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Everything posted by x635

  1. I should mention that this is Greenburgh PD Officer Kiera Knoesel's father-in-law.
  2. Well, that's how rumors get started. You knew what the paint scheme was, but did the other members know? The point is, don't make an "inside" joke or comment that could start a rumor on this forum. Thanks.
  3. And that's just what it is, a rumor....it's red. It's already been painted.
  4. I had the chance to photograph 69-B-1 this morning, special thanks to those involved! It's a beautful ambulance as you can see (I love the Lifeline brand, best ambulance out there). More photos are posted on http://www.emtbravo.com, click on the link in the photo section.
  5. I'm looking to speak with a member of Dobbs Ferry VAC re: New Lifeline ambulance. If a DFVAC is reading this, pleaee PM me or email me at x635@EMTBravo.com. Or, if you know a member of DFVAC, if you could pass this message along it would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I know I'm answering my own thread, but I forgot to add.... Hartsdale Fire District, Greenburgh NY 2007 Spartan Gladiator Extreme Duty/4 Guys Rescue Engine for Engine 170. Delivery is expected sometime around March 2008 Will replace the 1976 Ward Lafrance/1986 Ranger refurb, which is currently the reserve/spare. Either the current E-169 or E-170 (2000 Pierce Dash) will become the spare. Hartsdale is also expecting delivery of some type of pick up truck as a utitlity imminetly. Oh yes. the new 170 will be lime....very very lime!
  7. I just finished reading "Young Fire Apparatus 1932-1991 Photo Archive" edited by Leo E. Duliba and Tom W. Shand, published by Iconograifx. From the photos, I know that the Metro area has it's fair share of Young Fire Apparatus. I'm just curious as to the status of these pieces, if they are still in service, if not where were they sold to and when? So, what happened to the following (some departments had multiple)? And, what were they (Unit ID, type of apparatus, year retired, sold to) Ardsley, NY 1972 Young Crusader Sold to Monserrat, an island in the Carribean. Harrison Young Crusader Tallman Young Crusader Snorkle Springdale (Stamford) CT Young Snorkle Lake Mohegan Nanuet Hillcrest Spring Valley Pearl River Verplank East Fishkill Anyone I'm missing???
  8. I knew it was only a matter of time......
  9. Thanks for the explination, Steve. So does that mean that the spare Engine (whic is what and where?) will be responding on extrication calls or as a rescue, and the ambulance will no longer carry the tools?
  10. I can see where the added documentation might help things at times, but on the other hand when are we going to completly stop trusting cops? It seems if an officer fires his weapon, he's immediately condemed, even if he was protecting his own life. Can you imagine an "ambulance cam", that watches you in the back giving patient care? Or a camera on your fire helmet to document your actions? It's all technologies that exist. There are plus sides, like training and documentation, but there are also down sides, like nitpicking and employers/employees losing trust in one another. In such a litigous society, could this help? If you're confident in the way you handle things, there shouldn't be an issue for 99.9% of us. I think technologies I previously mentioned, plus the Pistol Cam, should be made available to, BUT, the person should have the choice whether they want to use it or not.
  11. B&H Photo, the NYC photo mecca at 34th St. and 9th Ave, opened their new Digital Photo department today. I am proud to be one of the first customers of the new department (a Hoya 62MM Digital UV Protective filter) Although it's not fully completed yet, it is HUGE! It encompasses the entire second floor, and has a lot more digital photography equipment on display, as well as more counter people. It is really, really impressive! I was sure suprised when I walked in, I didn't even know they were doing this expanision! If you ever need anything related to digital photography, or want a nice place to browse, check out B&H!
