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Everything posted by x635

  1. I think getting Health Insurance for volunteering is definetly an interesting concept. It would defeintly be an incentive to join, and an even bigger one for retention. Especially for those who cant get it otherwise.
  2. Hey Putnam (And Non-WC/ Metro NY People) You guys can now post incidents from your area here in the Regional IA forum. Read this thread for further details: http://emtbravo.just5buckshosting.com/phpB...opic.php?t=1798 Hope to see some noteworthy incidents posted from these areas!
  3. Yes, but there's absolutely no reason why White Plains and Yonkers cannot have Tillers, lol!!!!!!!!!
  4. From an email I received, and also posted on another forum:
  5. I found this even more shocking.....apparently this kind of event is "expected" at NJ's FF convention.
  6. Gee, it's awefully quiet in here. Well, I had an interesting shift at work yesterday witnessing the shennanigans at Lincolndale. East Yorktown Station 3 The culprits........ (Martin WAS taking a nap, he really had nothing to do with it) Just some of the miles of masking tape that was used to mark up almost everything in Somer's Firehouse (Skylights, Roof, Floor,Exhaust Vents, Toilets, Walls, Windows, driveway,etc etc) you name it, it had a "YHFD" or other message made from masking tape. Somers even supplied the masking tape for Yorktown to use. Hmmmm..... I'm sure someone will send in more photos of this. Can't wait to see what happens Friday.....poor Y-Town lol! :help:
  7. You posted this two minutes too late!! ](*,) I just took an overtime double for Saturday, lol! I totally forgot about this parade....I wanted to go too.....Hope you get some good shots for all of us.
  8. Actually, you're right.........................
  9. Further information.....It's on order, it's gonna be a 2005 KME 95' Midmount NO pump. (Similar to West Harrison and Fairviews, minus the space wasting pump and tank)
  10. If you want more megapixels, you're gonna spend more money for a quality camera 4.0MP's is not too shabby, of course more is always better, what are you planning to use the camera for? IMHO, the above camera is the best you can buy for the money you want to spend. I doubt a Digital SLR is in your price range. Also, don't forget to watch Ebay....but BE CAREFUL! Or get out there and earn some more money to buy a bigger MP camera! You get what you pay for....hopefully!
  11. I wonder why the name change to "Rescue Ops Battalion??? Also, that Firefighter/Medic thing makes me go hmmmm......... The FDNY*EMS system would likely need a major overhaul before they could even attempt something like that.
  12. North Castle can spend $2.2 million to buy Armonks old firehouse (after they moved into a new $7 million firehouse) to make it into a rec center, yet they wont spend the money on neccesary renovation and improvments/upgrades for North White Plains? I don't understand this, do they forget that the south part of town is still theirs? This just goes as further proof to prove my case that fire and ems protection is on the low end of priorities for the new version of Westchester residents.
  13. I'd think the Canon Digital Elph would work well for you. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id...02&type=product
  14. I may have asked this already, but do the Fairchester Hose Haulers Association still exist?????
  15. Anybody have any updates on this yet?
  16. What a lineup! Great weather for a parade as well. Any appearance by the hometown "Firebike"?
  17. Both Norwalk and Stamford Hospitals are L-2's as well. In addition to Danbury, some of the afformentioned hospitals here are closer to some Westchester communities than WMC.
  18. So is RBFD running out of the new station yet? How do you guys like it?
  19. The timeline of events of Sept. 11th, 2001. Kinda interesting. http://911timeline.net/
  20. He really does have some really wacked out theories. Kind of interesting to read how some people view some events though.
  21. I personally think people say it to just sound cool. There are no official defined trauma levels in Westchester, nor any system to determine where to take what patients to as there are in other areas outside Westchester. (Like the "Priority" system through C-Med in Conn) There are Trauma Center levels. Level 1 is usually your large regional university hospital, like Westchester Med, where the major trauma goes, Level II usually more like a larger community hospital, like Sound Shore where the less severe-moderate trauma can go, and your minor trauma Level III is basically anybody. Trauma center levels are based on things such as staffing, proximity to a highway, number of patients they can handle atf once, ICU aftercare, ED equipment, specialty care areas, etc. TRUE Trauma centers are accredited by the American Academy Of Surgeons, I beleive. Permission to be a trauma center must be granted by the State of NY.
  22. Check it out! FDNY's NEW M.E.R.V.: http://www.campbellsupply.com/newDeliverie...fdny%20MERV.jpg It's HOT! 2004 Thomas Bus (Freightliner)/MedicMaster Photo from CampbellSupply.com Westchester DES should have one of these as well. It could also function as a rehab unit. Just convert an old Bee Line bus.