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Everything posted by x635

  1. I disagree with that. When you are negative about something constantly, and fail to suggest a constructive solution, or fail to provide rational and exlained reasons or proven examples, then it is just blindly negative, IMO. So if the afformentioned are not stated, than what is the point...trouble???
  2. Thanks for all the info! I would have taken this job a long time ago....in fact, I would probaly even consider it now...however, the residency requirment totally nixes it for me. I am not willing to move to NYC for this job. I don't understand why that rule is neccasary. I really hope they wise up and do away with the residency rule.
  3. I always hear people around hear grumbling about how low their (EMS) salary is around here. Well, in my research for a possible move to the LA area, I've uncovered something quite sickening, something that makes my stomach turn. Paramedics, working for a commercial ambulance service in the LA area, on average make $10-12/hr to start. $10 an hour, for a medic!!! The pay varies a few cents depending on whether you work a 8,12, or 24 hr shift. Well, thats only starting pay, you say?? After 10 years, the average commercial Medic, on average, is making only$16.00/hr EMTs make minimum wage-$7.00/hr to start. Dispatchers start at $12.00/hr, much more than a Medic. The cost of living in the LA area is quite comprable to here in Metro NY, which is why I find the difference in pay so digusting. I make almost double-triple what I would make out there. $11 an hour for a highly trained proffesional? Are they kidding? AMR pays the highest out of all, and is considered the EMS provider to work for out there. There are few, if any, third service municipal stand alone providers. In a lot of areas, FD provides EMS, and in some communities, the commercials provide the transport. In sharp contrast, a Firefighter/Paramedic makes, starting, anywheres from $70,000-$100,000 a year starting. I'm still researching this issue. However, this information I have learned has really made me appreciate how much I do get paid here in the northeast!! Definetly an eye-opener.
  4. NOT!!!!!!!!! [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< GOD FORBID! I'm just curious, why do you make such a comment? Please explain why you think a Countywide Centralized/Standardized Dispatch would HARM this county????
  5. You mean I may actually be off for a snowstorm this time around? (knock on wood) Oooooh, maybe I can chill in my recliner and catch up on some reading and DVDs and actually enjoy the weather a tad before I have to go shovel it.
  6. Thanks for the concern guys. :-) BTW, I love the title of this thread, LMAO! The dog, a large boxer which was tied up outside, broke free from his leash/run cable and attached himself to my leg just after I triaged to BLS. He latched himself on only for a few moments, but he tore up and got a large amount of dog slobber all over my favorite pair of uniform pants subsequently destroying them, and broke my skin in a couple of different places on my right leg, leaving a pretty nasty wound and hemotoma. So, lucky me, I get to take Augmentin for the next 10 days and have a queasy stomach (a side effect of the Augmentin, an antibiotic)! Anyways, leaving the call, the other dog, a large vicous lab, basically latched his teeth to my rear bumper the entire way out of long driveway. I should have known this would have been a bad call, lol. I had just got done washing the M-1 truck, WEMS 4016 at KBHVAC, and got this call, which was at the end of about a 1/2 mile long very muddy driveway, lol, which totally remessed up my truck. DADAY....The incident with the steak in my cargo pants only happened once, and I learned my lesson that time.
  7. Great points Remember585. Not to mention that if we all standardized equipment within Westchester, than we could form a purchaisng cooperative, therefore leading to lower aqquisiton costs for equipment and supplies by buying in bulk.
  8. I hope al my friends out there and all our friends from this board are OK. Boy, when California gets socked, they get socked hard. No weather or natural disaster in that state is ever small scale. Some crazy rescues going on.
  9. I'm sorry, I don't think celebrities, especially celebrities who are only such due to relatives, should be given any special oppurtunities that wouldn't normally be given to anyone else. If he truly wants this, then let him A) Get a high school degree B)let him work his way up and go through the same channels everyone else has too.
  10. Interesting to note, the company that did the refurb was Texron, a truck repair and overhaul facility in the Hunts Point section of the Bronx. Texron also is the company who is rebuilding Croton Tanker 10 and they also did Yonkers SOC support unit. As for the rig, something doesn't look right. I can't put my finger on it though.
  11. It all starts with the calltaking. People often forget and neglect that end of the dispatching duties.
  12. I assume by a course with "New York Firefighters", they mean FDNY. How does he have that oppurtunity, and we don't. Talk about "privledged" I'm really curious to see how this is accomplished.
  13. I wonder if anyone sat here and thought there was something wrong here? Is any department using these incidents to try and promote fire safety, or make targeted enhancments to their fire safety and prevention program? Is anybody going to their local politicans and asking for more funding for fire inspections? These incidents are proof that fires still happen in this county, and we need to be even more proactive and proud to make them NOT happen. (even though we all know that sometimes they will, no matter what). We just need to start thinking of each fire as a learning oppurtunity and ammunition for more funding and legislation, rather than just for "bragging rights". I understand my above statments do not correlate to the initial purpose of this thread, I just wanted to throw that out there.
  14. Fairview Rescue 3 and Engine 175 have them. I love them..."Portable Daylight". I feel it tremendously improves operations and enhances safety both for us and (traffic, when applicable). It's a nice thing to be able to see what you are doing. Many apparatus have lighting capabilty, but these devices do it right and give great coverage and flexibility.