  12. Bump. Feed me information people!
  13. This morning, I was invited by a fellow EMTBravo member to photograph a large scale drill in Jersey City. It was entitled "Operation:Exchange Place Response". It was held at the P.A.T.H. (Port Authority Trans Hudson Railroad) Exchange Place station in downtown Jersey City. The scenario was a terrorist attack on a train inside the tunnel. Although it was Sunday morning, the simulation was 8AM on a Monday morning, the height of rush hour. I was amazed at the level of orginization and logistical abilty that the NJ EMS Task force and the Port Authority have. Also, they have a tremendous amount of equipment. It really blows NY State away. It's kind of sad that just across the river is a lot more coordinated EMS effort then over here in NY. The State really funds Homeland Security initatives and equipment. And their planning for these events is just amazing. Excellent job by all agencies involved, I was so impressed. I never saw a drill of this scale run so smoothly and so well. It's also interesting to note that every base was covered. This was a full scale event. If only you could read the Excercise Action Plan. It involved every agency that would be involved in a terrorist incident. They even transported the patients to area hospitals which also went through their procedures. The photos are posted on EMTBravo.com. I must admit I did a really lousy job and am very dissapointed in the quality of the photos. The lighting was really, really tough and there were people and vehicles everywhere. But I did the best I could and hope you enjoy.
  14. I apologize. I've been completly overwhelmed lately. I'm not intentionally ignoring anyone, I just have a bad procrastination habit. The BEST way to get a hold of me is via email, NOT PM, at x635@EMTBravo.com If you don't hear from me within a day or two, then try PM. Sometimes my mail system sends some messages into the massive spam trap, which is almost impossible for me to sort through. I am working on getting myself better organized. Just have so many things going on at once, and trying to find the balance is key.
  15. If I remember correctly, Hastings carries it's extrication equipment on the ambulance (or at least they used to). So, will the new ambulance be configured to be a "Rescue" ambulance with increased compartment space, or will the new engine be a "Rescue Engine", or niether of the above? Just wondering.
  16. Cool article. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070911/changing_fi...rucks.html?.v=1
  17. Excellent post, xfirefighter484x! What exactly is "Polictically Correct"? I asked, and as usual, found a very interesting article on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_correctness
  18. I'm not saying those who came over through Ellis Island were illegals. However, there were many other ports on the eastern seaboard of the US during the early 1900's, and many stories about stowaways in freighters, etc. Also, there's many immigrants who've written various articles that state that they went to Canada or Mexico, and got in the US that way. Illegal immigration is not a new thing, but right now it's a politcal buzzword. Fact is, the damage is already done and we need to find a way to deal with it and prevent it from continuing to happen. Here's how illegal immigration has affected me directly. As a teenager, I used to shovel snow in driveways in a wealthy neighborhood. One driveway I shovled, was pretty big, and I charged $40 for it. This was 1996, the year with all the snow....I did good. However, the next year, during the first snowfall, I found my client's driveway shoveled, and two hispanic men shoveling the one next door. For TWO guys, they charged $10 for what I was getting $40 for...they undercut me. Their willingness to do cheap labor has really brought down salaries and standards in many lines of employment. As for the comment about them not paying taxes, who's fault is that? Surely, some of the blame lies on employers and our goverment again. The worlds largest retailer, Wal-Mart, hired undocumented illegals and didn't pay taxes on their salaries, and so did they landscaper down the street. But I'm sure people will continue to shop at Wal-Mart and other places that employ illegal immigrants. But, they do work hard. It's my belief that US Citizens have gotten very lazy. The gap between the rich and the poor grows wider every day, and middle class America is becoming a thing of the past in many urban areas. Hispanics do do the job's we don't want (the ones the Italians and Irish used to do, like masonry and carpentry, etc), especially in wealthier areas. More kids are going to college, and less kids are learning and going into trades or to work in factories. And chances are, if you live around here, you can't go to a resturant, car wash, discount store, etc without supporting illegal immigration...because many of these businesses support illegal immigration by giving these guys jobs. As for communties such as Brewster, downtown Danbury, etc.....I must say that they have destroyed some downtowns. Their living arrangements and the landlords that permit it are a big problem. I don't feel that all illegal immigrants are refusing to assimilate. They do need to learn the language, and many of them do and try to. But, you think Italians came over here and immediately spoke english? I know some Italian familes where the grandparent's came over via Ellis Island or however and still don't speak or understand a word of english. However, I think bilingual signs, goverment brochures, etc are more to reach out to these people. They shouldn't be enabled to be complacent with only speaking their own language. And, I honestly think many of them want to speak and learn english, but don't have the avenues or tools to do so. If I go to Quebec, do I demand people speak english? No, I try to learn the language and make an attempt to speak it the best I can. However, it can be daunting and confusing. Also, what about our own citizens that are on welfare, or in our prison system? Aren't they a burden on society too? It's a VERY grey issue. These people aren't coming here intentionally to destroy our country, they're coming here in hopes of a better life. If our goverment's priorities were truly straight, our borders would be much tighter, and maybe we could provide some economic aid to these countries to help stimulate their economies so they wouldn't have to come here for the promise of a better life. And besides "illegal immigrants", what else is coming across that border unoticed? What happened to taking a stand against something? If you're truly against illegal immigration, I dare you to not use any product or service that involves illegal immigrants. I also dare you to go out in a community like Mount Kisco and talk to some of these guys, and hear their stories. Also, crack open those history books!
