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Everything posted by x635

  1. Well, now HFD211 can't go to the Olympics, but maybe Medibart or firemn23 can!!!
  2. Awesome site! Very comprehensive
  3. There needs to be more funding for 60 Control now, you are absolutely right that it is busier and is only going to get more so. The agencies involved need to get together and go to their legislator and push for more funding, better facilties, and more staffing....with better pay. PLUS all the people in the field need to STOP doing their own thing and start working together. But that's a whole seperate topic. Still, IMO, Numbers still matter. And Go Red Sox! :wink:
  4. It's easy to tell the difference. Dave is famous in this county for his "Very Good". That's how everybody knows "636".
  5. Maybe, maybe not... It's out to bid. We'd like to see the Seagrave logo on another rig in Briarcliff. We'll see... Pierce or Crimson Rescue Pumper?
  6. I don't know what to think. I don't know what these guys were thinking! Hopefully, this story wasn't distorted by the media.
  7. I say go to the wire down. Cone/rope/sign off the area and leave. If an idiot is stupid enough to go near the live wire, it's their fault.
  8. Have you tried JEMS online CME service? http://www.mywebce.com/ It's actually pretty good, and convienent!
  9. At the ED I frequent the most, I find the MD's and most of the nurses very receptive to a 12 lead....that's when I actually do one. Unless it's going to change my course of treatment, i.e. going to a cardiac center, then I'm not going to delay my more crucial interventions to do a 12 lead. You can also probaly get permission from Med control to divert to a Cardiac facility too, if you play your cards right. However, I want it in standing protocol!
  10. Now I hear they want to put a Cold Stone in Ardsley, at the Village Green Plaza next to Starbucks. IMO, Cold Stone is a novelty that may fade quickly if they get too big. Ardsley used to have a really good indepedent ice cream place and candy store in the Centre Street shopping center, next to Ardsley Pizza. There was also a good bakery in there. Also, there was "Razzleberrys" too next to Genovese. A+P Fresh Market in Mt. Kisco has a Gelato bar. The Carvel in the City Of Bedford Hills is a nice Carvel, too. Friendly's is ghetto nowdays, same as Baskin and Robbins. Hagen-Daz, haven't been there in a while. Isn't there an Ice Cream stand next to the Carmel firehouse as well? Some good suggestions on this thread.
  11. Does anybody actually use their cameraphones to take incident photos? And what is the actual size and quality of these photos? How many megapixels?
  12. Sounds to me like the Chiefs made a tough but professional move. I know as a Paramedic, I could have 30 years in, but if I don't recertify or keep up on my training, I'm out. This is an ever changing business, and sure experience is great, but you need to balance that with keeping up with training and new developments or what good are you?
  13. While philisophically that may be true, this forum and this thread are about firehouses. Yes, aesthetics and function of a firehouse structure DOES matter, and that is the point of this discussion.
  14. There was recently quite a scandal regarding the White Plains Volunteer FD in the Journal News. I don't think they fight fires anymore, more of a social/fraternal orginazation now....if they even still exist.
  15. I'm just curious, who on the board is planning on going to Baltimore (Firehouse Expo) I'm planning on attending, and I'm looking foward to it, haven't been to it since 2002. Not only is the expo great, but the parade and flea market cap it off nicely. Also, the Inner Harbor is quite a nice place for a convention.
  16. I found it interesting that they would actually suspend some service. I don't think that would ever happen here, you'd still be getting the BS no matter what.
  17. Date: 7-7-05 Time: Approx 1700hrs Location: Penbrook Estates, C/S Mclain St. (ESZ Sector 203040) Frequency: 46.26, Bedford Hills Fireground Units Operating: 2032 (IC) Engine 198, Tanker 5, Tower Ladder 57, Rescue 10, C&O Zone 5, Bedford PD Writer: x635, Cutty630, 57Truck, JJL639 Dispatched as a MVF close to a structure. 2032 enroute asked for a knox box activation to access the gates. Upon arrival, 2032 announced an active fire close to the structure and established command. A 2005 Mercedes Coupe was on fire in close proximity to a structure. Upon first crosslay pull, the gas tank which was just filled, ruptured, and a large amount of gasoline flowed down the hill to a nearby stream. (Note gas tank intergrated into the body of the car) Gasoline and other fluids were contained via boom and containment materials, and Health Department/DEC notified. House was set back off the road, up a long, narrow driveway. No hydrants, Tanker 5 supplied Engine 198. Foam utilized during attack and as a precaution for the fluid leak. Fire was contained to the car with no exposure or spill involvment. Car fire was a tricky extinguishment due to unique materials and construction of the vehicle. Cause and Origin requested to the scene for determination and documentation. Car was a brand new 2005 fully loaded, top of the line Mercedes valued at approx $130,000.
  18. I know I'm opening a can of worms here, but I realized I have a ton of photos of everybody else but me. Plus I don't photograph well, at least I don't think so in the few shots I have, and I want to see if there are any good shots.
  19. Found this posted on another board. This apparently appeared on the craiglist dating section.
  20. According to witnesses AND the Post, the 1994ish Seagrave Aerialscope was going "75 MPH" and "flipped three times". I find that extremly hard to believe. Typical NY Media "skell on the street" interviews and making the FD and PD look bad! :roll: I wish the firefighters a speedy recovery. Photo: http://www.nypost.com/photos/news07032005011.jpg Post Article:
  21. Thanks! =D>
  22. When I said section I meant the x635 photo section, not the whole paper in general. It wasn't meant like that.