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Everything posted by x635

  1. Thoughts and prayers are with Tommy, his family, and friends. Rest in peace.
  2. Read about how I got snubbed by the Journal News today here: http://x635.blogspot.com/2006/11/journal-n...tory-ideas.html
  3. Recently, HFD23 and I were given a training DVD to watch during our night tour @ E-170. This video was distributed by Westchester DES, and produced by them in association with Consolidated Edison and FDNY. I must say, this training DVD was very well done and very professional. It was concise. I enjoyed the "reenactments" which added a real life touch to the video, and the graphics which illustrated what was happening. A great job by all three agencies on this DVD, and if you haven't seen it yet, I highly reccomend it. "Responding To Natural Gas Emergencies" is available from Westchester County DES. And a nice touch, you can choose between standard and widescreen formats! I hope the DES will see that more videos such as this are produced and distributed to us! [attachmentid=1579] [attachmentid=1580]
  4. Very cool! There are fans of the movies, and there are FANS of the movies, lol!
  5. As far as I'm aware, ALS MUST be provided by a hospital in NJ. It's a state law. A town or fire deparment, or a private provider, cannot. Unless the law changes.
  6. Check out this interesting website: http://www.savetheparamedicsnj.org/ Which is in response to this:
  7. (Late Entry) Date: 11-21-06 Time: 2106 Location: 10 Wood Pl C/S West Hartsdale Ave. Frequency: 46.26 Units Operating: E169, E170, TL15, C2172, Fairview E175, Greenville L4, Greenburgh*EMS, Greenburgh PD Description Of Incident: Fire in a kitchen with female burn victim Writer: x635 2108: Car 2172 on scene, with fire in the kitchen. Requesting ambulance for female burn victim and 1&1 relocate to Hartsdale. E175 and L4 relocating. 2109: E169 has 1 L/S/O. TL15 venting. 2110:Greenburgh PD*ALS and EMS on scene treating burn vicitm. 2112: Fire K/D, units overhauling. Fire caused by a pot on the stove that flashed and caught kitchen. 2130: Cover assignments released 2156: Hartsdale units clear
  8. LA City FD has begun their recruitment process: http://www.joinlafd.org/ Their new recruitment page is also awesome!
  9. Here's a crappy shot of a car on the "Massachussetts Call/Volunteer Firefighter Safety Train" I saw in the CSX yard in West Springfield, MA on Monday. Wonder what it's used for? [attachmentid=1560]
  10. I don't know what you're talking about hoss, it's supposed to be NICE Thanksgiving day! If I don't see ballons, I will be very upset!
  11. And Worcester FD's Special Operations District Chief [attachmentid=1559]
  12. Worcester FD's Pipes & Drums Response Unit [attachmentid=1558]
  13. That's really cool news.....mostly every Metro North train I am on is always crowded, and I can imagine as Westchester and the surrounding suburbs grows so will the railroads passenger load. Good foresight! Maybe these will be the M-9's?
  14. Wow, that is really neat. Thanks for sharing the photos!
  15. Thanks for the info! Much appreciated, myself and a brother were wondering the other night what ever happened to it.
  16. When I see things such as this, it makes me realize and appreciate how much easier my generation has it fighting fires. There's so many advances in technolgy and safety, and although some make our job tougher, for the most part, a lot make our job easier and more comfortable. No wonder some of the senior men are the way they are! [attachmentid=1556] Boy, it must have sucked being the tillerman on Worcester Ladder 1 during a cold New England winter!!!
  17. Looks like Central Ave in Greenburgh will be getting a 7-11. http://x635.blogspot.com/2006/11/7-11-comi...entral-ave.html And according to my source, 7-11 wants to make a major push into Westchester and open in some upscale communities.
  18. Here are some more: Ladder 3, Officers side rear [attachmentid=1548] Reserve Ladder 3, Officers side rear [attachmentid=1547] Reserve Ladder 1, 19?? E-One/Maxim refurb mutt [attachmentid=1549]
  19. Here's a photo of a house that I took yesterday while in West Springfield, MA. According to a bystander, this house has been like this for months, and there's possibly squatters in it who gain access through a small basement window opening. Now, you recieve a report of light smoke coming from the eaves of this house, and it's midnight. How would you handle this? [attachmentid=1544]
  20. Today, while in Western/Central Massachussets, I had the oppurtunity to try out one of the features I got my Blackberry for. The voice guided GPS navigation, "Telenav" I was VERY impressed with the TeleNav! It's directions were quick, accurate, and clear. It's also nice to be able to look up and research addresses, as well as preplan routes and preload addy's. This rivals the Magellan Roadmate GPS Navigation system that I was considering purchasing for my truck....but now I have one with me wherever I go! I can't wait to try it out during my next Los Angeles photo hunt!
  21. I must add, and how could I forget...special thanks to the guys at Worcester FD, they are AWESOME! Extremly friendly and welcoming.
  22. And here's a shot of the old Worcester Ladder 3 (Aerialscope 3, Scope 3) 19?? Mack CF/Baker Aerialscope (Now in reserve status) Photo also take this AM. [attachmentid=1531]
  23. This morning, Monday November 20th 2006, I had the chance to shoot one of my favorite departments and types of apparatus. This is one of my new favorite Aerialscopes. It's my TL-57 of New England. 2005 Seagrave/Aerialscope Worcester, MA FD Ladder 3 [attachmentid=1530] More photos from today will be posted soon on http://x635Photos.com