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Just curious if anybody on the board has flown Song (Delta's jetBlue wannabe), and what they think of it?
I don't know whether to be creeped out or interested, lol.
This class IMO, is a very relevant class to the local fire service, and from the way it sounds is going to be a popular class. It seems this class will be a lecture-type format. My question is, why limit it to 30 students then? If there is significantly more interest in the class, why not move the class to one of the countys many larger venues so that everybody who wants to has the oppurtunity to learn about this important subject?
Wow, excellent rebuttals!!!
I like the Magellan Roadmate 700. I use it at work, and if I had the extra cash, I would buy one for my POV. I wish Magellan would come out with a "Public Safety Edition" though...more rugged and faster. GPS are an essential tool for any response, IMO.
de·bate To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. I see no problem with heated discussions, as long as they are done respectfully and constructively. Also, when someone puts forth a fact that is not correct or not factual, then again as long as it's done respectfully and politely I see no issue with correcting that person. Although I understand your point, and agree for the most part, I really don't think it is as bad on this forum as you are portraying it to be. We have tons of great and intelligent members, and unfortunetly some bad apples in the bunch that pop up every now and then and just need time to be dealt with properly. Yes, there has been several instances lately as far as entire threads go, but it's being worked on and dealing with it is a time consuming and difficult thing to do. But keep in mind, THIS FORUM WILL NOT BECOME A B*TCH AND BASH BOARD! PERIOD!!! And there are steps being taken right now to ensure that, and more will be taken over the next week to "crack down" and bring this board back to an even more positive place. To note, the Junior Forum was temporarily and possibly permenately removed, because it seems all that forum was was conterversy and arguments over the same things over and over again. To say something positive about this board....I've learned a lot from members of this forum, and from the members different opinions and discussions on things. It has opened up my eyes to different viewpoints.
Check out this guys follow-up article. What an ignorant clown.
Recently, I've seen a couple members make negative comments about 60 Control, which have since been deleted since negative comments are not tolerated. One of the things that bothers me most in the Westchester County Fire Service is the way some people think about dispatchers, and how underappricated and misunderstood their job is, especially in a county as fragmented and complicated as Westchester. Remember, the field agencies are just as much a part of the problem, if not the root of the problem. How can 60 Control do there jobs properly when each department has to do things thier own way and on thier own frequency? The 4 on duty at 60 Control have to monitor over 30 different frequencies 24/7, numerous phone lines, and know the distinct and individual protocol for each agency in this county, because nothing is standard. If we work together to standardize our operations, and 60 Control/DES upgrade staffing, equipment, and facilty-wise, 60 can absolutely handle the whole county. Those who say "It Is Not Possible" are those holding this county back, and those who probaly are still driving a Ford Model T "because it works". I found this editorial from an excellent site, www.firefighterclosecalls.com, and it's definetly worth a read. Please read this article.
I debated whether or not to post this topic. The traditional, good ol' school portion of me says its alright, but the professional side of me says otherwise. Plus, this topic has already been presented by Homer J., but I want to present it with a slightly different angle. Recently, while visiting a Firehouse while working as a Paramedic, I witnessed a department who had just attended a Parade, speed by on their engine, sirens blasting, with several members soaped and riding on the hosebed, hoisting a tropy as they again, sped by on the country-type road past this firehouse. Now, again, one part of me thinks, oh back in the day we used to ride up top and whats the harm??? We do it when we have the Santa Claus run. Just having a little fun, nothings going to happen. Why must I be such a spoiled sport? There's plenty of other ways to get injured, and this is really not that dangerous as long as it's done right. But the professional part of me thinks that this is absurd, and I blame the cheifs of this department, because I have seen it happen repeatedly, especially after parades, despite this department having enclosed cabs with seatbelts. I wonder what would happen if one of these members had gotten struck by a low tree branch, or the engine had to swerve, or one of the members fell of the hosebed of this rig while it was going around 35-40mph??? Especially after the bullpen. Now, people come on this board and say "We're Professionals Too". No, TRUE professionals do not act this way. How would we justify to ourselves if somebody was injured or killed due to this stupidity??? One of our friends incapicitated or dead due to something that should not have occured? How do we look to the public doing this? How would the chief feel? Has that chief made it known to his members that behavior like this is not tolerated whatsoever?? And are Chiefs and line officers not comprehending they are DIRECTLY responsible for their members safety at all times????? There's enough danger in this business already...and theres also plenty of true professionals in this business....if you're not going to play safely, then get out of the game. So, I ask you this question.....is it a Fire Engine, ready to roll at a moments notice with trained professionals ready to save lives and property, or is it a party wagon????
