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Everything posted by x635

  1. Wow! What an awesome setup you've got! With mine, so far I have: Digital Rebel 18-55 Canon Kit Lens 300 Canon Zoom Lens 1 GB Card (285 Photos at large) 512 MB card (142 photos at large) Spare battery Canon Tripod Tamarac Bag Regular filter lens paper and cleaning fluid Dell Inspiron Laptop for Mobile Photo processing. What I hope to add in the future (depends on how much OT i can get, lol): Wide angle zoom lens Polarizing filter Nikon D70 Battery Grip
  2. AWESOME Photos!!!!!!!!!! What a muster that must have been!! The bottom photo says it all. Thanks for sharing them with us!! :-)
  3. So, Westchester Collectibles has another exclusive Code 3 release, but it's FDNY. I say, for the next one, the exclusive should be from Westchester. (I think Harrison might have been, but I dunno) I know exclusives have to be from an exisiting release, so what do you think it should be? Me: Bedford Hills Tower Ladder 57 and Yonkers REP Truck 4 or 3!!
  4. WAIT WAIT WAIT Actually, let me amend my statement. I've been meaning to, but I forget. How could I foget third service systems!!!! The ideal EMS system, and this is only my opinion, should be either a third-service municpial or regional-municipal system, or a hopsital based regional system. As far as a Fire based system, I'm really not a huge believer in it, as it works around here....at least not yet. Some systems do it right,and I am a beliver in it, and it's intergrated, like in LA City. Many systems, its often an ignored stepchild just used for numbers and money, like FDNY. The FDNY FF's complain they aren't paid enough, I'm not arguing that they aren't, but look at how much FDNY EMT's and Medics make, and look at their shifts. Who gets the short end of the stick in that system? There are departments that should take on the role of EMS. EMS should not be provided by a company thats a large corportation primarily out to make money. EMS should be a system of some sort. Like Yonkers, White Plains, and possibly New Rochelle. Those cities could find the money if they tried, and the Fire or PD*ESU should pick up the role of EMS, or better, make it the third service, such as Boston EMS. The main reason for the FD or PD affiliation would be because some of the infastructure would be in place...like payroll, maitenence, etc. My main reason for the above thoughts: Pay, benefits, pensions, and bringing EMS to the level it should be at........EMERGENCY MEDICAL services. My reference to Fire based systems refer to those FD's that encompass everything EMS, not those that just provide first response.
  5. This is very sudden. I always enjoyed his interesting articles and his, IMO, awesome opinion. RIP Cheif.
  6. I love how the media adds in "allegedly" to this. Ugh. :roll:
  7. Sounds like a cool drill, and one that should be done often and in all FH's.
  8. http://www.westchestergov.com/csexam/exann...exams/67782.htm
  9. Bump, a little over a month left to file
  10. This is the test to get hired as a dispatcher for either Fire Control or WCPD. This exam, in addition to the written component, also has a typing exam. Filing closes on September 7th, and the test is on October 16th. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this test or this job on this thread. Official Exam Announcment, Further Information, And Details On How To Apply Can Be Found Here: http://www.westchestergov.com/csexam/exann...exams/68903.htm
  11. Bump, THIS TUESDAY is the LAST DAY to file to take the exam.
  12. As far as the residency requirment goes,as far as I know, there is no official residency requirment. However, I understand that the department likes you to live in close proximity (New Canaan, Norwalk,Stamford,etc) because they rely heavily on call in. (Which you can make a fortune off of)
  13. As far as 911 goes, I have 6 words to solve most problems: Hospital or Fire based EMS systems. (But only when done right by FD's)
  14. It may be I worked close to 85 hours this week, but I'm confused. I don't get your statement. Which of my comments are you replying too in regards to use of the siren? To beef up my previous comments regarding this issue, IMO, sirens are an antique. They should only be used as an backup during times of radio failure (i.e. blackout) or major emergency. As far as traditions go, I love tradition. When it comes to Christmas, birthdays, summers, firehouse camraderie, etc. When it comes to tradition involving the emergency services industry operations, they are like reins to horses. They hold back the fire service, for the most part anyway, and they impede progress. As far as the "we are busting our rears, while they do nothing comments"....I'm still trying to understand that one. I kinda think I feel the same way you do, I dont know what your getting at. I'm AGAINST the "I'm up, you're up" policy, except in certain cases and areas, lol.
