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Everything posted by x635

  1. I saw a cool commercial for Nassau County Police test on YES, and also saw a couple of times a Nassau County PD Recruitment car on Central Ave. in Hartsdale. It's a great department to work for, with many different divisions to go into as your career progresses, and it's also a very busy department. Just to note, Nassau County PD also provides EMS to many communities in Nassau County. http://www.police.nassaucountyny.gov/recruitment.htm
  2. Book Title: FDNY Operational Reference, 7th Edition Author: Jim Griffiths Publisher: Unknown Publication Date: June 2007 Official Website: Purchase Link: http://www.fire-police-ems.com/books/bf1117.shtml Synopsis: Comments: I HIGHLY reccomend this book, especially if you're into FDNY. Extremly comprehensive guide, everything you ever wanted to know about FDNY! And I mean EVERYTHING!
  3. I'm referring to the time from when the team is requested to the time the team is on scene, in addition the the standards I mentioned above. Surely, some more people must have an opinion on this.
  4. Do we have anybody graduating this year, HS, college, Paramedic School, whatever?????? If so, speak up!
  5. Date: 6-21-07 Time: 0700 Location: Harrison Ave. & Union Ave. Frequency: Units Operating: Harrison PD, Harrison EMS, Harrison FD Description Of Incident: Car 2162 (Harrison First Assistant Fire Chief Henry Mohr) was responding to an MVA on the Hutchinson River Parkway when he became involved in a collison himself with another SUV. Car 2162 rolled over and landed approx 100 ft from the impact. Heavy front end damage to the civilian Jeep Grand Cherokee, 1 person transported to Sound Shore MC with unknown injures. Asst Chief Mohr transported to WMC with reportedly non-life threatening injures. No further information ATT. Writer: x635 Journal News Article And Photo
  6. It's interesting to note in a book about the subways that I have, that the GCT-Times Square Shuttle was automated sometime back, and the union was furious about it. The train mysteriously caught fire, causing signifcant damage to the station, 42nd St. above, and destroyed the train. Until now, automation had never been brought up again. The GCT Shuttle would be a great place to start automation....such an easy run....but most likely boring.
  7. What kind of chasis is this school bus on? Clearly, it's designed to give vision toward the front of the bus to the driver (hence the model name), but who is it made by? [attachmentid=2846]
  8. Book Title: Visiting Fireman, 2007 Edition Author: Visiting Fireman Publisher: Visiting Fireman Publication Date: May 2007 ISBN: Official Website: http://www.visitingfireman.com/ Purchase Link: http://www.fire-police-ems.com/books/bv6012.shtml Synopsis/Reviews: Review And Comments: Always found this book to be fascinating, and a good way to find contacts for buffing information when you travel. Always some great articles and photos too. Other:
  9. It says that the event was last year in 2006- is a similar event being held this year? If so, when?
  10. I'm sorry to say, but if we do not learn from this, then their deaths were in vein. There's no better way to honor them then pass along their heroism and learn from it.
  11. Here's a topic that's not often discussed. This goes for both paid AND volunteer. How important is it TO YOU to have diversity in your department, and have the makeup of your department include and reflect the community it serves. For example, does your department consist mostly of out-of-towners who come in for the action or because they work there, or the "old school", or mostly your community? Does your department actively try and recruit members of the community, even those who haven't had the advantages some of us have had in life? Have you educated them about a career or volunteering in your department? Maybe they never knew, maybe they'd make a great firefighter or EMT but never have been extended a helping hand. Have you had mentors in your department, taking some youths and disadvantaged of the community under their wing? Is your membership ACCEPTING and OPEN to ALL minorities, including women, gays, and lesbians? Would they feel welcome in your department? I personally feel that there is a "good old boys club" complex out there, and it disgusts me. This is 2007, and we're all human beings and EXACTLY the same inside. A multicultural and diverse agency is beneficial on so many levels, I don't have the time to even start the list. Of course, I don't agree with "dumbing down" anything in order to recruit minorities, I just think that SOME people and agenencies need to be more welcoming, and educating the public about what they do. IF they are able to meet the set standards that are fair, then what is the problem? In some EMS agencies where I worked, I actively challenged some in the community and was succesful in recruiting several people. Today, one of those people made Supervisor at the EMS agency- he also owns his own home, etc. Most of this would never have been even imaginable to him without his invite into the EMS world. He even admits that he probaly would be in jail if it weren't for his life in "the box" (referring to where he performs his job-in the back of the ambulance) He came from the projects and had no interest in EMS at all-didn't even know the career existed and was basically a street thug, but underneath a good heart and ambition but no way to get or reconize what he wanted or anyone to encourage him...until he was stabbed and I was called to the scene. Just something I wanted to get off my chest.
  12. While reading Firehouse Magazine, I noticed an ad for the E-One low hosebed urban pumper. http://www.e-one.com/index.asp?n=87&p=87&s=73&pid=70 I prefer low hosebeds, this is a practical addition to E-One's line.
