Lt Mulane was an FDNY jake before coming to Boston.....his dad is our Dist VP IAFF....