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Everything posted by x635

  1. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with people that don't have an open mind, and much less can't even answer the questions that I've posed. Since when did being an activist in Amercia become a crime? We're so quick to condenm anyone that may have views that are different then our. And we believe everything the goverment, media, and big corporations tell us and want us to believe. Does anyone remember we had something called the Revolution and Civil War in this country, all fought by brave men and women who wanted to make this country better. Wanting to make things better does not make you anti-American, it makes you more American. Whether you like Michael Moore or not is irrellevant. The healthcare system in this country needs drastic improvement. I admire him that he uses his status to bring attention to issues such as this. People are latching onto the word socialism too much here, and believing long standing myths that simply aren't true. If healthcare systems in these countries are so bad, why are their people statistically healthier and live longer then us? If you don't think the healthcare system in this country needs improving, then you really need to open your eyes.
  2. Here's the facts page regarding this movie: http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/checkup/
  3. How about this? An ambulance that's also an engine. Photo by Walter Curran, Posted on FireNews.org Check out the photo. North Naples, FL FD. Pretty cool concept. http://www.firenews.org/misc/NorthNaplesFLR45.jpg
  4. obdow1, complete myths. Why is it then that these countries, are statistically healthier then the U.S. (according to the World Health Orginization)? And they live longer??? Why is it that our healthcare system ranks #37 in the world? Why is it that 9/11 rescue workers who are ill because of their actions at Ground Zero, have such trouble getting healthcare for their conditions, yet we give Al-Qieuda, and this is documented through congressional hearings, better, more accesible, and FREE healthcare? Why is it that Hillary Clinton was such a big supporter of universal healthcare for all Americans, until the healthcare industry rose a stink, and we never heard a peep from her about it ever again? And now, she recieves hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the healthcare industry? Why do we have doctors who make money denying people claims, instead of making money for making them healthier???? Why do we have people that can't get medical care or prescriptions because they can't afford it? Why do we have people here that 60% of their paycheck goes to medical costs before taxes? You may think our healthcare system is cutting edge, the best, whatever, and I agree we have top notch healthcare....but it's expensive, there are many who can't even get it if they can afford it, and even if you do have insurance, the denials for care have cost people lives (and body parts), made people sicker, and insurance companies routinely drop people from their plans because they are sick. The myths that you want to believe is why this movie was made. How can we spend billions to kill people, yet neglect the people in our own country? How can we provide schools, librarys, fire departments, all from the goverment yet healthcare is a private industry. The insurance companies are making record profits. People in our own country have been driven to bankruptcy with healthcare costs. Denials of claims by insurance companies HAVE killed people. Hospitals dump people on streets. How can we let this happen in our own country? The other countries may be on the "brink of bankruptcy" as you claim, I'm not sure about that, but at least they take care of their own people's most basic need. And as for the taxes, I'm sure there are those on this forum that pay several hundred dollars a month for health insurance, plus co-pays, deductubiles, prescriptions, etc. It equals out. You may choose not to believe it, and I don't know if you've seen the movie, but go see it....with an open mind. The facts are there if you do your homework. Until then, this problem is going to exist because we have people like you who believe these myths. Oh yes, Patriotism doesn't mean complacency with the way things are. In fact, you implying and persecuting me as "anti American" for my views just because I take an objective look at things- that is as anti-American as I've ever seen. This film was bipartisan and brilliant, and you can feel however you want about Michael Moore, but at least he is using his power to try and make things better. That's American. Where would this country be if we were all complacent with the way things are?
  5. Unfortunetly, if the terrorists want to do something, they are going to do it. It's sickening that the goverrment is using terrorism as an excuse to put more and more restrictions on Americans.
  6. I never even knew they even had a fire brigade with apparatus- GREAT photos! Thanks for sharing, Frank! Hopefully, one of our OFD guys will fill us in as to the current situation. I also am curious to know what happened to the above rigs.
  7. Wow, I just read her Ebay comments, what a nasty person. If she doesn't get her money, it goes to the scrap yard, and she refuses to donate it or sell it at a low cost to a museum or charitable orginization. I understand she may need the money, but how much will this thing bring in at the scrap yard?
  8. I'm just wondering if any departments have equipment dedicated to (such as long chainsaws) or are trained to cut trees? For example, if a tree is down and blocking equipment from getting to the scene, if a fallen OR falling tree presents an imminent danger to life or property.
  9. Would be a great antique for Valhalla with some TLC.
  10. Never seen anything like this before: [attachmentid=2973]
  11. Just found this cool slideshow video on Stamford EMS's website
  12. Best wishes are with the officer for a speedy recovery. Quite a shocking video. WATCH IT HERE: http://www.kptv.com/news/13577735/detail.html#
  13. Definetly an interesting idea. Would also like to see the same thing from Tarrytown Train station to White Plains along Route 119 (and maybe Rockland at some point too). It's too bad though- it's not light rail, that, IMO, would be the best way to go-albeit probaly much more expensive.
  14. I've noticed the same thing....a lot of "illegals" will have Pennsylvania license plates and drivers licencea, but live in NY.
  15. I don't drink, and maybe it's me, but something about this isn't right.
  16. I know this has been discussed here on the forum before. Here's what the 2008 Econoline looks like. Basicually everything is the same exept for the nose (all Ford truck noses seem to be simlar, much like what Dodge then Chevy did across their truck fleet): [attachmentid=2847] According to the Ford Fleet page, and the following article, no diesel engine will be offered, and the Ford page only lists the F-series as it's ambulance packages. Although it seems cutaways will be offered for RV's. Stupid, stupid move on Ford's part. They are going to lose a ton of market share if they don't offer a diesel, and I can't see a diesel fleet going to gas. Looks good though. Read the article at this link: 2008 Ford Econoline Has anyone heard anything different then the above?
  17. Thoughts and prayers are with the deceased officer, his family, friends, and coworkers on such a horrific act. The guy has tattoos all over his face- and BACK PAIN is an issue for him? And this guy was trying to help him out with it.....it scares me that there are people in the world like him, and so many of them. Now, he should just suffer the death penalty or rot in a tiny dark cell, and stop being a leach on society.
  18. But for now, the push is on for Chevy.....doesn't look bad at all. Still, Ford owned the ambulance market....it is stupid moves like this why they are losing money and the competitors are getting the edge. Rick, you guys took delivery of a Econoline or F-series chasis with the new 6.4? I've heard good things about the new engine too. [attachmentid=2993]
  19. Just heard White Plains FD dispatch an Engine, the Rescue, and Squad 4 to a odor of gas in a building call. Is Squad 4 staffed and on a run card, I thought it was special call only?
  20. Here's the working end of the unit. Actually a pretty neat concept epsecially for large malls, event facilities, etc. [attachmentid=2992]
  21. So it when it goes, does another apparatus go out of service, or respond with it? I guess it's on the line card for hazmat type calls?