I love Tivo......I recently purchased my second Tivo device. What is Tivo you ask? Tivo is a Digital Video Recorder, that records TV programs on a hard drive. You can set it to record any TV program you wish, even set it to record "season passes" of every episode of your favorite shows, and it will even record shows automatically based on your preferences. You can pause, rewind, and slow-mo LIVE TV. You can burn off your Tivo to a DVD (if equipped) or even to your laptop computer to watch on the plane or at work. I can set my Tivo via the Internet while at work to record a program at home if I forget to set something. It has a search engine to find cool shows, and a great interactive TV guide. And it's all very esy to use. I love Tivo, it's excellent for our type of work. You can watch your favorite shows anytime, and pass through all the commercials. Tivo has a great deal going on right now, $155 for a Tivo box and a year of service. It works with standard TV, basic and digital cable, and satellite. www.tivo.com Does anybody else here use Tivo? Besides WAS who built his own.
My condolences. Very touching that he died doing what he loved.
Photos are now posted of WC DES Deputy Commisioner JimmyBoys meeting with Paul Sr, Paulie, and Vinny of Orange County Choppers ("American Chopper") this past Monday. Absolutely awesome of the guys from OCC, and very cool on the DES appointment!!! JimmyBoy is getting to be quite the celebrity and high ranking official!!!
What brand do they use for the DVR's???? And how much does it cost a month? I'm suprised they aren't promoting the program a little more.....you can hardly find any info on it. Hopefully, the DVR isn't cruddy and problem-laden like the cheap Scientific-Atlanta boxes are. I like Tivo because Tivo has personality.
It's New York State Police, not California Highway Patrol. The cars should be blue-and-gold, the cost shouldn't be that big of an issue and is minimal IMO with all the money this state wastes. The cars look good, unique, and identifiable now, why change it.
For those discussing that aspect of it, this thread isn't about the possibly intox members, it's about those members in that state riding on top of public firefighting apparatus traveling at a moderate rate of speed down a public thouroughfare, and the safety issues going along with that.
Hey All- I'm back from my vacation in Fort Lauderdale You can view the complete details of my trip in my Blog: www.x635.blogspot.com And you can view the photos here: http://www.emtbravo.lunarpages.com/SpecFea...rida/Page1.html
I had Firehouse Deli for the first time yesterday, and it was great! The menu kind of reminds me of Franks Food Court, another excellent deli. I had the Rockwell wedge, which is a chicken cutlet, with buffalo wing sauce and blue cheese dressing, and it was really good. May sound like a simple sandwich to make, but what counts to me is the quality and freshness of the ingredients, which were superb. I wish I lived closer to Somers. If this deli went 24/7, Rocky's and Cameron's may have some competition.
If you have DISH network, they air the reality chanel. As usual for us stuck with Cablevision, we're always the last cable system to get the new chanels. And to clarify, these are repeats of the Bravest. No new episodes are being filmed :-(. BTW, "The Bravest" is also available on DVD, but it's only one epsiode and not a very good one. I'm going to try that number, see what I can get. Part of this shows problem that it was syndicated, and it was tough for it to get a good timeslot. So most of the time around the USA, it ended up on the overnight hours. Who knows, maybe with the success of "Firehouse USA", we will see "The Bravest" return.
Broward Sheriff's Police Divison and Fire Division are completly seperate divisions, but both fall under the command of the County Sheriff and his office. There website contains a lot of interesting information about this progressive organization: http://www.sheriff.org/ Waitress. the one in particular, was at the pool, the camera was locked up in the room and it was done quite right. Maybe next time there will be photos.
Wow, sad. My condolences. As NYTruckie pointed out, he passed doing something he loved doing.
Oh, c'mon! Someone HAS to have some (nice) photos of it to send into this site!!!! Or connections to let me at it, lol!!!
There's also a very good book out on Hahn, part of the "Apparatus Photo Archive" series by Iconografix. Available from http://www.fire-police-ems.com/books/bh0251.shtml