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Everything posted by x635

  1. Incident Alert-Dutchess reported by x129: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=27141 Forum for discussing Dutchess County and all DC incidents: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showforum=126
  2. Wait....what? Is that really you behind that keyboard, because I didn't EVER think I'd here those words come from your mouth, lol!!!
  3. Haldol's a wonderful tool in the drugbox.
  4. You have fire districts for the same reasons as above, so why not EMS districts? This is something that's been LONG overdue and am pleased to see Ossining taking this progressive step to ensure it's ambulance's are staffed.
  5. Well deserved, Tom! Suprised we haven't heard from you yet.....
  6. http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article...NEWS03/80810007
  7. In another thread, I read about Empire being rebranded as "Hudson Valley Paramedics" I'm confused on many levels, and wanted to start a fresh thread to figure things out. First, is Hudson Valley Paramedics a spinoff of Empire, Empire's new name, or a completly new venture? Empire's history has been turbulent.......is there another new management team?
  8. AWESOME! Thanks for the photos, TR54! I really appreciate it- made my day! :-) Definetly the "next generation" of GPD ambulances. I note the return to the Chevrolet chasis after a several year hiatus, and the diamond plating on the sides. Also, both appear to have updated striping. And, 79 has a new GPD*EMS patch on the door, and 76 doesn't have a GPD patch on the door. Greenburgh EMS is the civilian portion of Greenburgh PD EMS. They operate with a single Paramedic in an ambulance that covers the unicorporated town, and with a flycar with a single medic that covers the 6 villages/VAC's within the town. The Police ambulance patrols with a single Police Officer-EMT, and ALS is provided by Police Officers who patrol in flycars. They both cover the unincoporated town and back up the villages as needed, and all have regular patrol sectors as well. My information is current as of last February though.
  9. WOW! Thanks for the spy shots! This is definetly the next generation "45 Medic" car. I know Specialty Warning Systems outfitted 4016 (which I am proud that I got to put it into service, which was a big deal for me at the time), 4017, 4018, and 4019. Did they outfit this one as well? Also, this appears to be an Expedition EL? Hopefully someone can post more photos of this impressive upgrade for WEMS!
  10. No, he knows what an REP looks like......it had an REP body and was on a medium duty chasis with Knapheide/Reading type boxes between the cab/body.
  11. Since Ford has discontinued production of the Excursion, to my knowledge there aren't any other diesel SUV's on the market nowadays. A while back, there had been discussion on this forum that FDNY was going to be going with Ford F-series or Chevrolet 2500 diesels with extendo-bed or similar. What is the replacement cycle/lifespan of a frontline battalion vehicle? I assume FDNY will have to order some new ones soon.... Does anyone have any updates?
  12. That's comparing apples to oranges. Even though they are the largest FD's in the country, it's like two seperate worlds.
  13. A city near me runs this 2007 Ford F-550 Super Duty/Pierce as a first out engine. Believe it or not, it carrys all the required NFPA equipment (ladders and hose included), PLUS a combi tool and EMS gear. It has SCBA for three firefighters, and carries 5 in the cab. It is CAFS and Class B foam system equipped. It also has a PTO generator. One of the more unique feature is that the engine is driven by it's own dedicated diesel engine that's placed in the pump housing. I don't fully understand why this setup was chosen nor do I particularly caree for the wheelbase, but from what I understand it does the job it's intended to do.
  14. Before being so critical and negative, we should give this guy an open mind and a chance. He's much more qualified then some of the people that have held the position in the past, and things in Mount Vernon are pretty rockbottom as it is already. I'm interested to hear how things change as the new commisioner gets his feet wet in the new post, and hope the MV guys will report back to us.
  15. The reason that both LAFD and LACoFD have so many pieces of apparatus is not only related to staffing, it is related to the diverse amount of incidents they respond on. For example, besides the routine suppresion units, they have a variety of specialized units. Some of these units are staffed full time, some are staffed "in season", and some units are reserved for when an actual incident occurs or major disasters. USAR units for earthquakes, dozers for brush fires, and swift water rescue units are some of the "as-needed" staffed apparatus. Also take into account that Los Angeles is a HUGE, spread out area, and it may take a couple of hours to get from one end of the county to another, so that also factors in to how many apparatus there is.
  16. Congrats to my friend and EMTBravo.net Premium Member PVFD113 and his wife on the birth of their first child, a son, Adam on 7-29-08. 10LBs, 22" long. Mom and baby are now at home and doing well. Congrats Adam!!! (sr!)
  17. I'm just curious, how many EMS agencies carry highway traffic safety vests on their ambulances and flycars, and require their personnel to wear them at every and any traffic related incident or incident in traffic? I recently just saw a photo emailed to me of a EMS agency on a major roadway at dusk a few months ago. What startled me is that this agency wears a dark blue uniform, and was barely visible in the photo, I could only imagine what the motorists could see. However, the HELP truck driver you could clearly see. I know scene safety on highways is a big thing with the fire service nowadays, and in 2009 it will be a reccomended standard that each seating position have a traffic safety vest and it be used, but what about EMS? It seems that some agencies have some very lazy traffic safety protocols. I'm seeing a lot of agencies get better, like the vests and chevrons, etc, but some still seem stuck in the dark ages. Very sad.
  18. Sure, we all pass around the typical smoke detector propaganda during Fire Safety week in October. But how many departments actually take proactive steps towards making sure as many homes are equipped as possible? By this, I mean: -When you go to a call at a residence, for even something as simple as EMS, do you note if their are smoke detectors or not? -Do you let the residents know that their should be some and the proper locations for them -Do you offer to install the smoke detectors for them -Do you give away smoke detectors or arrange coupons for them? -Do you offer an email or mail battery change reminder? Smoke detectors are a proven lifesaving tool. However, I think that many of us have gotten compliant, and forget that fire safety education should be taught at every available oppurtunity. We go to people's houses everyday for routine things, this is our chance to teach them on their turf.
  19. While at Home Depot in Hawthorne last year, I noticed this sprinkler in a unique location. This is the first time I've seen such placement....is this becoming standard for building supply centers?
  20. It seems that slogans on apparatus are becoming more and more common. Often, these slogans are only understood by those "in the know", and serve no real purpose, in my opinion, except to display tradition and pride. I'm wondering why I don't see more meaniful, professional messages on apparatus, especially PSA's. And just the standard "Dial 911" doesn't cut it. I find it perfectly fine to display company pride, but sometime I percieve that more effort is put into the slogan then another message which could potentially be a lot more benficial to the public. Here are two examples:
  21. I've recently breathed some new life into my personal photo site, http://www.x635Photos.com, which had been dormant for a little while. Over the past few weeks, I've posted a ton of new photos, and plan on posting more weekly as time allows. This link will take you directly to the latest uploads: http://www.x635photos.com/thumbnails.php?a...astup&cat=0
  22. I apologize for the downtime, it should be back up now...