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Everything posted by x635

  1. PLEASE explain to me how the call is delayed????? I assume call is transferred via PCPD to PCFD, so now instead it's transferred to 60, WHERES THE DELAY THERE??? In fact, a professional dispatcher with a CAD system may be faster to get a call out that someone who has to do it manually. Also, the professional dispatcher may be more experienced and better at calltaking and dispatching, and therefore quicker. Also, they may be better at interviewing the caller and getting better information to pass along to responding units, and may also have better tools at his/her disposal. Dumping your house dispatch to 60 Control or splitting it between two places or people......now THERE IS a fine example of delaying output of a call!!!!!!!!!!! About the mistakes part?? So were never supposed to progress foward because we are afraid of mistakes??? How about somebody follow the FD around all day, watching-listening-recording-documenting their every move? That's what a dispatchers life is.....and everybody thinks they know how to do the job....I guarentee you if we follow the FD around, they would make mistakes too. Again, I don't understand where your coming from on this issue. Mistakes in Dispatch can kill somebody, yes,(just like mistakes in the field) but so can being anti-progressive and negative. You fail to provide to me enough serious arguments or facts to make me even consider that a switch like this would harm citizens. Don't be so quick to criticize without knowing the other side. The comments you made apply to people in the field just as much as they apply to dispatch. HOME DISPATCH=OLD SCHOOL. Firefighters should fight fires and rescue people, Dispatchers should dispatch and rescue people. There's nothing wrong with your own dispatch center, but in this county and most, centralized dispatching is the way to go.
  2. You are absolutely right!!! I love Boston (and Worcester)!
  3. I think EMT301, and other posters of this thread, have some valid points. It's so easy to make that type of comment to stir the pot. Anybody can sit there and complain and say stuff like that. But substantiate it with something. Also, was the previous dispatch setup problem free? Would you rather have full-time, dedicated professional dispatchers in a professional enviorment with proper equipment, that will follow the call from beginnning to end? Or have firefighters that take the call then dump to the next house and then dump to 60 anyways? Do you realize what's lost in that type of system? Is that the right way to do things? Are firefighters supposed to be dispatchers? Or should they be on the streets? Complaints are absolutely useless, unless you complain and have a solution. A transition from a very old and traditional department that's been doing something the same way for years is going to have some bugs, and some of the Anti-Progressive people whining. This has only been in effect for a very short period of time, and there are many people on both sides working hard to try and make this work well. Negative does nothing, positive pushes progresion.
  4. #1. There's nothing wrong with buffiness. It's the buffs that probaly progress things a little, and the WC Anti-Progressive Cranky (and sometimes ignorant) "Keep It Like It's Been For 100 Years" movement hates change...well too bad! Just try and keep up!!! We will win...eventually!! The youth is taking over!!! And your point with the 10-75 being??? Westchester County never used the 10 code for working fire either at all before. 10 Codes need to be standardized. Every department should have the same set. EVERY single WC agency needs to come to a unanimous decision.
  5. An awesome video from an awesome event!!!
  6. Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple local departments that have converted their ambulances (Type III's) to another purpose. I know Bedford PD converted an old KBHVAC bus into a Arson Investigation unit. Leonia, NJ converted an old Type III into a multi-purpose unit. I know there are several that have been done, inside and outside of this area, I'm just having trouble remembering where. I'll keep thinking. Mount Vernon and New Ro maybe??
  7. When DFFD227 is not available (like at school or work) , he contracts out his photographic work with his equipment to YPD459.
  8. I believe VMFD has been aiming for quite some time to build a "Central" station. I don't remember quite well, but I think Ladder 20 would be one of the companies to move in.
  9. Some awesome shots!
  10. A product of JJL639's hard work: http://www.bedfordhillsfd.org/ Site looks AWESOME! More to come in the near future, and regular updates as well.
  11. Anybody hear anything about Pleasantville ordering some new Engines?
  12. Obviously, you've never been to Boston's Parade, or you would think otherwise. Boston is an extremly Irish city, much more nowadays than NYC IMO, and is a good time. Lots of other stuff to do besides the parade. There is also usually quite a large contigent of Boston FD trucks and other fire apparatus in the parade. Just because you live in NY, doesn't mean you are obligated to go to the NY parade.
  13. Check out this months (Jan/Feb '05) Fire Apparatus Journal for a feature on Yonkers FD Fireboat 1.
  14. What about eliminating the chaos that occurs EVERYDAY on 46.26???? The information I heard on this system talks a lot about "major emergency" interoperabilty, but how will this new radio system affect everyday operations that make up 99% of our work and radio use???? The structure fires, cars fires, EMS calls, water conditions, lines down, MVA's, rescues, etc....how will this new radio system improve our communications everyday?? :roll: And so now, some departments will have to operate off of three completly different radios. Ugh. :roll: Also, I wonder what kind of dispatch equipment will be added at 60.
  15. I went, thought it was a great show. You've got to keep in mind....this is the fire-service trade show "off season". Not many demos are available, and fresh ones for the new season are currently being prepared for FDIC and the rest of the '05 circuit. Also, I was told this paritular period is currently a slow one as it comes to LI apparatus deliveries. I had fun, saw some really neat stuff. A good and buffy way to spend a cold Sunday January morning. I didn't take any photos, just felt like relaxing and enjoying the show, plus it is quite a PIA to take pictures at a crowded event like this. On a side note, there were some very hot ladies working at the show!!!
  16. I heard a rumor that it's going to be much bigger this year.There will be apparatus upstairs, on the arena floor, as well as the usual downstairs,which will have even more exhibitors this year!! :eek: Everybody NEEDS to go!!!
  17. $90 per firefighter to issue them a bag of rope. IMO, that $$ is nothing to NYC and they can afford it, especially for (what is becoming) standard safety equipment. Would you consider corporate sponsorship for Latex gloves or bullets in a cops gun????? Corporate sponsorship for this type of item in NYC is absolutely ridiculous. If they really cant afford $90 a firefighter, then float a bond, like for all the other frivolous crap they spend money on. Firefighters should reflect a city figure, represent a certain image, and nobility, certain things SHOULD NOT be for sale. I understand that it would be nice to have money to buy this type of equipment, but the money is there. If it's not, or they claim it's not, then Bloomberg needs to go, because there is gross fiscal mismanaagment. The money is there, the city will fund it, and FDNY will be issuing this equipment in 2005, imo. If not, the union should step in. Also, naming of stadiums and games is a WHOLE DIFFERENT ballgame then fire and ems...excuse the pun, lol. WHAT THE HECK DO PEOPLE PAY TAXES FOR ANYMORE?
  18. Let's not forget that the new Ladder won't be able to carry as much truck company equipment because it will be a QUINT. Yes, the new Truck", will have pump,tank, and hose,lol. So, basically, you will be having not only a ladder responding from Station 1, but you will also have an additional Engine at Station 1. No idea yet how Y-town will be altering their line card to adapt to the new truck. Also, hopefully, it will be here late this year.
  19. For some reason, occasionally over the past few weeks, I have seen the Sunday Boston Globe for sale at Somers 7-11 and Ardsley Luncheonette. I hear it is availabe at other newstands throughout Westchester. It is also regularly on sale at newstand in the Danbury area, and sometimes at other newstands in Greenwich/Stamford/Norwalk and east. It may be available on their online edition as well.