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Everything posted by x635

  1. One of the things that bothers me most in the Westchester County Fire Service is the way some people think about dispatchers, and how underappricated and misunderstood their job is, especially in a county as fragmented and complicated as Westchester. I found this editorial from an excellent site, www.firefighterclosecalls.com, and it's definetly worth a read.
  2. Anybody for a spur of the moment road/air trip lol....JetBlue's got some pretty awesome fares to LA area (Long Beach)
  3. From the "The Secret List" at http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com
  4. I dont understand this.......I see a whole bunch of EMS calls (and possibly fire) coming off of this new "craze".
  5. A few more rumors that I just remembered hearing: Montrose, New Engine possibly ALF Tarrytown, ALF rear mount Tower Ladder Goldens Bridge-Chiefs truck I'll probaly think of a few more I've heard, and I'm sure you people know of some more unconfimed ones as well.
  6. From: www.gowansknight.com
  7. Thanks for the info! I would guess that the engines would be primarily used to wash until the Decon equipment or trailer could arrive? Just curious, what role to the FDNY Haz*Tac ambulance play in the decon or hazmat incident process???
  8. Considering Mike and I's house sits directly in the flood path (knock on wood nothing happens)...........I think this damn should remain closed, and in addition, receive security upgrades including beefed up 24 hour armed patrols. Yes, it is quite an inconvienence to not have the roadway open for those that it does save a considerable amount of time for, but then again, look at the big picutre.........if people really, really want a quick way to croos in that area, let them pay for it out of their taxes and build a bridge further up on the resevoir. Damn yuppies that are invading this county are the problem. Want everything their way.
  9. http://www.legeros.com/ralwake/gallery/app...2004-pierce.jpg The above linked to tiller/quint is awesome!!! I love the Pierce Arrow XT line to begin with, and from the chasis back is awesome as well!! The Richmond area has some really nice looking apparatus.
  10. First LA City FD with the 25 year old rookie earlier this week, and now this. Another sad and tragic moment in the Fire Sevice. Firehouse.com will have In-Depth coverage tommorow, I'm assuming.
  11. I'd like to add two new establishments to this list: 1. Saratoga Sandwich Shop in Lincolndale (Somers). A basic sandwich shop, but fresh and tastful ingredients. It's not a chain, its one of a kind, so it's nothing like crappy Subway. 2. Off The Grill. Just a little outside Westchester on Main Ave. In Norwalk (I'm trying to convince the franchisee to open some Westchester locations). It's like Boston Chicken (when they used to be good, before they turned into Boston Market), but with Steaks. You can get a whole bunch of stuff at this resturant, defined as "fast casual". My personal fave is the Ribeye steak hero, cooked rare. You can also get a HUGE freshly ground burger, a filet mignon, several other different cuts of steak all cooked fresh to your liking, chicken,pork,salmon, sandwiches, salads, baked potatos and cheesecake for desert. www.offthegrill.com
  12. It's Hot, I like it. Of course, it would be nice if it was lettered for Yonkers Rescue 1 or BHFD Rescue 10 lol, but still hot.
  13. Kudos to the San Francisco Chronicle!!!!! A great idea!!
  14. Bedford Hills Tower Ladder 57!!!!!!!!!!! Yonkers Collapse Rescue!! Yonkers Engine 313!! Yonkers PD REP!!!! Mamaroneck Village Engine 38!!! Bedford Hills Tower Ladder 57!!!!! Molds for all the above exist, especially TL-57 lol!
  15. I know some of the lore of drying hose went back to the days of leather hose. Many firehouses used to have hose drying towers..........which is evident in the construction of some older firehouses. I've noted this drying practice used in firehouses in CT and PA, where the houses I'm referring to actually have hose dryers or hose drying racks/rooms, and equipment to clean the hose. I don't ever recall seeing this kind of practice here in the WC. Another aspect would be in wintertime and moisture freezing the hose together. Also, if the hosebed is not covered, what good is drying the hose if the rain is going to get to it?
  16. I watch it, and catch it mostly in reruns due to the fact there's not much else on at the time I watch it......I dont even know why I do, it's a horrible show really from all angles I was hoping more for a modern day "Emergency!".........guess I will hafta keep on hoping, and clinging to the Third Watch reruns on A and E for the time being.
  17. RIP. Apparently she was killed when she was riding on the back step while the driver backed up, watching for obstacles and alerting the driver via a buzzer system. She fell off the back step, and the driver did not see her as he was backing up. The rear wheels struck her. This just shows how every part of our job can be dangerous.
  18. Anybody videotape their drills and critique operations by watching the video at a point afterwards???