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Everything posted by x635

  1. Check This Out: http://www.winchesterstar.com/TheWincheste...0/Area_roof.asp Some pretty scary pictures there. Looks like it was an overhang of some sort they were on. Hope the FF's involved are OK.
  2. Also, Rye has a Seagrave Lo-Pro http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/other...upstate/Rye.htm
  3. Their Photog's get alot of great shots. They also just published an awesome book entitled " New York's Bravest: Eight Decades of Photographs from the Daily News" Myself and TR54 have purchased it . http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearc...576871584&itm=1
  4. Personally, I feel one of the biggest issues facing the WC Fire (and EMS) service is lack of affordable, or even any housing for young single working class people. Besides Pound Ridge, does anybody know of districts that are doing something about this situation? It seems like WC is just interested in servicing the wealthy upper middle class, and the low income population, and those of us inbetween are forced to live with our parents, pay out incredible sums of rent, live in an undesirable area , and/or to buy in the county is a rare oppurtunity. Even when you are married, it is tough to buy. Why can't we live in the towns we grew up in, like generations before us did? IMO, most of these Manhattan tranasplants are destroying Westchester for us, and forcing the true citizens out. And most of them could care less about us either. $$ talks I guess. When a new park or "open space" or whatever yuppie issue is more important than your local services, you have serious issues....how can these people justify voting down firehouses and engines etc as well. This isn't just a volunteer issue either, IMO. Paid personel are forced to move to Dutchess and even further, how is this going to affect off duty recall times when a disaster strikes? Also, how does a 1+ hour commute each way affect stress levels?Also, how much does gas and wear and tear eat in to your paycheck and time spent traveling eat into your personal and family life? Just a little rant and something to think about.
  5. http://www.nyjournalnews.com/newsroom/1230...affordable.html
  6. BTW,, from past personal experience, I believe the 5-8 on a regular basisi thing is a bit of an exccaduration.
  7. Maybe 2 minutes later the dispatcher should irepeat the address and incident type. BUT, if you dont hear the intial dispatch regularly than are you regularly delaying response? YES. As you know, every minute counts, so you shoudl train yourself to listen and asorb the dispatch the first time, and if this is a dept wide problem for whatever department, then another method (alpa) needs to be availabe. That's why myself and a lot of other dispatchers start with the address. That is the most important thing to listen for. And you do that because SOME of the people who let the excitement get the best of them dont and wont listen to ANYTHING after the word "Fire" is said. Also, you should NEVER EVER EVER do anything without thinking in this business, whether it's a water condition or a structure fire. You need to think with a clear head, regardless of adreanline.
  8. Ah, the old Brockway..I loved playing on that thing when I was 22 at 60cntrl,lol.. ...1977 Brockway/Saulsbury...That chasis was a monster!!!both the chasis and body had heavy rust/corrosion and it used to take FOREVER to get the air tank for the brakes to fill when they used to move it. ...it was at WCFTC then moved to the DPW shops on the Grasslands Campus then to its final resting place at Brookfield wreckers about a year ago after it could not be sold at auction (Myself and a ex-captain from my dept wanted to buy it to screw with our then chief,lol) Before it was at WCFTC, is was at EFD's Bronxville Station with E-29.
  9. No, it is NOT very important to keep toning out, especially when you are dispatching and operatying on such a congested frequency as 46.26. This not only ties up the WHOLE county radio system, but the dispatcher(s), but can and will cost lives. If the tones are going out repeatedly,], how are other units supposed to communicate with each other and what if there is a fire in another community simultanously. My opinion, 1 dispatch per incident, or a second if the job gets upgraded or special circumstances warranrt. A "Rattle Off" is a better alternative to several tones. 1. Not quick....safely and efficently. 2. When I hear a dispatch, I listen to all the details the first time.If I miss someting, I ask my partner or then ask dispatch again. How can I say I am going to be safe and do my job correctly if I do not get all the details to start. THATS how response errors occur. Bedford is dispatched twice anways, on two seperate towers. Sometimes, when a job is UPGRADED, it is redispatched. Listen to the job the first time,(Get further info off alpha page or MDT) make a mental plan, and go.
  10. Hartsdale Car Vs. Hydrant 12/29/03 Date: 12/29/03 Times:Occured approx 1600hrs, Time Posted 2037hrs Location:South Central Ave, Hartsdale btwn N. Washington Ave and N. Healey Ave Frequency:46.26 Units Operating: E170,2172 Description Of Incident:Car struck hydrant, damaging water main and causing an eruption of water from the street, at times as high as 80 feet, also throwing gravel and debris. Writer: x635/HFD211/CM36 Photos from HFD211 posted on EMTBravo.com
  11. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! =D>
  12. I believe Mount Vernon's Foam Unit is OOS. Yonkers Foam Unit, stationed at 13, although it is not close to the more industrialized areas,I think is stationed there because it is close to the thruway, which a high number of fuel oil tankers travel each day. Or it's the company that has space or training for it
  13. I wonder if there is more too this story than the media is reporting, and could Millwood build a new firehouse on the current site?