  13. So, what's the solution to this? From the jist of this, I get that the majority feels like everybody is on their own, and those who want the job will come and get it. I agree that there's a lot of unfair recruitment practice out there. I also think the NYS Testing system is obsolete and irrelevant. Also, as far as recruiting goes, the more people you recruit, the more competitive it becomes (which some are afraid of), and you end up having a better selection of canidates to choose from. Just because you dream about becoming a firefighter or volunterr as one doesn't mean that the career is neccarily for you, nor does it mean you'd naturally be good at it. In my eyes, at least, a great recruit is one that has the willingness to learn and perform the job to the best of his or her ability, and EXCEEDS the departments standards. However, if I may ask one question. Is there a single thing, person, or event that inspired you to become a firefighter? And, why do you think-whether you admit it or not- the fire service is the least diverse versus PD & EMS? Finally, why do you think that so many feel that "diversity" is crap?
  14. I thought this was supposed to happen a long time ago. I've witnessed the armrests catch and rip skirts and jackets.
  15. I'm a fan of the Montgomery County FD. They are a county-based combination fire department. They are expecting 37 new Engines from Elite Fire Apparatus (never heard of them). Anyways, I just found this note from the Chief describing the purchase, found it interesting, and decided to share it here. Can you imagine this in Westchester? Montgomery County is on the border of Washington, DC, and contains some extremly weathy areas, and is developing what was once farmland into gigantic office parks, shopping centers, houses, and condos with lightening speed. It's not that much different then Westchester County (not firewise), just "newer".
  16. Has anyone seen this in person yet? What are your thoughts? I really like the concept-seems like it gives you a lot more compartment space which is a big plus.
  17. DFFD227 and I photographed this house back in 2004, when George used to like taking photos. [attachmentid=2949] And through a zoom lens and a hole in the door (rats were running around inside)...... [attachmentid=2950]
  18. Quite obviously, that's a load of bull and I'm sick of hearing that rumor/lie/fabrication/misunderstanding. But hey, if you hate this forum so much or dislike the way it's run, either contact us and we'll explain the problem and try to resolve it, or you can find another forum that tolerate the BS we don't. And, I am saying that the best candiate for the job should be hired. Where are you misconstruing that? All I am saying is that we should do more outreach and recruiting to increase diversity in our departments regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, etc. And, that departments should use their power to help improve peoples lives, especially those in their own community. And, if you had read further on my comments, the reason why FDNY and NYPD have such an Irish heritage is because being a cop or firefighter used to be a really shitty job, low pay, bad benefits, very dangerous. At the time, in the early 1900's, the, again at the time, low class Irish immigrants that Americans hated (Irish need not apply) took the job. It's in the history books. And, not that it has any relevance, it was PURE LUCK that you were born in the United States. You could have been born in Darfur, Iraq, Somalia, Guetamala, etc etc. We're a melting pot. We are where people come to give their families a better life. We should foster this spirit in our own communities where generations of failures have set the precedent for future generations....we have the power to stop that, even if it's just one person, one family at a time.
  19. Not pissed at all. Glad to have a discussion, I really don't take anything personally just am passionate about my beliefs and everything that I do. I like to hear what others have to say in response, as I do have an open mind to things which is why I love forums. I enjoy helping people, and I do think my initial message got misconstrued for reasons I cannot explain here, and understanbdly so. Thanks for the compliment about the site, it means a lot.
  20. If Westchester County can regulate the Taxi industry (Westchester Taxi and Limosine Commision), as well as a whole bunch of other things, how come they cannot regulate FD and EMS staffing and response times?????
  21. Let's remember this fire, that was overshadowed just a few months later by 9/11. Let's remember these brothers by learning from this incident.
  22. Let's just ignore the atrocities that we have commited against our own people (I'M TALKING ABOUT EVERY RACE-THERE ARE WHITE PEOPLE LIVING IN POVERTY TOO!), they have to worry about putting a meal on the table while we contemplate putting a flat screen TV in. I'm sorry, but I see the gap between rich and poor growing wider every day, and people taking less and less responsibility and ownership for the communities that they live in, and it disgusts me. I was looking to breed some intelligent discussion, and that's why I started this topic- but I am done with it now, especially since people are taking my words and misreading them. I don't take anything personally, and appreciate the responses. As far as I am concerned, there isn't enough diversity in the fire service in a lot of places, but not all., and you can't convince me that there's not. There is still significant racism and beleifs of stereotypes. It exists, I've witnessed it, and those who deny it are living in a fantasy world. What this thread has said to me is that some people don't give a crap about helping others really. People make excuses, and place blame, yet give no resolution. Someone mentioned lack of a proper role model....couldn't a fire service mentorship program change that? How did I get on the job? I more or less always wanted to be a firefighter, but one day the FD came to my high school when I was in the 9th grade to recruit for their explorer post, and I happened to come up with my curiousity, and from then on I never wanted to do anything else. I wonder if my life would be different if the FD wasn't at my school that day. I want kids everywhere from every background to know that they too can be a firefighter, police officer, or paramedic. I strongly feel it's our role to promote that. Most of the recruiting criticism comes from those who don't have the job and are afraid of competition or are bitter that they didn't, and those on the job simply don't care. We need to foster a culture that takes responsibilty for their actions, and ownership for the community they live and/or work in. We have a tremendous impact on peoples lives on a daily basis, and we should use that power to help change some peoples lives for the better. As far as the immigration concerns that were brought up....how was the USA founded? By people escaping here, looking for a better life. That's why we have the mix of cultures in this country that we do. We are all lucky to be born here......we could have been born in Darfur..... Enough said. My OPINION only.
  23. When an apparatus is built partially in 2006, and completed in 2007, what is the delivery year? Is it based on the year of the chasis, body completion, or what?