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Everything posted by x635

  1. Here is an excellent guide about Aqua Teen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aqua_Teen_Hunger_Force
  2. I was an EMT-I, and I mean no disrespect by my comments below. EMT-I's can be very helpful as a supplemental tool when assiting a Paramedic. I feel I's work better when they are used in conjunction with a single paramedic system to give the medic an extra set of hands during a complicated call. However, I's MUST be able to see enough calls to maintain proficiency in their skills. With that said: Croton would be an Intermediate Life Support agency, not ALS. That means an EMT-I on EVERY call! Now for the humor... EMT-I= I do the vitals, I hook up the monitor, I do the IV, I drive, I restock (Just joking around 648, lol!) Just to note, myself, FAC911, and 901 were EMT-I's on ALS ambulances in an urban area (Empress). I became an EMT-I simply because I was not able to go to medic school yet, and wanted to be of further use to my paramedic partner and give myself and extra boost in medic school. I'm glad I became an I. It also helped in my job as an ED tech. It allowed me to do a lot more, and also increased my pay. The previous comments are IMO, the benfits of becoming an I. There is no service around here that provides I level care, nor any that can currently do it appropriately.
  3. Recently, I was on a major Westchester highway, and I passed by an accident scene in which one car rearended another car with some pretty heavy damage in the #1 lane. It was approx 1830hrs on a weekday evening, the road was wet and it was dark. Traffic was heavy and slow, but the scene came right at you without warning right after coming around a curve. No flares or signage or arrowsticks or vehicles to warn of an accident ahead. People were riding the shoulder, flying, and had to stop and swerve back into the lane immeditely prior to the incident. The first vehicle, which wasnt even parked at an angle to barricade, was a dimly lit mini-attack. Now this was bad, but what really got me, was that there was what appeared to be teenage members, some not even in turnout gear and those that were, the gear wasnt reflective and they werent in full gear. You couldnt even see kids standing there unless you really really looked hard. Plus they were standing AT THE BACK of the mini attack, on the side of traffic, inches away from traffic, shooting the breeze and not paying attention to traffic. How could a department even let members under 18 years old onto a highway, a major and busy interstate nonetheless? There was hardly any scene lighting whatsoever, so when I passed by the cars actually involved, you could hardly see them. Get a light tower people!!! Vehicles, FD PD and EMS, were scattered all over the scene, and were in no positition to create a safety zone for those working on the scene. Vehicles were positioned with no ryme or reason. Again, the mini attack the was the first vehicle as you approached the scene....you could barely see it with its lights on....it had no reflective tape, nor did it have a directional arrowstick. Those firefighters and EMS personell who were casually milling around the scene did not have on very visible gear or vests either. The scene was very,very dark. Sorry, just needed to vent this. I was extremly disspointed with this department, since they go on that highway quite regularly and I thought much higher of them. This is not th first time I have seen this, but this situation was extremly annoying. I would have thought that the chiefs and leaders of this department would have a higher regard for their firefighters, EMS personel and others safety...I guess not. Do they not read about all the FF's, Police, and EMS hurt on highway incidents? I hope nobody gets hurt due to this neglience. :sad: Traveling on a lot of highways, I have seen a ton of departments doing a great job of scene safety and control, and this has got to be one of the worst scenes I have ever seen.
  4. Check out these videos, from FireFighterCloseCalls.com, that really drive home the point on how dangerous highway responses can be. http://www.dw.ohio.gov/ohiostatepatrol/new...P80crash340.wmv http://www.dw.ohio.gov/ohiostatepatrol/new...rrollton340.wmv http://www.dw.ohio.gov/ohiostatepatrol/new...Roecrash340.wmv http://www.dw.ohio.gov/ohiostatepatrol/new...viscrash340.wmv http://media.ebaumsworld.com/nearmiss.mpg
  5. I've said it other threads, and I'll say it here again: Rescue Me is absolutely disgusting. I hate that show, Third Watch, albeit very PD oriented lately, at least has a little more tact and class, unlike Rescue Me which will say and do anythings for ratings. RM is more of a drama than it is a show about firefighting, in fact it seems secondary that the characters are FF's. I say bring on USAR-88, which would be the modern day version of Emergency!. It's being produced by Randolph Mantooth, and despite several attempts, has yet to be picked up by any network or syndicator. Bring on a Fire and EMS show that kids can watch as well as adults, bring on a show that inspires, bring on a well written and well produced show please!!!
