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Everything posted by x635

  1. Having Pollice Officers as Paramedics is a good idea, and in the unincorporated section of Greenburgh, that's how our ALS is provided. A Police Officer staffs a Patrol Flycar solo. A Police Officer-EMT also patrols in an ambulance solo. Their is a civilian medic ambulance also for the town, that medic rides solo as well. For the most part, they depend on a sector car to drive the ambulance to the hospital. Although this allows for rapid response times, it takes police officers off the streets for a good amount of time, for even the most minor call, such as an ankle injury. On the flip side, if the Police Officer-Paramedic has to make an arrest, he is out of service for a while. EMS should be an independent, fully staffed civil service agency, just like PD's and FD's. Everyone always tries to get a bargain with EMS. Towns care more about their Sanitation departments then they do EMS. And a lot of it is our own fault, as we cover up our problems and don't do much public education as to who we are and what we need.
  2. Another tragic loss for the Empress EMS family. Please post your condolences here so they can be passed along to the family.
  3. Yes, the department can find out who the officer that was assigned to that car that day (if in service) and give them the prize.
  4. Check out the lettering on the bottom of the back doors of Dobbs Ferry VAC's beautiful new Lifeline ambulance. Definetly a unique touch that makes its point! Check it out: http://www.efrsales.com/Resources/Pictures...ACBF11%7D-C.jpg
  5. Different! I like it! When was this released, I haven't seen or heard any press for it? http://spartanchassis.com/ft/furion.asp (Photo from SpartanChasis.com)
  6. From anyone who's watched "Dateline: To Catch A Predator", these people come from ALL walks of life. Firefighters also come from all walks of life. Unfortunetly, the media chooses to cover this like they do, and we can't control it. There's been a ton of bad press on the local fire service over the past few years. BUT, how many departments aggresively go after GOOD press??? Complaining is useless if you don't take action. I know firefighters who are the greatest people on earth, and I know firefighters who are the biggest losers imaginable. It's sad. Unfortunetly, they are there and it's hard and unfair to get rid of them unless they do something wrong. One can only hope that the department conducts thorough backfground checks that include proven psychological testing and profiling and a true reference check. All this should be documented so that the department is protected in a situation like this. If there had been any complaints or evidence regarding a member who is troublesome, and the actions weren't addressed, then the leadership should be held accountable as well.
  7. What about displaying it on your engine? http://x635photos.com/displayimage.php?pos=-991 You can still support the troops, but not support the war. It's two separate things. Dissent is the purest form of patriotism. And I wonder when that became associated with being "anti-American?" Yes, sure the terrorists are out there, and I support our troops, they are doing a great job under an idiot commander. However, I don't support the war. I feel the billions upon billions of dollars that this war cost us could have been spent better elsewhere, like HOMELAND Security. Also, I feel all the lives lost were needlessy, many lives changed forever and we basically destroyed Iraq. At least with Saddam Hussein in power, there was some stability. He was an evil dicatator, and needed to be removed, but not in the way it was done. I support our troops, I'd just rather they would be here home, safe with their families. If we're supposed to be the "leaders of the free world", then why aren't we taking action against the atrocities occuring in Darfur? If this was "payback for 9/11", and to seek out "those who did it", it's kind of a double edged sword....more people have died because of this war then 9/11.
  8. Once again, another photo demonstrating Boston's excellent agressive use of both aerial and ground ladders. There given the tools, and as always they use them to their maximum ability. Also a great demonstration of an officer, apparatus operator, and crew's knowledge of the capabilty of their apparatus and placement. http://www.firenews.org/temp/Boston081007.jpg
  9. According to an article in today's "Journal News", they imply that the Nathan's on Central Ave. in Yonkers (the third Nathans store ever and the perfect place for a Post 13 10-27) may close because of the valuable real estate it sits on. It's a 100,00 sqaure feet hot dog stand, basically. With a locally-famous arcade. Here's a snippet: And a link to the main article: http://www.thejournalnews.com/apps/pbcs.dl.../708150303/1031