  15. New Canaan FD is a sweet gig. It's going to be extremly competitive though. If anybody has any general questions, feel free to ask and I will either try and answer or get the answer for you. (I work ALS in the area)
  16. ALS- Some things, like the complaints you mention, are valid. Yes, you do have a right to voice your opinion if it is now your house. However, do you buy a product you know you don't or won't like the way it is, but then complain to the manufacturer to change the product you own, even though you know it would cost millions in construction and block x635's view of Rescue 3 and Engine 150 responding to an MVA? My opinion, which I also have a right to, and it's not changing......you buy a house, you should do your homework as to the location. You buy a house in New York, you expect snow every now and then, right? Thats not changing. (or the people that moveed in next door to a firehouse, and then expect the firehouse to move just becuase it was annoying them, that was in some newspaper I was reading a few month back. The firehouse moving was the only solution they would accept. )
  17. tbendick- Is this a replacment unit for the International or another rented truck??? http://www.nycfire.net/gallery/fdny/DSC07418
  18. True.However, My issue that irks me with people complaining is when they move into a neighborhood fully aware of a something that has existed for a long time, and then start complaining about it and expect it removed. Example:This neighborhood is directly adjacent to a highway. It's been there for 50+ years, as has the house. Recently, a new couple moved in. Not even 2 weeks in the house, they are already petioning to have sound barriers installed to block out the parkway. They were fully aware of the parkway being adjacent to their home when they moved in, and now they want it their way? Its these freakin yuppies who are invading and ruining Westchester to blame. But there are certain reasonable things. For example, I know some people have a "I'm up, you're up" policy. But is it really neccaray to be using the Q siren and air horns fully through a resd neighborhood at 3 in the AM????? I work hard all day (usually all night, lol but that screws my storyn up), then I come home and would like a goodnights sleep. Now, going with my theory that most calls are created by either stupidity or laziness, why do I have to be woken up for someone elses problem? That's your business if you want to be up going to the call, not mine. As for the whistle, they are a great small town tool, but they should be a emergency backup method only. A 99% reliable radio system, alongside a cell phone text paging system, should be the focus. It's 2004. On a side note, it was once said the whistles are used to warn motorists driving nearby. Do a survey and see if anybody really cares, lol In reality though, I want to see the horns stay, just because I hate the yuppies and their demanding and selfish, self centered ways, screw 'em!! Can't afford a decent place to live where I want to live because of them. They forced out there real, true residents of this county, and have ruined it forever. Just my opinon though. (Sorry if the above post was incoherent, just got off a 24, lol)
  19. Looking from both ends of the equation, Empress rarely,rarely calls mutual aid, and 99% of the time holds their own. And as much as people do talk crud about them, and yes, they do have their problems, but unfortunetly until Yonkers decides to make the right move and form a 3rd service municpal EMS system, Empress is all they have. And compared to the rest of the county, whether you want to call it smoke and mirrors or not (they don't fix their numbers nearly as much as another large NYC based commercial provider), their numbers are pretty good.
  20. Of all EMS agencies in the county, I think Empress (Yonkers Division) probaly calls mutual aid the least,if at all, and has a standard in response time (<8 minutes 90% of the time).with a solid and steady first responder program, with either the NEIGHBORHOOD fire company or local precindct ESU unit responding. However, they are also the largest and busiest system in the county,and pretty much self-sufficient, so its a whole different ballgame there.
  21. I don't even know what to say,lol! Don't know who this is, or why they did it. From: http://www.sconfire.com
  22. Proper EMD is more than just pre-arrival instructions, it's also, when used properly, a priority dispatch system desinged to properly assign resources. As for EMT's talking people through situations over the phone without being EMD certified, that's great, but do they have other people to handle the phones and radios while they are focused on this, and do they have set guidelines and training to protect them in this lawsuit-happy society we live in now? BTif this topics gets out of hand with people attacking each other, any agency, etc, this topic will be closed.
  23. Big G, I'm sure Fx will replay it once the season is over. As for this week's episode, it's on again tonight at 11pm, and Sunday at 11 too.