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Everything posted by x635

  1. I've been hearing rumors FX is airing commercials/easers for the new series, stating it will be coming this summer....Anybody catch the commercial yet???
  2. Good job by the BHFD Juniors, the place was packed!!! Food was great as well. Hoepfully you guys made what you wanted and I know it will be put to good use.
  3. Has anybody worked an MVA with or without pin in one of these vehicles yet???
  4. Elmsford used to have a drive in theatre as well. It's where the Sam's Club now stands on Route 9A. I like the movie party/BBQ idea. Now to only find a big white building, lol!
  5. Just a heads up: Airing on Channel 60 (Metro TV) at different times this week: NYPD At Close Range- this weeks episode features and profiles NYPD ESU Operations.
  6. http://fireengines.net/ipw-web/gallery/alb...e_033.sized.jpg Photo from FireEngines.net.....Photo by Jewell Morson
  7. One of the things I like about Gowans-Knight is that they are a small custom local builder. That, to me, offers advantages over the big name "faceless" corporate fire apparatus manufacturers. The use of a small custom local builder has several advantages. You can you be more active in the manufacturing process since you can actually visit the factory more often, which a lot of the time results in increased customization. The smaller guys are often are not concered with quantity, but with quality and have more time to pay attention to detail. Often they take more pride since they are a local company in the apparatus that they build. Some of their more unique appatus designs, such as Kingsbury NY and Pound Ridge Engine 112, are just proof that they can meet the needs of most departments. Bigger....in the case of manufacturers...... isn't always better. Not to mention using "hometown" builders contributes to a local economy and jobs.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. Probaly comes down to the major EMS problem (IMO) in NYC.....very little respect for EMS by NYC Goverment or other agencies. I can tell you in Boston, they would've been charged higher, it think it is "Assault against a public safety official" or something like that. It's not tolerated in any form up there. But who knows what really happened on that scene.
  9. Pierce has introduced several new products, including: Redesigned Quantum chasis Rear electric ladder rack 75' Aluminum ladder Ergonomic hosebed Decon apparatus The compete stories can be found here: http://www.piercemfg.com/company/newsstory_newest.cfm Links are on the sidebar to your right for additional articles regarding these releases.
  10. Bump for this weekend. Hope many juniors are planning to attend and support and meet their fellow Juniors.
  11. We'll see about that. :-P
  12. Town of Mamaroneck Summer EMT Jobs are available with the town Recreation Department For more information, call 914- 381-7865 Don't know the responsibilities.
  13. LOL, the class came to you actually!! Good luck with your class BFD1054. Any FIREFIGHTER who has some free time should consider taking any of these classes. EVEN IF your department does not provide EMS....yet, It's a great background skill to know, and is also very helpful when doing an EMS assist, extrication, rescue, or just to use in your general life. If you can't find the 110 measly hours to take the EMT, at least consider CFR. Juniors- What a great skill to aqquire this summer- you can become a CFR at 16. Will also give you a head start when you take EMT.
  14. Another outstanding article by Remember585! I agree with many of the points made, especially in regards to the officers. Great LINE leadership is key in any succesful incident or company. One thing I'd like to add that is a well-rounded, cohesive team that gets along (working under the great leadership) is often the best performing on the fireground. People need to put personal differences aside and focus on working together to get the task done. Freelancing also plays into this, DO YOUR ASSIGNED TASK!!! I especially agree with the officer election points. As R585 said, Officers need to be APPOINTED in some sort of fair way based on their qualifications and experience and leadership skill. Maybe a promotional exam,interviews, coupled with an election would be a better way for volunteers to appoint their leaders. An organized command post is also key to a more controlled fireground, bu thats a whole nother subject, lol. Engine 119's Captain should be an example.
  15. RIP to FF Jeffrey Bergstrom. Best wishes to the injured. Just further reminder that we are never ever safe at any time, and sometime not even with each other in this job. Responding can be an much overlooked, yet very dangerous portion of our jobs. :sad:
  16. You're absolutely right,lol!! I love this show. This is my favorite show, its got tons of apparatus and vendors, plus they have some unique stuff out there in the PA area. Takes about 3 hours to get there, and on the way home, if you redirect to Philly to get a REAL cheesesteak "wiz" from Pat's, its an awesome day!
  17. Seagrave Introduces New Aerial Platform and Expands Aerial Ladder Offering: http://www.seagrave.com/About_Us/News/Pres...ss/042204b.html Seagrave Introduces Concorde Chassis for Fire And Emergency Service: http://www.seagrave.com/About_Us/News/Pres...ss/042204a.html Seagrave Debuts New Attacker Chassis for Fire & Emergency Service: http://www.seagrave.com/About_Us/News/Pres...ess/042204.html Seagrave Demonstrates Leadership in Chassis Technology: http://www.seagrave.com/About_Us/News/Pres...ess/042104.html Seagrave Introduces Triton Midship Fire Pump: http://www.seagrave.com/About_Us/News/Pres...ss/041904a.html
  18. Just curious, what is the mandatory minmimum classes required for your department and what classes do you think should be required? My Opinion: Firefighter I and II EVOC Engine Company Operations and/(or) Truck Company Operations Basic Rescue Operations Hazmat First Responder EMT or First Responder
  19. They also filmed at Mina's Resturant on Saw Mill River Road in Ardsley, and a few scenes in Tarrytown recently.
  20. View This Thread For Further Information/Insight: http://emtbravo.just5buckshosting.com/phpB...opic.php?t=748/
  21. Bump for this weekend.
  22. As I'm figuring with the connections Dennis Leary has, and the authenticity that I'm hearing this show will have, I suspect they will be using "on loan" equipment from FDNY, similar to the Third Watch arrangement.
  23. Juniors from all Westchester corps who can make it there should go. It's a good way to support your fellow junior corps, and also a great way to meet other juniors, network and share ideas, and have a good time. Oh yeah, and eat, lol!