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And Hartsdale too. :paper:
(Original Photographer Unknown/Unidentifiable. Circa Late '70s and in the collection of HFD-V.) Here's Hartsdale's Ladder 47. Hartsdale had another one exactly like this at the same time, Ladder 46. Another classic that should've been kept, IMO. I really liked this piece. Thanks for HFD211 for locating a picture of the old Ladder, I've been looking around for one for awhile.
Here's a thought: Try explaining how the 911 PSPAP system works in Westchester County to someone unfamiliar with the system.
Check out the Fishkill Parade Apparatus Photos, 123 of them,they can be found in the Photo Gallery section of www.nycfire.net ............Some very interesting and rare-to-the-web apparatus. Photos by tbendick, www.nycfire.net Quite a few rigs from WC on there as well.
For all you Third Watch fans, when NBC announced it's new schedule this week, it was confirmed that Third Watch will return to its Friday timeslot for the sixth season. From a news story I found online: Personally, I enjoy the reruns shown sporadically on A and E at 11pm more. I'm curious to see what they do with the medics and FF's this upcoming season. However, A and E barely shows repeats, and there schedule through the month of June shows the 11pm and 3am timeslots fading away.....add that to NBC, which doesnt like to show reruns of the show. Let's hope for a DVD,lol!
Photos from this event were submitted to EMTBravo.com and are now posted. www.emtbravo.com
The photo gallery at NYCFire.net has been updated with a new layout and new photos. Check it out at: www.nycfire.net
Happy EMS Week, LOL! Is anybody or anybodies agency doing anything to commemorate the week?
You know what ticks me off about EMS week? It's that if you're not in EMS, you don't really know it's EMS week. What does i really mean anyways? Free lunch and maybe a goddy at the hospital? During Fire prevention week, you see banners on the firehouse, open houses, school visits, etc. What do the EMS agencies around here do in regards to public relations during EMS week? BARELY ANYTHING!! As far as I know at least. Why not visit some schools and assisted living facilities, host a health fair, host an open house? It's EMS week to shine and show the public that theres police, fire,communications, AND EMS. 1 Article in the JN, nothing on "News" 12. IMO, EMS is a profession and needs to be more visible to the public and more assertive when it comes to public relations. Another EMS week gone by, and people still think we are just ambulance drivers.
Another excellent article!! Have you seen the FF Close Calls gallery: http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/gallery.shtml Some scary photos there that just reenforce the points of this article.
I would think anywhere along the route would be a decent place for pictures. May be a little less crowded/obstructed along Central Ave and when the rigs are coming down the pipeline though.
You sure it's the new cascade unit? Took a ride down there today, and it was in the garage. It was very long, and appeared, from the limited view I had, to be similar in appearance to one of those old NYC Mobile classrooms. It did look brand new though with YFD paint job and striping and light setup. Maybe this is the long-rumored new YFD Mobile command unit? It could be the new MSU, but seems awfully big. I would think that the MSU would be a little smaller.
The Last Men Out: Life on the Edge at Rescue 2 Firehouse Just picked this book up today at the Barnes And Noble in Ramsey, NJ.......I've only read the first chapter so far, but it's shaping up to be an EXCELLENT BOOK! Worth the read, I highly reccomend it especially for any FDNY fans. It's written by Chief Downey's Nephew, who spent a year riding with FDNY Rescue 2.
Thanks for the trailer link 801! Looks pretty cool from the trailer. From what I can tell, the show has potential...I can't wait for the premiere. Any idea as to the exact date yet?