  6. I got two when they originally were offered. Now, you're lucky if you can even find one on Ebay.
  7. I think Elmsford FD would be the experts in our area regarding this.........
  8. Any idea on a delivery date yet?
  9. I agree, that Rescue is HOT!
  10. Rumor has it that Code 3 Collectibles (www.code3.net) will be releasing the new FDNY Squad 61 (The 2003 Seagrave Bronx Squad with the flag mural) in Diamond Plate Edition (1/32 scale) during Quarter 1 of '05. If you are a Code 3 club member, go to the club area of Code 3's website for a sneak preview. It looks HOT! Also, from what I hear, there is many nice release for 2005. Photos of the real FDNY rig, from FDNYTrucks.com: http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/bronx/e61.htm
  11. Does it get any better!! THIS ROCKS!! :dance: I expect the following deparments to aqquire one or more: Yonkers Greenburgh WCPD Ardsley Los Angeles City PD ...and any other department that wants to be cool in my book. Dodge rules!
  12. I posted this comment in another thread as related to a different issue, but feel it warrants its own discussion. If WCFTC was to affiliate in some way with WCC, they could open up a world of new oppurtunities. Maybe WCC, in conjunction with WCFTC, could offer some sort of Firefighter/Fire Science Degree program. I would be willing to make a bet if a program like that was to be done, it would be pretty succesful.....and probaly interest and make it easier for more people in earning an AS. You could apply training taken for your department towards a college degree. Whaddya think? Would anybody be interested in a program like this?
  13. UNH has an excellent program. If you can do it. A commute of 1 hour (and a difficult 1 hour at times) is not feasible for some that have very limited time and a very limited budget as it is. Also, this program could and would contribute and enhance the Westchester County Fire Training Center and WCC.
  14. I don't know if anyone caught NYPD 24/7 last night. I feel it was a pretty good episode. They rode with some homicide detectives, ESU cops, and a car from the 47th. When riding within 47, the sector car caught several violent crimes, and all seemed to have an OLM crew on scene. Among several people I saw that I knew from OLM, one is board member FAC*911 doing a(nother) shooting at a housing project. Too bad they cut out most of the EMS action. Too bad last night was the last episode :-( Hopefully they will at least re-run it on cable, or maybe even release it on DVD.
  15. http://www.thelunatick.com/ems/ Cool FDNY*EMS site....some cool pictures, as well as tons of humorous material.
  16. Thanks 57Truck, there is some great spirit in Sector 203010 of BHFD's district!!! Also, on the update, every night when I leave for work, I'm seeing more and more Christmas lights and decorations! The spirit is awakening!!!
  17. Thanks for the update......Have you taken Jimmy by a fire station out there yet? The FF's out there are usually awesome, plus he'd probaly get quite a kick out of their huge tillers. Also I hope he is enjoying the weather, and glad to hear Emma is there and they got to enjoy In-N-Out today, it is the best!
  18. Rumor is that this will be announced early this week, and the media is reporting that we, the Nextel customers, would possibly have to transisition to new phones that are compatible with the Sprint Network and Nextel Network.
  19. I'd like to see Yonkers Engine 306, the 2004 American Lafrance Eagle reproduced, and I think we will eventually see that from Code 3. In addition, I'd like to see YPD Truck 4 reproduced, and I've heard we may be seeing that in '05. I'd also like to see Rescue 1, but I highly doubt that would ever happen.
  20. It does sound funny to me. Is it really neccasary to dedicate a firefighter just to call the ambulance on scene? Doesn't YFD have portable radios?????
  21. An Interesting article......and class.