  14. I like Oswego's point. As the media says " If you let the terrorists control your life, then they win" However, they (the media) are often the ones who hype up and create fear in the public, sometimes excessively. Who knows, if it's not a terrorist attack, it could be an natural or other disaster, and we must be able to deal with it no matter what,no matter when. I beleive the worst incidents strike when you least expect them, and you have to roll with the punches . What's life like for the people in Isreal and other places where they deal with this on a daily basis? With terrorists, unlike natural disasters, they are sometimes preventable. We just have to be a little more vigilant than we were before, and most important always keep in mind OUR and our crews safety as the top priority.
  15. If I had L-1 desig, I wouldn't want to give it up either, lol. In my opinion, in this county, and other places as well, the apparatus designator should indicate what type of tasks the apparatus is capable of performing, not the type of apparatus it is. Example: Ladder-SINGLE DESIGNATOR-Any vehicle able to perform truck company operations. Doesnt matter if its a ladder,tower ladder, snorkel, etc. Any vehicle regardless of stick type should be able to perform truck company operations, and designated as such. Anybody working as an IC should know what type of appartus it is and be able to make a decision for a special call if needed. Engine- Any vehicle capable of performing engine ops. Quints/Telesquirts- should be designated as the primary function of the rig. I also have trouble with the "Utility" designation because it is too broad. Should be broken down into Utility, Brush, Cascade,Foam, Rehab, etc. I agree with Hooks. We should all be on the same level, because that promotes better (here's my favorite word again) INTEROPERABILTY. Standards promote safety, effeciency, and ease of communications.
  16. I like how Yonkers (Soon Greenburgh too, and FDNY has a similar setup) where the 4th due engine is FAS. In MY opinion, I feel certain things need to happen with the FAS program. WCDES needs to standardize/mandate FAS training, protocols, and equipment to keep everybody on the same level. This would ensure maximum interoperability, one of my favorite words. All FAS Firefighters should have to certify and qualify as well, imilar to an EMT. Maybe even make it a requirment to pass Firefighter I. For some systems, the fourth due FAS idea works.For others, upon receipt of a 10-75, FAS team should assemble and standby, or take a non-emergent "roll" towards the scene until a 10-75 is confirmed, whether it is PD or command, therefore lowering on scene arrival times. The only issue I see with this idea is if the FAS arrives before the command and/or first due 1 and 1, will they inevitably stretch a line or go to work other than FAS stuff. (How do you explain the first big red truck pulling up and not doing anything, waiting for somebody else, to the public?) Then that screws up the whole department response as well, and will cause personal and departmental conflicts, so some sort of procedure needs to be in place for this. Another problem is alot of the FAS members don't like having to "sit around" and freelance, or try to shove FAS duties off on another company. The FAS team is a critical need for any structural fire. To have them there ASAP is important, but how do we set it up to avoid "issues"
  17. I had a awesome time as well, Thanks to Mohegan FD for hosting a great event. It was nice to actually meet some people in person,and some new people, and I'm sorry I left so early ,lol. Thanks again to Mohegan for the invite.
  18. Greenburgh, villages to share SWAT team: http://www.thejournalnews.com/newsroom/122...1p26gbswat.html I think this is a great concept. Work together and share resources. My only question, the article states that GPD is planning to purchase a $300,000 command/communications vehicle? Will this be similar to WCPD's and Yonkers LDV vehicles?
  19. lol,, I just google'd it, and this site said it was Bailey's Mountain in North Salem, at 950 feet. http://tourism.westchestergov.com/maps_dem...mographics.html And I just thought of the Avalon tower in New Rochelle, that's pretty tall too. Thanks for that hiking tip WAS967, I'll have to be checking that out when the weather gets nicer.
  20. I hope you all are having a great Christmas, and Santa treated you well.
  21. Reported they recieived a new Braun ambulance marked for 79, the civilian medic for the town. It's sitting in the Radio shops at the Water Dept at Knollwood Rd/Stadium Rd. I guess this would replace the old 79, a 199? Mccoy Miller. Anybody got any further info or pics?
  22. Patrick Kelly will be leaving DES next week. This is a message posted from him on the DES website. http://www.westchestergov.com/emergserv/commish.htm
  23. Some of the damage suffered at the Oak St. Fire
  24. New Hampshire, eh? Any idea which dept?
  25. Great points. In regard's to PRV's in standpipes,I've never used one,but I believe simpler is better. Some of these BO's can't even maintain a basic sprinkler system properly, how are they going to install/maintain these? And how will (some) pump operators and officers be alerted to the presence of these? What happens if a mutual aid company with a different setup responds? May work great in some systems, however in Westchester it would be more of a hinderance than anything.