On Saturday, myself and CM36 traveled to the Harrisburg show. Again, another AWESOME show, the place and show is HUGE! Due to the way the apparatus was positioned and the amount of people there, it was tough to get pics so I didnt get many at all. Here are some of the things/apparatus that were at the show that I wanna share: Providence, RI FD new Special Hazards Unit (SH is RI's name for a Rescue, and a Rescue in RI is an ambulance) 2004 Pierce Arrow XT (The Arrow XT is the new extreme duty/urban service chasis from Pierce).This unit was purchased by PFD as a demo, and will be delivered to the dealer this week. When it goes into service, I will be taking a road trip up there to shoot it. This had to be one of my favorite rigs in the show. FDNY's New Ferrara- They really built this nicely.Very sturdy, and for the most part, exactly like the Seagraves. The new LED warning is awesome as well. Sussex County, NJ Seagrave Maraurder/Force 105' Quint- Nice Seagrave Ladder that is set to be delivered soon. Bowie, MD's Mack/Aerialscope. -Nice rig, also great to see a brand-new Mack CF/Aerialscope Fort Worth, Texas Ladder 2- It was cool to see a Texas truck in the Northeast. Set to be mailed to TF7 shortly, this rig is a 2004 ALF Eagle Midmount tower. Phoenix, AZ ALF Eagle- The engine in this Engine is mounted midship, and the pump is mounted in the rear. Both the pump and engine are extremly accesible for maitenence, and where the engine is place, taking it out of the cab, makes the cab where the crew sits enourmous. It also, as I am told, makes the ride very quiet and much cooler, which is important in the Arizona climate. Villanova EMS's New Rig- I have seen this 2003 Ford E-450/Horton before, but a very nice ambulance!! www.vems.org Carlisle, PA's "Heavy Engine-2004 KME Engine with 75' stick- very cool looking truck and nicely laid out http://www.pafirefighter.net/Combos/E241/DSCF0025.JPG Seagrave Eagle, uh I mean Concorde- I finally got to see it in person, and its actually pretty nice. Very closely resemble the ALF Eagle chasis. Seagrave Attacker- another nice sturdy chasis from Seagrave. The 75' Meanstick it was attached to was pretty nice as well. Pierce Arrow XT- AWESOME rugged chasis! Nice rugged interior as well. Pierce Quantum- The new redesign makes the front grill different, but nice. Smeal- They had a new chasis of their own. Pretty nice, a lot like a Spartan. Unimog- What a cool all terrain truck! Shrewsbury, PA Rescue- This Spartan Chasis'd walk around rescue was HUGE! But the most intresting feature was that it had a train horn mounted on the roof. http://www.shrewsburyfire.com/Rescue%2061%.../Squadzilla.htm Crimson Fire- Now producing their own aerials. KME Predator- Looks pretty good, the inside is nice as well. East Fishkill, NY's New Marion Rescue- Nice rescue going to East Fishkill, NY. Painted Black-over-red and a command cab. There was a ton of other apparatus there, but that's what stands out in my mind right now.
Photos of the apparatus present at last weekend's Harrisburg Expo can be found at the following site: http://www.pafirefighter.net/Events/Expo2004.asp
Oh yeah, and if they are going to stray away from Fire/EMS this upcoming season, I'd at least like them to portray ESU Cops and activities then.
Argh, the more and more I hear about this new system, the more I am dissapointed by it. Define "complement"? How will it do that? So, somebody may have heard more/differently than me, but the jist I am getting from all of this, is that this will be a supplemental type system and in no way alleviate the problems and situations encountered using the current system, which includes 46.26 and several very different systems used by different agencies. Ugh. A quote from today's Newsday about a different situations applies here. Useless radios bought by useless beaurocrats. A UHF repeater system...with seperate dispatch, operations, and fireground frequencies as has been discussed previously on this board would have not only been much simpler in operations all around, but much cheaper as well. And compatible with a lot of the current systems that are out there now, which would only need a simple upgrade. I'm glad the citizens of Westchester have money to burn for some fancy uneccasary system. Hey, County legislators AND IT department, over here, we're the ones who use the current system and will use the future system!!! Since there is little information about what this sytem is or how it will work made availabe to us, the end users of the product, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Pound Ridge FD held a multi-company, multi-evolution drill over this past weekend. at a vacant house on West Lane in Pound Ridge. Many firefighters from Pound Ridge and area deaprtments got to practice engine and truck skills in a controlled setting. Despite the heat, firefighters got to participate in multiple evolutions. Things were very well organized and went very smoothly, and the drill concluded with the ignition of the structure. There will be a writeup in a coming issue of the Record-Review. Photos of Day One and Day Two are submitted and posted over at www.emtbravo.com
More photos from the wetdown can now be found here: http://www.gowansknight.com/wetdownpage.htm