  15. I don't like that solution, lol!!
  16. So, I'm swapping my gear into another car while at work this evening, and I hear the familiar sound of a fire truck approacing. It was on 117 (E Main St/Mount Kisco) by NW Hospital going North on 117. I did the usual wave thing, not even paying close attention to who it was, and look up, and realize it's a BEAUTIFUL AWESOME Pierce Dash 100' Rear Mount with NO pump and red, with goldleaf and scotchlite and a big "Pierce Perform Like No Other" sign on the ladderboard. The rig was HOT! From what I could tell, it was a demo. It was one of the nicest ladder trucks I have ever seen. So, shortly thereafter I drove around Mount Kisco, Green Street and all, hoping I could check it out up close, but could not find it. I figured Mount Kisco was going to be checking it out, since I've heard rumors they are looking at new ladders. But it's wasn't anywhere to be found. I can't figure out where it was going/where it was coming from. Nobody in the corridor the ladder was in is getting a new Ladder anytime soon, much less a straight stick? Can anyone help?
  17. The saddest and most frusterating part about 46.26, is that it really doesn't have to be "Utter chaos"....if everybody just learned to work together, upgrade technology, be professional on the radio, and respect one another then things would work a lot better until another solution is found.
  18. I don't think by saying "Hurst Tool" that he meant it in the traditonal sense. I think the 6 represents the components, like large Spreaders, small spreaders, cutters, ram, combi tool etc. BTW, the rig is HOT! I can't wait to get some pics of my own of it! It would look even better though if it said "BHFD" and "Rescue 10" on it.
  19. Nice find, awesome article! (And site!) But what is that thing called film that they mention??? And I like my solution better....move to California, lol!! Seriously though, some great tips in that article. Anything about the snow/ice glare at scenes or dirty apparatus??
  20. While reading the newest issue of JEMS today, there is an awesome, lengthly and detailed section about Jim Page and his contributions to Emergency Services. As if this article wasn't awesome enough, at the end of an article about Jim's enormous role in the TV show "Emergency!", there is mention that there will be a new book by Richard Yokley (of "TV Firefighters pub 2004) entitled "Rampart: This Is Squad 51-Everything Emergency!. I LOVE Emergency!. I wish they would play the reruns on TV again, and really wish they would release "Emergency-The Complete x Season" on DVD sometime soon. I mean, they have "Whats Happening" on DVD now.....yet no Dragnet, Thridwatch or any classic emergency related TV drama. But the news of this book is awesome, and can't wait to read it. Anybody hears further details before me, please post!
  21. I have found out that this new Ladder is going to be on a KME Predator chasis, which is cool because I haven't seen a KME Midmount on a Predator chasis before.
  22. Today marks the second anniversary of the horrible Station Nightclub fire in West Warwick RI, which occured on Febuary 20th, 2003, killing 100 people who were trapped in the fully involved building due to limited exits, a mass rush to the one door, and the fast pace of the fire, and severly injuring 200 others who were able to get out. This was a huge tragedy for the community of West Warwick, a typical close-knit Rhode Island/New England town, as well as the nation. This incident shows that these kind of mass tragedies unfortunetly still occur in the US, and we must be prepared for anything, and be tough with fire codes in these type of venues. This really opened a lot of eyes in the area of Code Enforcment in New England. I'm sure many of you know/remember the details of what occured that night, so I wont get into that. I was living in Boston at the time, had eaten in a resturant across the street from the club several times during the past few years during a stop from my trips between NY and Boston, and working at a hospital ED in Worcester, which recived several of the most critical patients. I knew many people who responded to the scene, and despite the massive challenge, I am amazed how well this incident was handled by everybody. Especially since the arrival of the first-due from WWFD, which is right down the street,it was fully involved from the start. Currently, there is a consierable criminal charges pending against the owners of the club, and the band who's pyrotechnics started the blaze is doing eveyr underhanded thing they can to deny responsiblity. Flammable foam used to fireproof the walls and ceiling, ignited by the bands illegal pyrotechnics, has been blamed for how quickly the blaze spread. Plans for a permanent memorial at Rhode Islands "Ground Zero" are still being dicussed. The lot remains vacant, with flowers and other tokens of rememberance at a makeshift memorial to this day. The significance of the loss is still fresh in many peoples hearts. May all the victims rest in peace. Further Informtation: Providence Journal: www.projo.com/blogs/stationfire Wikipedia Info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_n..._nightclub_fire
  23. Maybe it's just me, but I'm listening to Prince Georges, Fairfax, and Montgomery County Fire Disaptch and operations channels this afternoon, and they give size ups for just about every structural alarm they arrive on. Is it just me being ignorant, or does this not happen often in Westchester County? Do you feel giving a size up upon arrival is helpful to you while responding, and what information should be included in the sizeup? IMO, a size up should be as concise as possible, give the type, occupancy, construction, size, and other immedietely ralted factors. Or should this information be included in pre-plans and everybody should already know it? ( I don't know how we would give size ups on 46.26 anyways. You can barely get out a parade announcement as it is now :roll: )