  19. Interesting article. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-bo...=la-home-center
  20. Here, read up on immigration to the US: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_t...e_United_States The immigrants coming from South America isn't a new problem...it's existed since the 1950's. Let's also not forget that almost every ethnic group that has come into this country has faced prejudice and opposition. And, the slave's didn't come through Ellis Island. Although I love the USA, we're not perfect. We need to stop throwing judgement and blame, and start taking educated actions to implement change. Shoot to kill? I sincerly hope you're kidding. Our military is already stretched thin fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, the tax dollars that could be spent on this issue are being pumped into the Middle East, and the laws that need to be changed and made aren't. Politicians are all in it for them and their egos....career politicans, many of them millionares, that have no real interest in the "average American" Oh yes, you should look at the numbers.....how many children of "illegal immigrants" are now serving in the military?
  21. Everybody's saying what their family did when they got to this country, but it's funny how no one mentions WHY they came to this country???? I agree that illegals are a burden on society, especially in the numbers they come in nowadays, but some of us need to brush up on our real history books. I know a few illegal immigrants, and they work hard, are very respectful, and have or are trying to learn the english language. One was even a doctor in his home country, but couldn't make enough money to support his family, so he moved here and is working as a busboy-and now his family is provided for. Don't stereotype or prejudice them all. I'm not saying illegal immigration isn't a problem, it's a MAJOR problem. However, it's OUR goverment that's a large part of it....for failing to properly protect our borders. They're so worried about terrorism and the war in Iraq....you can't take a bottle of water on an airplane.....but these people are coming across the border, and gos knows what some of them are smuggling. And, even with Ellis Island, there was a LOT of illegal immigration still. The Irish and Italians had a lot of the same problems facing the hispanics, including assimilation. But people would rather think that everything was perfect back then I guess.....we Americans cause a lot of problems ourselves, including throwing judgement and blame all over the place. Don't American's cause problems in our own country too? Ever hear of welfare, or prison? This is my opinion only as a human being with an open mind living on the same planet as everyone else. Oh yeah, if you feel so strongly about illegal immigration...don't patronize businesses that hire illegal immigrants or buy products produced by them.
  22. You know what, people should just remember that they were LUCKY they were born in the United States, and not in some third or fourth world country. This country is based on people coming here for a better life. These people risk their lives to do just that. I agree, there are many issues and sides to this problem, but it's also our goverment's fault too. Who are we to sit and judge? Have people forgotten that we, as a country, used to hate the "illegal" Irish and Italians in the early 1900's. But, I guess living our relatively lavish lifestyles and ability to be a citizen in a free country, thanks to our ancestors, gives us the right to judge others. It's a shame. Maybe if we pumped billions of dollars into their countries economy, instead of Iraq, they wouldn't need to come here. If the illegal immigrants (AKA human beings) had drivers license, that wouldn't change much. I don't think too many would get licenses, and there are already numerous that drive without or with fake licenses.
  23. Funny, I was just thinking about this topic the other day. Everybody's so fascinated by the aerial device, and all the other toys and labels, that they forget the bread and butter. The use of ground ladders is strongly emphasized in my department, or at least in the groups I work with. Due to manpower, we also have to be able to throw the ladder by ourselves. A ground ladder will save a life, maybe yours, a heck of a lot faster then an aerial device, albeit the latter may be a little safer and sturdier.
  24. Looks good! I love the short wheelbase!
  25. This article was actually published in Los Angeles Magazine this month before the current wildfires broke out, and updated for the current situation. I highly reccomend reading this fascinating article.