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Everything posted by x635

  1. Looks AWESOME! I love the color scheme, it really looks sharp on the KME "LA County Spec" chasis. Will the new Engine 176 be stationed at Station 1 or Station 2? I hope to have the oppurtunity to photograph it next time I'm up that way!!
  2. I know this change has been fought for for many years now, and am glad that Croton FD is making the switch. I'm also glad it was "heard here first", because that's what this forum is for. I hope other communities follow suit....
  3. In the Septemeber-October 2008 edition of Fire Apparatus Journal Magazine: Of interest to this area: -Front cover shot of Yonkers FD's New Mobile Command Center -Photo Of Mount Kisco's New Ladder 43 -Photo of Harrison's New Engine -Special Feature About Yonkers FD's New Special Operations vehicles, including a photo of their new Freightliner/Hackney Tractor Trailer All and all, I think this is one of my favorite issues of the year so far....just dissapointed that the new Hartsdale E-170 didn't make it. I really would love to see a nice in service shot by Joe Pinto. Maybe next issue ;-) If you don't have a subscribtion, you can order the current (or past) issues from: http://www.fireapparatusjournal.com/ or http://www.fire-police-ems.com/books/bf020809.shtml
  4. Were the extrication tools from the former Pierce Engine 170 moved to current E-169, or kept on the new E-171 to keep it a full spare? Also, what was the disposition of the old E-171?
  5. These photos are being posted by myself and behalf of and with full permission of JJPINTO, who is the photographer of these photos. MANY thanks go out to Joe for sharing these AWESOME, long awaited photos with us! Thanks Joe!!! Once again, these photos are being posted by myself and behalf of and with full permission of JJPINTO, who is the photographer of these photos. THESE PHOTOS ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE EMTBRAVO CONTENT PROTECTION POLICY
  6. I know Larchmont had an ALF Engine on order before all the troubles hit ALF. Is Larchmont FD still expecting delivery from ALF (If so, when), and if not, have they selected another vendor?
  7. Regardless of the path the storm takes, as it has been much debate, the Galveston area is going to get hit hard, and it's going to travel north with it's winds and rain towards Austin. We already have thousands of people evacuating to our area.....EMS calls are up tremendously from normal, and they are housing a large number of special needs evacuees at shelters throughout the area. We could use the rain up here, but I hope that the damage is minimal and no lives are lost. Also, I was just in Galveston on Tuesday. It was a ghosttown. I thought the town was a ghetto, then I realized why all the windows were boarded up, lol!!
  8. Thank You rfdu39 for donation to EMTBravo.net's Operating Fund. One of the biggest problems facing EMTBravo is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, board license fees, etc. Your generosity and donation is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you and your fellow members! Every bit counts and helps tremendously! (This thank you message was automatically generated by our donation system) To donate to EMTBravo's Operating Fund, please click here
  9. In Texas, it's required to at least have an EMT at every game. Then again, HS football down here is a whole 'nother world then up north!
  10. I'm just curious if it was spec'd out with the end-user in mind- the single career firefighter who staffs it. Not trying to create any conterversy, just wanted to know if any of the spec's kept that in mind?
  11. Should I start with all you taught me in EMT-I school, techniques that I still use as a Paramedic today? LOL.
  12. I heard Greenburgh EMS has taken delivery of a new 79 (Greenburgh EMS is the civilian EMS division of Greenburgh PD) I hear it's a Braun on a Chevrolet chasis. Anyone have photos?? Greenburgh ran Chevrolet/Brauns into the late 1990's, when they switched to the Ford chasis. It's cool to hear they are switching back, I'm hearing good things about the Chevrolet chasis. I also hear it's got an updated lettering design. Anyone have any photos??
  13. Cool photos, TR54! And thanks for the info, Ronnie!
  14. I know both PD and EMS use and assign FTO's (Field Training Officers) to train "rookies" or whatever you want to call them. For the fire service, as far as I'm aware, most departments use a "group" approach, which now that I look back at, I don't think it's the best idea. Assigning a specific firefighter who's qualified to be an FTO would give some consistency in training and standards. It works well for PD and EMS, and Comm Centers, so why not FD?
  15. Congrats JBE! Keep up the great work of keeping us informed!!
  16. I thought Tarrytown's old Mack CF went to Mount Vernon FD???
  17. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up if they're looking to catch a hilarious flick......Tropic Thunder, has a GREAT cast and plot. Funny through and through. Really different, kinda paradies and knocks a lot of Hollywood, and the cast really works well together....you wouldn't even know that Tom Cruise is the crazy studio head. His dancing at the end is great....so unexpected from him to be that funny! Side note, on the way to our honeymooon on the flight from Los Angeles to the island of Kaui (northernmost island in the State Of Hawaii), where they shot the movie, I sat next to the propmaster for the movie. When he first started talking to me, I thought he was a crazy......but after a couple of hours, I learned a ton about this movie and Hollywood. I even got a peek at the real script! He had the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) union card. I still have his card and he told me to email him when I saw the movie, and I got a nice little token from the movie and a future invite to a set. Very surreal experience to see this movie on the big screen when I had a lot of behind the scenes scoop! Oh, the movie is about a group making a big budget movie about a war, and end up becoming involved in a war situation themselves. "What do you mean, "you people?" "What do *you* mean, "you people?" Hint, pay attention to the "trailers" at the begining of the movie...... http://www.tropicthunder.com/home.html And don't read this page until you've seen the movie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropic_Thunder
  18. Job security. FULL STORY: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080831/ap_on_...ation_attempt_1
  19. I'm just curious, are there any plans in the works to replace some of Mohegan's older Engines (rescue pumpers), such as Engine 252? Would they be replaced by a similar type apparatus, or would Mohegan go with a true combination rescue pumper, instead of having a structural engine and rescue engine?
  20. While going through some of my things this afternoon, I came across an old Cobra CB radio that I have, which made me wonder. Does any agency still actively monitor CB Channel 9? Do truckers still even actively use CB?
  21. Only a few more hours left to vote for EMTBravo's August 2008 Member of the Month!! Polls close TONIGHT at midnight!!.
  22. Thanks for the info. You'd think that Mohehan's growing, that the fleet would be up to date with it as well, especially with the wear and tear on Mohegan's apparatus. But I guess it's a smart move, since there's more then enough mutual aid apparatus around if needed within a reasonable amount of time.
  23. Seems like a really cool book! Based on Larry Shapiro's past fire service books, I'm looking foward to adding this one to my collection! AVAILABLE FROM: http://www.fire-police-ems.com/books/bf2660.shtml (And Amazon.com)
  24. Just got my copy, and I must say- one of the BEST "General Interest" fire service books I have ever read! Very, very in depth, it gives the reader, who may not be "into" the fire service, a great glimpse at the many facets of the job. Again, I HIGHLY reccomend this book! Great job by Larry Shapiro, also a great collection of photos from various photographers.