  10. Thanks for the info, Turk182. Any major retailers planned that you know of?
  11. Check out this cool recruiting video from Los Angeles City FD:
  12. Congrats OswegoWind and thanks for being a steady and positive contributor to this forum. I hope many other members join the 1,000 post club (soon to be officially reconized)
  13. Some good photos are posted in the Incident Workshop thread: http://emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=19699
  14. I'd heard a rumor that Katonah FD was ordering a Seagrave 75' Meanstick or a similar Pierce soon or it's already been ordered. It would be a smart idea to have a smaller RM aerial for that jurisdiction to complement TL-57 and the northeast portion of this county. A Meanstick type aerial could fit into tighter streets and driveways, and also provide increased protection for Katonah's downtown and other large properties. Anyone can confirm this or provide more details, would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Thanks for the information! Both Somers and Katonah's apparatus will definetly be an asset to the northeastern part of Westchester County. However, since Seagrave doesn't make a Lo-Pro anymore, I'm hearing that Katonah FD may have to add on a bay. Which is a smart idea....allows you to design the truck around the department's needs, not the firehouses space requirments.
  16. Awesome! I want one! http://www.lionel.com/Products/ProductFind...&CatalogId=
  17. Looking good, thanks for keeping us updated with photos. Just out of curiosity, how come this apparatus is at Seagrave Canada? Was it built up there?
  18. I saw today plans for a new New Milford, CT Ambulance Station. Looked to be a pretty big, three bay building. Anyone of our Northern Fairifeld County members know where this new building is going to be located, and how it's going to be funded?
  19. I admit it, I'm HORRIBLE about returning phone calls and forum private messages. There's just not enough time in the day, and I'm completly overhwelmed. So, if you're looking to get ahold of me, the BEST way is to directly email me at x635@EMTBravo.com It's easier for me to organize and respond to emails then the private message system on this forum or phone calls. Thanks, and I promise I'm not ignoring anyone!!!!!
  20. A quint can effectively be used if the incident commanders are fluid with their thinking, and preplanning and SOP's are created. Also, if operators are trained properly, a quint can effectievly deploy it's stick and stretch lines. I've seen it done succesfully in a number of diverse municipalities. A pump on a ladder, although it does take up space, allows the truck to establish it's own water supply, something that can be beneficial, especially at large scale incidents. However, a Quint should NEVER be used as a fix-it for staffing issues. You need an engine and truck for manpower, no matter how much apparatus of whatever types you have on scene, it's never a replacement for the labor-intensive firefighting effort.
  21. What I don't like about the stickers is that there's even a need for them. The second thing I don't like is that there's a company selling them for profit. I'm sorry, but selling buffy "Buckle Up" stickers is very,very sad and embarrasing statement for our profession, one of which we should be role models for seatbelt use.
  22. Although I'm aware that Mount Vernon, among many other issues, has fleet problems, so the answer to my question probaly is pretty obvious. What is the status of MVFD's crash truck (Photo taken 8-13-07)? If they're not going to use it, if it's going to rot away in the back of one of their stations, then why not give it to another department that would be willing to put the time and money into restoring it. It would be a shame if it went to waste. Personally, I think it would make an excellent foam unit for either Yonkers or New Rochelle, if they'd want it. Oh yes, isn't it SHOULD BE Lt. Caroll from MVFD that helped to aqquire this for them?
  23. Seems like an interesting concept for a tanker/engine. I'm sure some communities could make good use of a concept like this, but will we ever see it in this area? Could have a variety of applications, including use during water main breaks and response to commercial or heavy residential areas without hydrants, or large brush fires. http://www.hoopieworld.com/images/incident...lover%20(2).JPG
  24. Let's see where this path will lead....hoping it will breath some life back into the now allienated company. The "newest" releases look like the original Code 3 release from 1997. Not a good sign.
  25. I know County PD's ESU, which carried one of the County's first "Jaws Of Life", has been defunct for a while now. Anyone know of any plans to bring it back? Personally, I feel that County PD providing a North and South sector E.S.U. with special capabilties would supplement police-related tatical operations for the smaller communties. Also, does County PD have a S.W.A.T. team? If so, do they have apparatus besides the armored personel carrier? I feel that County PD is a great supplemental resource to local PD's, and for the taxes paid in this County, communities should use the services they provide to the max. Instead, it seems many communities duplicate resources. In fact, some jurisdictions have over 4 PD's covering them. If Westchester was to replace local PD's with County PD or intergrate County PD better, this would save a great deal of money and provide for greater career-path oppurtunities for all officers, as well as, if done properly, a better response. I don't know how Nassau and Suffolk work, but I believe they have County PD's as well.